“There is no other God who can deliver like this.” -DANIEL 3:29
Lord reveals Himself to us when we are at our end, when the fire burns
the hottest. When we have reached the end of ourselves then He
intervenes. He is committed to us there in the fire, because we are
committed to Him outside the fire. As we have stood for His Will and His
Kingdom in a state of universal compromise, darkness, and deception, so
He will stand with us in our state of temptation, testing, and trial.
what end? That the preeminence we have been proclaiming may be
demonstrated. He will rise to the occasion and prove Himself faithful.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
Hidup ini penuh warna, Tuhan yang mengizinkan sesuatu terjadi atas hidup kita agar kita makin bertumbuh di dalam Dia. Hargailah setiap waktu dan kejadian yang terjadi atasmu
Kamis, 28 April 2016
Ride the Wave

Ride the Wave
My child, when a surfer rides a wave, there are periods of great activity, like when he has to paddle to catch the wave, but once he has done that, it is then for him rest and to ride the power of the wave and let it carry him. So it is with you and your journey as well. There are times in your walk with Me that you need to run and work hard, and there are others that you need to know that by resting you will accomplish more than if you strive and push past what I have given you to do.Know that I have every circumstance in the palm of my hand. Know that in the tasks that I have put in your hands to do, there is a time and a place. When it is time to put down your tools, trust that if I ask you to do so, it is time for you to rest, and to see my hand working on your behalf. So enjoy this time, whether it is in work, or whether it is to catch the wave that is before you and to rejoice in the exciting ride that ahead and know that we are doing it together!
Rabu, 27 April 2016
“By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit.” -JOHN 15:8
An orange tree is an orange tree as soon as it is planted, even before it produces fruit. It is not an orange tree because it produces oranges; it produces oranges because it is an orange tree. The fruit is the evidence of what it already is. If it were to suddenly produce rotten apples then we know for certain that it is not what we thought it was. The one who has really been saved will produce “much fruit” and will “walk worthy” of their calling (Ephesians 4:1).
That is to say, the evidence of a “born again” person is not in what they say they believe, but in how they actually live. Even the phrase “born again” indicates more than just a change of heart; it represents a spiritual death, burial, and resurrection; a new life. Thus, no one can be truly “born again” until and unless they embrace the Cross, die with Christ, and are raised to Life in Him.
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit.” -JOHN 15:8
An orange tree is an orange tree as soon as it is planted, even before it produces fruit. It is not an orange tree because it produces oranges; it produces oranges because it is an orange tree. The fruit is the evidence of what it already is. If it were to suddenly produce rotten apples then we know for certain that it is not what we thought it was. The one who has really been saved will produce “much fruit” and will “walk worthy” of their calling (Ephesians 4:1).
That is to say, the evidence of a “born again” person is not in what they say they believe, but in how they actually live. Even the phrase “born again” indicates more than just a change of heart; it represents a spiritual death, burial, and resurrection; a new life. Thus, no one can be truly “born again” until and unless they embrace the Cross, die with Christ, and are raised to Life in Him.
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time
When you look off into the distance and you see the pictures I have painted for you, I know that you get excited and want to run off into the distance. You want to be there already. You look at those ahead of you and you can feel so short next to those who are mighty. Yet, I tell you, do not be discouraged and do not be anxious. You will reach the stars and you will achieve the goals I have given you. Remember that those who are mighty did not become that way overnight. They travelled a journey and so too, you will begin your journey one step at a time.You will travel this road and pick up many pieces of wisdom. You will grow, you will fail, and you will learn. You will find Me every step of the way and rediscover Me afresh, every time you face an obstacle and overcome. I have you in the palm of my hands and I will strengthen you. As you take each step on this journey child, you are becoming stronger than you realize. I am making you and I will continue to guide your path.
So do not be anxious, but take the small steps right in front of you, for these small steps are what will lead to the big doors in your future. Start today, child and focus on the one step I have for you. Amen.
“He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.” -2 CORINTHIANS 5:15
Not I, but Christ. That is the goal, and the Cross is where the process begins. The crucifixion of Christ is inexorably, inescapably linked to the crucifixion of the disciple. It cannot be otherwise. This is where everything that is Christ’s becomes ours as well. On the Cross the two are made one, and the destiny of the One is linked forever with the destiny of the Many.
