Conditioned to Spring Up
A seed when it stretches its
roots cannot be seen by the naked eye. Underneath the surface, it's
roots break through the hard ground and spreads out to look for a
source of water. It takes root in the soil and its progress is slow.
Yet, when it has established
itself, it springs forth above the ground. The strength it took to
spread its roots has been exercised so much, that when it breaks forth,
it does so very quickly.
So you too are changing from a
place unseen to the naked eye. Just as that seed muscled its way in the
hard soil, you too, are being conditioned to shoot up quickly. Do not
despise the limitations and the pressures that surround you then. It is
these very things that are exercising you to shoot up when the
limitations are removed.
Travail and stretch and allow
the pressures to make you into that seed that shoots up before the
naked eye. For, indeed, I am conditioning you to do just that, says the
Lord. Amen.