Senin, 30 September 2013

Let Wisdom Bring Color to Your Life

Let Wisdom Bring Color to Your Life

My child, the understanding you have of my word is good. You have been drawing closer to me and you have been getting a picture of the pattern I have for you, says the Lord. However, right now your canvas has got a black and white picture on it and it is time to add some color. It is time to add some life to what you have received. It is time to add some color to this pattern so that it may come to life even now, says the Lord.

So tap into my Spirit, tap into the wisdom that you have inside for when you act in my wisdom and with my love, it is like adding color to a black and white picture. It doesn't necessarily transform the basic look of things but it adds much life and it adds joy. This is what you need right now my child.

You need to take the knowledge and understanding that I have given you and then tap into the power and the anointing of my spirit to allow it to become wisdom so that your picture can be seen and therefore bring much joy not only to you but to those around you as well, says the Lord.

So come to me now and tap into the resources that are found in my Spirit, says the Lord. As you do, you will rise up to a whole new level. AMEN.

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