There in the Cross the Head is joined to the many members of the Body; the Vine is made one with the many branches. “He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him” (1 Corinthians 6:17). Where are they joined? At the Cross. Paul was not there physically when Christ was crucified; yet Paul says, “I am crucified with Christ.” Obviously this is a spiritual union, a spiritual oneness.
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.” -2 CORINTHIANS 5:15
Not I, but Christ. That is the goal, and the Cross is where the process begins. The crucifixion of Christ is inexorably, inescapably linked to the crucifixion of the disciple. It cannot be otherwise. This is where everything that is Christ’s becomes ours as well. On the Cross the two are made one, and the destiny of the One is linked forever with the destiny of the Many.
There in the Cross the Head is joined to the many members of the Body; the Vine is made one with the many branches. “He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him” (1 Corinthians 6:17). Where are they joined? At the Cross. Paul was not there physically when Christ was crucified; yet Paul says, “I am crucified with Christ.” Obviously this is a spiritual union, a spiritual oneness.
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
Minggu, 24 April 2016
Hold on to Me

Hold on to Me
My child, no matter what season you are going through at the moment, know that my hand is upon you. No matter whether you are walking through the valley of doubt, or you are walking on the green meadows, know that I am with you.I will never leave you nor forsake you, and I have a purpose for each journey you undertake. If you are walking through the desert, you can rest assured that I will supply you with enough water. If you are walking through a dark valley, rest assured that my presence is like a light even in all the difficulty. I am always there for you my child, and I am reaching out to you even now, says the Lord.
Take my hand and follow Me. Take my hand and trust in Me. Take my hand and rest in Me, says the Lord. You are so very important to Me and I have a plan beyond what you can see with your eyes right now. I have something magnificent in store for you and I am ready to take you to new heights in Me, says the Lord.
So just hold on to Me and revel in the power of my presence. Amen.
I Am Your Everything

I Am Your Everything
My child, I am the answer to everything you wonder about. At times itÕs so easy to run in many different directions, trying to make the right decision and trying to do the right thing. My child, the answer for each of your decisions lies in me. I know whatÕs best for you, and I know the path I have paved for you! So run to me and build your relationship with me. No matter what pressure situation you are in, come to me with your questions and with your decisions. I will show you the way and I will give you the wisdom you need in each situation. I desire to walk with you and be with you every second of your day.Take my hand and draw from the strength and wisdom found in my presence. I will walk with you and give you what you need, when you need it, says the Lord.
So just hold on to Me and revel in the power of my presence. Amen.
“When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, ‘It is finished!’ And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.” -JOHN 19:30
The phrase “it is finished” here is a single word in the Greek: teleō. It means, “paid in full,” which certainly confirms that Christ has paid the debt of our sins in full. But teleō also means the process is completed; the work is fulfilled; in other words, “I have accomplished the purpose for which I came.” God is wholly and completely satisfied forever by the one sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. May we never be satisfied with anything less.
Let us lay hold of the complete victory afforded us through Calvary! Let us endeavor to enter into the height, depth, length, width, and breadth of this Cross of Jesus Christ!
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, ‘It is finished!’ And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.” -JOHN 19:30
The phrase “it is finished” here is a single word in the Greek: teleō. It means, “paid in full,” which certainly confirms that Christ has paid the debt of our sins in full. But teleō also means the process is completed; the work is fulfilled; in other words, “I have accomplished the purpose for which I came.” God is wholly and completely satisfied forever by the one sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. May we never be satisfied with anything less.
Let us lay hold of the complete victory afforded us through Calvary! Let us endeavor to enter into the height, depth, length, width, and breadth of this Cross of Jesus Christ!
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“Always learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” -2 TIMOTHY 3:7
If in our quest for spiritual growth our idea is only to learn a few facts about the Bible, glean tidbits of information from this preacher and that teacher, fill our brains with facts and fill our libraries with more books and magazines, we run the risk of fooling ourselves into thinking that we know and understand God – when it could be that we are ever learning “truths” without knowing the Truth.
Have you met someone like this? They seem to have all the right answers, but they have the wrong spirit. They tenaciously cling to their minute opinions and cannot be persuaded otherwise. Their knowledge has not changed them, except to make them worse: for now they are puffed up in the vanity of their own mind (1 Corinthians 8:1,2). True spiritual growth is characterized by grace (not works) and an increased knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). And, we maintain that this knowledge of Jesus Christ cannot be obtained by study, but is only granted by way of revelation.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“Always learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” -2 TIMOTHY 3:7
If in our quest for spiritual growth our idea is only to learn a few facts about the Bible, glean tidbits of information from this preacher and that teacher, fill our brains with facts and fill our libraries with more books and magazines, we run the risk of fooling ourselves into thinking that we know and understand God – when it could be that we are ever learning “truths” without knowing the Truth.
