Rabu, 23 September 2015

Scaling a Mountain

Scaling a Mountain

When a man scales a mountain, he does not look down to see how far he can fall, but the only way to reach the top, is to keep looking up. The closer it looks, the more encouraged he is to press on forward.

So it is with you my child. Do not focus on your ability to fail, but keep your eyes like a flint and do not be deterred from your goal. When you do that, you will not notice how far you have come, you will only be consumed with how close you are to the top.

Then as you reach forward, you will grab hold of that last rock and lift yourself up. Then you will see just how far you have travelled and how many challenges you have overcome.

In Me, child, you are more than a conqueror. As you take one step a time, you will find me there right beside you. Listen to my voice and you will always find me cheering you on. You will always find me encouraging you. Look ahead child and see and taste the mountain top that is right before you. Amen.

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