Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015

You Are Not Alone

Apostle Colette Toach

You Are Not Alone

When you look at an ant colony, you will notice that each ant has a specific function and purpose. You will also notice that not one of them ever works alone. This is also how the body of Christ is supposed to work, as well. As each one has a unique purpose, ability and calling, it is only in conjunction with others that your true purpose can be revealed.
So look around you, my child. For the vision and passion that I have given you, I have also given to others as well. Don’t be afraid to open your heart, because that may be the way that others will recognize that the same fire that burns in you, burns in them as well.
So open your eyes and find your fellow warriors. There are many mighty men that are waiting to fight the good fight, and take down the kingdom of darkness with you.

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