Have you met someone like this? They seem to have all the right answers, but they have the wrong spirit. They tenaciously cling to their minute opinions and cannot be persuaded otherwise. Their knowledge has not changed them, except to make them worse: for now they are puffed up in the vanity of their own mind (1 Corinthians 8:1,2). True spiritual growth is characterized by grace (not works) and an increased knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). And, we maintain that this knowledge of Jesus Christ cannot be obtained by study, but is only granted by way of revelation.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
The Diamond in You

The Diamond in You
Look at a diamond in the rough, it does not look much different from a rock that you find outside. There is nothing significant about it. Yet, when it undergoes the pressure of the diamond cutter, it can be cut into the most beautiful gem in the world.It can be the same with you, my child. That is how I hide my treasures in earthen vessels. There is so much potential in you, so many good things that I have put in you. However, many times those treasures cannot be seen without first undergoing some pressure and fire from Me.
Allow my hands to smooth out the rough edges. Allow Me to shape you and bring out the gems in you. You have all the material and DNA that you need, yet, it is my hand that shapes and molds you into the vessel that I need. I will cut away the dross and bring out the beauty. So do not be afraid to go through the fire, to be cut, and to be shaped. For through that fire, you will be transformed into the diamond that does not have the rough edges, but stands out in glory. Amen.
“In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him.” -COLOSSIANS 2:9,10
I am afraid that we do not truly appreciate the fact that God has never given us THINGS, but has summed up everything into Christ, having poured Himself into His Son. Having the Son, possessing the Son, being one with the Son, we have and possess everything God is. It never has been a question of seeking ten, one hundred, or one thousand different things from God.
If we do not know from our experience, we should at least know from the Scriptures, that CHRIST IS THE GIFT OF GOD. Then our experience will come into line with God’s Thought. If you are used to seeking spiritual “things” (love, joy, peace, anointing, power, blessing, etc.) then this message is particularly for you, but we all stand to benefit from being reminded constantly that Christ is God’s One Gift.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him.” -COLOSSIANS 2:9,10
I am afraid that we do not truly appreciate the fact that God has never given us THINGS, but has summed up everything into Christ, having poured Himself into His Son. Having the Son, possessing the Son, being one with the Son, we have and possess everything God is. It never has been a question of seeking ten, one hundred, or one thousand different things from God.
If we do not know from our experience, we should at least know from the Scriptures, that CHRIST IS THE GIFT OF GOD. Then our experience will come into line with God’s Thought. If you are used to seeking spiritual “things” (love, joy, peace, anointing, power, blessing, etc.) then this message is particularly for you, but we all stand to benefit from being reminded constantly that Christ is God’s One Gift.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Jumat, 22 April 2016
Stand as a Victor

Stand as a Victor
Sometimes when you have been fighting on the battlefield, all you see is the grit and grime of war. However, take a moment to come into my presence and see the battle from my perspective. Come into my arms and see all the obstacles before you as specks of dust. There is no problem that is too big for Me to handle and there is no situation that my wisdom cannot touch. See that your enemies have already been defeated, and that you stand as a victor on the battlefield.So see the battle with my eyes. See that the armor that you have been given is strong and that your sword is sharp. Let yourself be filled with the knowledge that you come to the battle as a conqueror, and that you go with all of the armies of heaven at your side. There is nothing that you cannot overcome in Me, so see your circumstances as ones that you can call into line and that the outcome of each and every battle is victory!
So walk out onto the battlefield with my strength and boldness. Walk forward knowing that the enemies before you are already defeated. See the land that you will take away from the enemy before you and rejoice!
My Strength Prevails

My Strength Prevails
Even though you feel so incapable and feel like you have reached the end of what you can do, donÕt be discouraged, my child. In fact, now is the time for you to rejoice and hold on to Me. Now is the time for you to rush into my arms and allow Me to refresh you. Now is the time for you to learn and understand what itÕs like to walk in my strength and power, says the Lord. So instead of trying harder and striving to reach a goal, my child, take my hand and rest in my strength! I love you so much and I have the perfect road planned out for you. I have wisdom that I want to pour into you, and I have ideas that I want to give you, says the Lord.Come to Me afresh and allow Me to reach deep inside your heart. Allow Me to pick you up and propel you forward. For I have called you to do what I can do through you, not to do what you can do through you! I am the beginning and the end of everything you do.
