Rabu, 23 September 2015

A Gift for You Today

A Gift for You Today

I put a diamond ring on your finger this day says the Lord. A symbol of my love for you and the authority that I have given to you in my name. For just as a groom would go out to find the best ring he could for his bride, so also have I reserved the best for you. I have not given you something second hand. I have not given you something that no one wants. Rather I have kept for you the very best and the most beautiful. I have not withheld any of my anointing from you and I have not withheld and of my gifts from you. Instead I lavish you with my love and with every good thing that I have. For it delights me to see you full of joy. It delights me to see you serving me with such passion my child!
In the moments when you served me alone - I saw that! When you paid the price that no one else recognized - I saw that! When you let things go because you knew it would please me - I saw that! I have seen every little desire of your heart and recognized every price you have paid for me. My child - not a single effort has gone unnoticed. So know today that I reward you with my grace and with my authority. I reward you with my love and my approval. You please me and you have served me well.
Know that no matter where you go or what you do, that I will always be with you to open doors and to protect you from harm. So wear my ring proudly! Stand in my grace. Walk in my love. Then when the world looks at you, it will see my face reflected in your expression. They will indeed see the fruit of your travail, but only you and I will know the price it cost you to bring that fruit to maturity says the Lord. Amen

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