Minggu, 08 September 2013

Your Father

Your Father

My child you are so precious to me. Today I want to remind you that you are my beloved and that I am your father. So many in this world travel near and far to find a father who will love and protect them. However, in me, you will find the father that you are looking for. It is in me that you will find a father that appreciates you and sees the treasure in you.

For many in the world will look over you and not see the treasure and potential that you have. I am not such a father my child. Instead I am a father that sees your worth and that stands ready to invest more into you. I am a father that is ready to give you direction and to help you to your feet.

I have not thrust you into this world to face the storms alone, but I am right by your side to motivate you and also to give you the things that you need to succeed. So see in me the perfect father. See in me the one that understands your cares and always stands ready to show you the way.

My child, I will not overlook you. I do not favor another over you. I will not force you to do things that I am not prepared to anoint you to do! Rather I see the end from the beginning and I have paved the perfect road for you. I have custom made the journey you will travel to bring the best out of you and not the worst.

So run to me then and find the comfort that you need. Find the healing and the encouragement you need in my arms. For I stand at your heart and I knock so that you will let me in. I stand and knock so that you will allow me into the most secret places of your heart. When you let me in and embrace me more than ever before, I will reveal myself to you in new ways and then you will cling to me and I to you. So come then my child. Come to your father and know how much I delight in you, says the Lord. Amen

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