Just allow Me to meet every need in your heart and allow Me to paint a new picture of where you are going, says the Lord. Stand in my strength and go and change this world in my name. Amen!
“You were... buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him.” -COLOSSIANS 2:12
We can talk about the forces of nature, observe its effects, and sometimes even predict what it will do; but we cannot control it nor do anything about it. Similarly, we can observe the spiritual truths, principles, and laws that make up the Heavenly Order, but we cannot control them or manipulate them to achieve our own ends. In actual experience the invisible seasons of spiritual growth may not be so cut and dry as the visible elements of our world.
Our spiritual journey will probably not correspond with the timely arrangement of the natural seasons. But the periods of life, death, burial, and resurrection in our spiritual walk are as vital to our spiritual growth as the four seasons are necessary to the life of creation. The Heavenly Order exists for our continued spiritual growth and maturity.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“You were... buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him.” -COLOSSIANS 2:12
We can talk about the forces of nature, observe its effects, and sometimes even predict what it will do; but we cannot control it nor do anything about it. Similarly, we can observe the spiritual truths, principles, and laws that make up the Heavenly Order, but we cannot control them or manipulate them to achieve our own ends. In actual experience the invisible seasons of spiritual growth may not be so cut and dry as the visible elements of our world.
Our spiritual journey will probably not correspond with the timely arrangement of the natural seasons. But the periods of life, death, burial, and resurrection in our spiritual walk are as vital to our spiritual growth as the four seasons are necessary to the life of creation. The Heavenly Order exists for our continued spiritual growth and maturity.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
Rabu, 20 April 2016
“Jesus said to him, ‘Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things?’” -JOHN 3:10
When you read the Gospels two things become quite clear. First, Jesus is undeniably, unquestionably GOD IN THE FLESH, Wholly Other. Second, the more religious you are, the less likely it is that you will see, recognize, and appreciate Him for Who He really is.
Sinners, on the other hand, had little trouble recognizing Him. The Samaritan woman may have been a despised outsider to the Jew’s system of religion, but it only took her a few minutes to realize that she had found the Messiah. The Roman centurion, an unworthy Gentile, nevertheless knew where to go when his servant was sick, and Jesus said this man’s faith was greater than anyone in Israel. The Syrophoenician woman had enough faith to ask Jesus for only a few crumbs from the table, and even though she was technically not a Jew, Jesus gave her everything she asked for. Yes, Jesus was indeed a friend of sinners, publicans, tax collectors, and women caught in adultery.
Source:“Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“Jesus said to him, ‘Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things?’” -JOHN 3:10
When you read the Gospels two things become quite clear. First, Jesus is undeniably, unquestionably GOD IN THE FLESH, Wholly Other. Second, the more religious you are, the less likely it is that you will see, recognize, and appreciate Him for Who He really is.
Sinners, on the other hand, had little trouble recognizing Him. The Samaritan woman may have been a despised outsider to the Jew’s system of religion, but it only took her a few minutes to realize that she had found the Messiah. The Roman centurion, an unworthy Gentile, nevertheless knew where to go when his servant was sick, and Jesus said this man’s faith was greater than anyone in Israel. The Syrophoenician woman had enough faith to ask Jesus for only a few crumbs from the table, and even though she was technically not a Jew, Jesus gave her everything she asked for. Yes, Jesus was indeed a friend of sinners, publicans, tax collectors, and women caught in adultery.
Source:“Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“[God] raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” -EPHESIANS 2:6
Just as certainly as the Vine was crucified, dead, buried, resurrected, ascended and seated, so the Branches were crucified, dead, buried, resurrected, ascended and seated. The whole issue is: will we abide in the Vine and share in the overcoming, or not? Overcoming is bound up with abiding. The Lord says, “Live in Me, and I will live in you.”
Now the Lord says that overcomers will sit with Him in His throne. How is that possible? Because we are in Him, and He is in us: “He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him” (1 Corinthians 6:17), and “The two shall become one” (1 Corinthians 6:16).
