A Bigger Picture
My child, as you continue on the road that I have called you to, you may at times feel at odds with the people and situations around you. You may feel as if no one understands what I have called you to do, and they may look at you like you are a stranger in a foreign land.But do not be discouraged, because like any puzzle piece, without the other pieces, you cannot even begin to understand what part of the bigger picture you belong to. You have been created with specific grooves and indents that will fit perfectly with other pieces that have been created to fit with you.
So rejoice, and know that you are not meant to be alone. When you meet one of your tribe, one of your fellow puzzle pieces, and you connect in the spirit, you will begin to understand and see that I have called you for a purpose that is far bigger than you can imagine. You are not running this race by yourself, but with others by your side so that together, you can make the impact on the body that I have called you to. Amen.