Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

Look Ahead

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Look Ahead
Saturday, 23 July, 2016 20:13 Mark as Unread

From: "AMI Prophetic Word" To: "Dave"
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Apostolic Movement International - Hear God's Voice

Look Ahead

My child, look to the promises ahead of you. I have called you and I have promised you this land. Look into the future and look ahead. Don’t focus on everything and every little detail today. Sure, give all you have today. Look into my eyes and walk in wisdom today. But as you walk today, look ahead. If you focus on what is to come and look at my promises, you will run with great zeal. You will accomplish much and you will walk in success, says the Lord.

Focus on what is ahead. Prepare for what lies ahead. Prepare for the promises I have given you instead of getting caught up with what needs to be done today. So, when you put your hand to the plough today, put it there with a vision of what is to come. Plan ahead and allow me to give you wisdom that goes beyond what you need to do today. Think big and look into the future, says the Lord.

I love you so much, my child. I am with you every step of the way. I am always there for you. I have a big plan for your life. As you take my hand and follow me each and every day, you will see that plan unfold more and more. Focus on the calling I have for you, and run toward the prize. Allow me to raise you up to excellence in me.

So take my hand now and look at the promises I have given, says the Lord.

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