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“[God] raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” -EPHESIANS 2:6
Just as certainly as the Vine was crucified, dead, buried, resurrected, ascended and seated, so the Branches were crucified, dead, buried, resurrected, ascended and seated. The whole issue is: will we abide in the Vine and share in the overcoming, or not? Overcoming is bound up with abiding. The Lord says, “Live in Me, and I will live in you.”
Now the Lord says that overcomers will sit with Him in His throne. How is that possible? Because we are in Him, and He is in us: “He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him” (1 Corinthians 6:17), and “The two shall become one” (1 Corinthians 6:16).
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Run for the Prize

Run for the Prize
My child, when you started this journey, I know that you had no idea what you would encounter, and how difficult it would be, or how many challenges you would face. However, as you faced each day in weakness and with your face set as flint toward the goal set before you, you have climbed mountains, crossed deserts, and have overcome obstacles you would have never imagined.My child, do not be discouraged or do not get weary, for if you take a moment to look behind you, you will discover that you have come so much farther than you could have thought possible. This is because you have trusted in Me and you have trusted in my ability to get you through. So continue to run this race before you with joy, with passion and with abandon.
Run for the prize, and know that I am at your side, every step of the way. No matter where this journey takes you keep your eyes focused on Me, and know that my strength and wisdom are available to you any time you need it. Let us continue to take the land, together!
Simple Joy
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Simple Joys
Tuesday, 19 April, 2016 12:40 Mark as Unread
From: "AMI Prophetic Word"
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Apostolic Movement International - Hear God's Voice

Simple Joy
My child, when you have been working and laboring with all the tasks and responsibilities that are in your hands, it is easy to get so caught up in the work that you forget to enjoy the richness and abundance of the blessings that I have put all around you. Though you may not recognize it, but there are pockets of refreshment, joy and blessing that I have put right in front of you. Do not let the enemy fool you into being overwhelmed. Open your eyes to my presence, and my hand in your life and circumstances.
Open your eyes to the flowers that I have put in your path, and enjoy their scent. Breathe in the fresh air of my presence and see the blessing in the simplest of actions. For each and every day, I wish you to know that I am with you, that I love you, and there is no greater gift that you can give Me each and every day than your heart. When you come to see Me in everything that you do, none of your tasks is up to you, but you can do everything with my strength, my wisdom, my passion and my joy.
So stop for a moment, and feel me right next to you. See Me at every turn, and experience my love for you and be filled to overflowing!

Simple Joy
My child, when you have been working and laboring with all the tasks and responsibilities that are in your hands, it is easy to get so caught up in the work that you forget to enjoy the richness and abundance of the blessings that I have put all around you. Though you may not recognize it, but there are pockets of refreshment, joy and blessing that I have put right in front of you. Do not let the enemy fool you into being overwhelmed. Open your eyes to my presence, and my hand in your life and circumstances.
Open your eyes to the flowers that I have put in your path, and enjoy their scent. Breathe in the fresh air of my presence and see the blessing in the simplest of actions. For each and every day, I wish you to know that I am with you, that I love you, and there is no greater gift that you can give Me each and every day than your heart. When you come to see Me in everything that you do, none of your tasks is up to you, but you can do everything with my strength, my wisdom, my passion and my joy.
So stop for a moment, and feel me right next to you. See Me at every turn, and experience my love for you and be filled to overflowing!
“[God] has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” -EPHESIANS 1:3
All we have and all that we are as Christians is based upon our union with Christ. Apart from Him, we have nothing, and we are nothing. But in Him we are blessed with every spiritual blessing.
Think upon the ramifications of that. If this is true then we have very little to ask God for, and very much to praise God about.
Source:“Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“[God] has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” -EPHESIANS 1:3
All we have and all that we are as Christians is based upon our union with Christ. Apart from Him, we have nothing, and we are nothing. But in Him we are blessed with every spiritual blessing.
Think upon the ramifications of that. If this is true then we have very little to ask God for, and very much to praise God about.
Source:“Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Senin, 18 April 2016
“I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one.” -JOHN 17:23
When a symphony performs, each musician has something different to contribute. The title of each piece of music is the same, but there are many different parts that make up that one piece. A musician may be an extremely talented soloist, but playing in harmony with others requires a great deal of practice, preparation and group rehearsal. It also requires each musician to submit to the direction of the conductor. If that means playing “second fiddle” then so be it. Working together takes time and patience – two things that most people do not have an abundance of.
