Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

Throw Away Your Filters

Throw Away Your Filters

Over the course of your walk, you have learned to be cautious. You have been cautious of who and what you open your heart to. But my child, I want you to come to me without any of that caution. In my presence there are pleasures that last forevermore. In my presence there is joy that fully satisfies.
When you are with me, you can open your heart widely and don't have to hold back. So throw away all the different filters you applied in your walk because you tried to protect yourself. My child, I am your protector. I am your lover, and I am your savior. I am with you every day and every step of the road that you walk.
So don’t be afraid and don't filter my love, but open your heart so that it can hit you right at the center and set you free. Amen.

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