Selasa, 10 September 2013

Let my Blanket of Snow Restore You

Let my Blanket of Snow Restore You

When you walk through a forest in winter and look at all the snow that is covering the ground, you may feel cold at first. You look at the snow and how it is covering everything in a thick coat of white, and you begin to wonder where all the life has gone.

My child, perhaps you feel like you are walking through a forest covered in snow in your life right now. However, don't you realize that when the snow comes to cover everything, life is being restored underneath it? As my snow covers the ground, the trees and plants, they are busy resting and soaking up all the goodness there without having to be exposed to the harshness of life.

My child, the snow has not come to make you feel cold and to make you feel down, but to give you a chance to breathe. It has come to restore and to heal all those things that you have had to go through for so long now.

I have sent this season to come and give you a break and give you the chance to rest in my strong, loving and warm arms, says the Lord. So do not look at what is happening on the outside but enjoy what I am doing on the inside. For as the snow covers all the life in you right now, a restoration is taking place that only I can bring about, says the Lord.

So just rest in me as I complete my work. Rejoice in the beauty that winter brings and know that I am your father who will make all things work together for good. AMEN

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