I trust you can see that even in this simple illustration, pride, egotism, and an unwillingness to work with others disqualifies even the greatest musicians from becoming viable members of a symphony. Christ, the Master Conductor, seeks a spiritual harmony among all His disciples: “that they all may be one… that they also may be one in Us” (John 17:21).
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one.” -JOHN 17:23
When a symphony performs, each musician has something different to contribute. The title of each piece of music is the same, but there are many different parts that make up that one piece. A musician may be an extremely talented soloist, but playing in harmony with others requires a great deal of practice, preparation and group rehearsal. It also requires each musician to submit to the direction of the conductor. If that means playing “second fiddle” then so be it. Working together takes time and patience – two things that most people do not have an abundance of.
I trust you can see that even in this simple illustration, pride, egotism, and an unwillingness to work with others disqualifies even the greatest musicians from becoming viable members of a symphony. Christ, the Master Conductor, seeks a spiritual harmony among all His disciples: “that they all may be one… that they also may be one in Us” (John 17:21).
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“[Paul and Barnabas] returned… strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, ‘We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.’ -ACTS 14:22
Our idea of overcoming is to avoid tribulation, not pass through it. We certainly do not connect entering the Kingdom with going through tribulation. We think having the victory means eliminating all tribulation. Nothing could be further from the truth.
In order to enter the Kingdom there must be an increase of Christ and a decrease of Self. This is an ongoing process, and by it we judge how far along the Path we have progressed.
But how is Self decreased? The answer is in our circumstances and trials. They are sufficient to decrease us. We need not do anything but wait for them to come, and see them as our opportunity to have Self decreased and Christ increased.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“[Paul and Barnabas] returned… strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, ‘We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.’ -ACTS 14:22
Our idea of overcoming is to avoid tribulation, not pass through it. We certainly do not connect entering the Kingdom with going through tribulation. We think having the victory means eliminating all tribulation. Nothing could be further from the truth.
In order to enter the Kingdom there must be an increase of Christ and a decrease of Self. This is an ongoing process, and by it we judge how far along the Path we have progressed.
But how is Self decreased? The answer is in our circumstances and trials. They are sufficient to decrease us. We need not do anything but wait for them to come, and see them as our opportunity to have Self decreased and Christ increased.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
Keep Running the Race

Keep Running the Race
When you have been running for a while, it is easy to get weary. Your muscles ache, your lungs burn, and you feel that you can't go on. It is when you are most tired that the enemy can put the smallest stone in your path and it would be easy to trip. However, my child, you were never meant to run this race alone.In your weakness, you have the chance to see my hand giving you strength. When you lean on me, you will feel me at your back guiding you and supporting you. When you give me license in your life, watch as I organize circumstances and situations so that everything the enemy uses for evil, will be used for my glory.
So do not focus on your weariness, but turn your eyes to me, and know that it is in my presence that you will find strength not only to just continue, but to run ahead with all the passion and fire that i have put inside of you. Lift your head and know that I am at your side, every step of the way.
“If we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection.” -ROMANS 6:5
It is impossible for us to take up the Cross and not be resurrected. I am almost afraid to make it so plain lest we fail to appreciate its mystery, but it is all there in the Scriptures. We cannot ascend until we have first descended.
Can we embrace the Cross, and love the hands that nail us to it, and hold nothing against the One Who put us there? Can we commit our spirit into His hands and give up Self, looking beyond the present suffering to see the joy that is set before us? This is the way of the Overcomers.
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“If we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection.” -ROMANS 6:5
It is impossible for us to take up the Cross and not be resurrected. I am almost afraid to make it so plain lest we fail to appreciate its mystery, but it is all there in the Scriptures. We cannot ascend until we have first descended.
Can we embrace the Cross, and love the hands that nail us to it, and hold nothing against the One Who put us there? Can we commit our spirit into His hands and give up Self, looking beyond the present suffering to see the joy that is set before us? This is the way of the Overcomers.
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
A Road for You

A Road for You
The road I have paved for you, my child, is a road that is very unique, says the Lord. I have paved it especially for you and I am giving you what you need to run this specific race. Your road, and that of your brother and sister won't be the same. I have placed a specific call on your life and I have a journey for you to walk so that you can fulfill that call.So just take my hand afresh right now, and let me take you through this one step at a time. At times you might not know what's going on. At times, you might feel shaken and directionless. At times the fact that the road is going up will cost you every last drop of sweat.
However, I am with you and I know that you can do it! My yoke is easy and my burden is light, says the Lord. So just trust in me anew this day, says the Lord. For your road is your road. I will not cause any harm to come to you. I will make sure that every stumbling block or even little pebble in the road is removed!
I have got my hand of protection on you and I am seeing you through to the end!
“Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.” -JOHN 12:24
Everything accomplished by way of the Cross brings the fullness of Christ and His Irresistible Kingdom into the heart of every person who believes that He “has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3). This great Gift of Christ has been deposited into the depth of the disciple the same way as a precious seed is buried into the soil. Contained within that seed is a bountiful harvest of rich fruit. But one does not plant a seed on Sunday morning and expect to find fruit on Monday.
The seed must surrender itself to the process of growth before it can mature into something that bears fruit. This amounts to a death, burial, and resurrection.
Source:“The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.” -JOHN 12:24
Everything accomplished by way of the Cross brings the fullness of Christ and His Irresistible Kingdom into the heart of every person who believes that He “has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3). This great Gift of Christ has been deposited into the depth of the disciple the same way as a precious seed is buried into the soil. Contained within that seed is a bountiful harvest of rich fruit. But one does not plant a seed on Sunday morning and expect to find fruit on Monday.
The seed must surrender itself to the process of growth before it can mature into something that bears fruit. This amounts to a death, burial, and resurrection.
Source:“The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
Fight With Faith

Fight With Faith
My child, perhaps you have thought that there is no reason to go on. Maybe you have experienced rejection after rejection, failure after failure. No matter what you do, you just cannot seem to find peace.Do not grow weary, my love. You are doing great! I have not asked you to run a perfect race. I have not asked you to get everything right. I simply want to see in you a heart that serves and loves Me.
Hold on and fight the good fight of faith. Trust Me to deliver you from the bondages of sin and death. DonÕt give up! I desire to send you to set the captives free and to shout my name on the rooftops, declaring that I have done the impossible in your life, says the Lord.
There is Water in the Desert

There is Water in the Desert
In the desert there is very little rainfall, which means there is not much vegetation or life. This is what you know as a dry and barren land. This land is infertile and desolate. It has a feeling of hopelessness and defeat.
Yet, my child, I am here to remind you that I have made a way in the wilderness. I have brought water to the desert. Perhaps you are facing such a situation where you feel that everything is dry, barren, and hopeless.
However, look to Me and remember what I have done for you. My love, I have brought food for you to eat and water for you drink. I have replaced infertility with fertility, and hopelessness with victory.
It is time for you to stand on the land that appears to be barren and call those things that are not as though they were. Call the waters to spring forth. Call the rain to fall once again. It is time to walk in the inheritance that I have prepared for you, says the Lord.
“Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” -ROMANS 6:11
We do not reckon something to be so after we see it happen, but before we see it happen. What happens if, right after we reckon ourselves dead to sin, we fall back into sin? Does this nullify the Word of God? Does this make God a liar? We can become disappointed and quit (which is what most people do), or we can repent and go right back to reckoning.
Here’s what happens: God rewards our reckoning. He delights to see us believing in His Word when it seems impossible! And so He says, “Very well, you have believed having not seen; now you will begin to see the truth of what you have been reckoning!” And eventually we begin to see that our reckoning begins to produce fruit. Sin will be broken, not just in theory, but in actual practice. Victory will be ours, not just in principle, but in fact.
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” -ROMANS 6:11
We do not reckon something to be so after we see it happen, but before we see it happen. What happens if, right after we reckon ourselves dead to sin, we fall back into sin? Does this nullify the Word of God? Does this make God a liar? We can become disappointed and quit (which is what most people do), or we can repent and go right back to reckoning.
Here’s what happens: God rewards our reckoning. He delights to see us believing in His Word when it seems impossible! And so He says, “Very well, you have believed having not seen; now you will begin to see the truth of what you have been reckoning!” And eventually we begin to see that our reckoning begins to produce fruit. Sin will be broken, not just in theory, but in actual practice. Victory will be ours, not just in principle, but in fact.
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Jumat, 15 April 2016
“Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” -LUKE 10:41,42
This One Thing relates to Christ filling all things as the Preeminent One. If we see that God is working all things together according to this Purpose of summing up everything into Christ, towards the One Thing, then we will naturally seek those things which are conducive to this, and we will naturally shun those things which are not.
Later we see Martha continues serving, but everything is all right – there is no complaining about Mary, and everything seems to go on as it should. It is not that service, fellowship, or preparing meals is a bad thing: it simply has to be in the right order. It is not that we cannot perform many good works and spiritual duties, but the work of the Lord must never have preeminence over the Lord of the work.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” -LUKE 10:41,42
This One Thing relates to Christ filling all things as the Preeminent One. If we see that God is working all things together according to this Purpose of summing up everything into Christ, towards the One Thing, then we will naturally seek those things which are conducive to this, and we will naturally shun those things which are not.
Later we see Martha continues serving, but everything is all right – there is no complaining about Mary, and everything seems to go on as it should. It is not that service, fellowship, or preparing meals is a bad thing: it simply has to be in the right order. It is not that we cannot perform many good works and spiritual duties, but the work of the Lord must never have preeminence over the Lord of the work.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Pouring Out Your Love

Pouring Out Your Love
My child, when you are at your lowest, and you think that you have nothing to give, realize that despite feeling completely empty, you have Me to offer to others. Inside of you are rivers of living water that does not take great skill, talent or ability to be able to pour out.I just need your heart to see the needs around you, and your availability. So take a look around, and see that the world is dying all around you, and that you have such an abundance of what the world needs.
You know my love, my strength, my grace, and my joy and my peace. These are things that can surely be shared when you open your heart to pour out what you have been so freely given. So open your eyes to see those that are hurting, that are desperate and are dying. Know that the love that you know, is meant to be poured out of your abundance. So take courage, and stand in boldness. Take the risk to share your heart, and your passion with those around you, and watch as I am able to touch the hearts of the people through you!
Three Lessons From the Farmer About Faith
Three Lessons From the Farmer About Faith
Before we get to today's post, I want to invite you to join me for a Facebook Live Q&A today at 8 pm EST on my Facebook page. This will be the first of many to come, where I'll answer YOUR questions about some of my favorite topics: ministry, church planting, grace, friendship, and whatever else YOU want to talk about. Today's topic: church planting. All you have to do to participate is like my Facebook page, watch along, and type in your questions in the comment box as we go. I'm so excited about this! Who's in? Let me know if you plan to join the conversation!My brother-in-law Travis, a farmer, daily dips his hands in the fertile south Texas soil that is his family’s very provision. In the current season, the realized hope of summer harvest has past, and the remnants of harvested crops have been destroyed, and now the soil he sifts in his hands has once again taken center stage. He, along with his farmer-father and his farmer-uncles, has already turned, tilled, leveled, and molded the soil into neat rows and borders, preparing ready receptacles for seeds. These February days are for fertilizing — acres and acres must be covered, and then acres and acres must be implanted with various species of seeds: sorghum, sugar cane, cotton, sesame, or cabbage.
work — the daily wrestling with the soil — is circadian and perennial
yet has only ever just begun. After planting, they will scrupulously
monitor the soil, coaxing it with aeration, searching it for even the
smallest of weeds, scrutinizing it for signs of pests or worms. And then
they will wait, giving time and space for the sun and the rain and the
mysterious and miraculous work of seeds becoming sprouts becoming
A farmer, perhaps more than most, knows something about faith.
Lessons from the Farmer
no wonder that Scripture encourages us to look to the farmer as an
example. When Paul tells Timothy to be strong in the grace of Christ, he
points specifically toward the hard-working farmer (2 Timothy 2:6).
When he exhorts the Galatian churches toward endurance, he speaks of
perennial planting and patient waiting for an inevitable harvest (Galatians 6:9).
my own life, I recognize my need to look to the farmer. I find myself
more often growing weary in doing good as I plant and wait for growth
and harvest. My husband and I have been married and in ministry for 16
years. We have parented for 13, with 14 years of intense parenting left
to go. We’re completing our eighth year of planting and growing a
church, and I’m staring ahead at years of more cultivating, weeding, and
watering. I feel like a farmer who has enjoyed a good crop but who is
looking at bare fields, preparing to start the planting cycle all over
times, I feel trapped by the everydayness of life and how much work
there is yet to do. I stand with the soil cupped in my hands, wondering
if my labor matters or will amount to anything in the end. How do I
continue in all God has called me to do without growing weary,
especially when the work is demanding and the harvest appears so far
into the future?
I look to the farmer for answers.
A Farmer Has an Unwavering Commitment to the Harvest
tells me that farming is a way of life, a lifelong commitment. It’s not
a typical job, he says, where you can give your two weeks notice and
walk away. When you farm, you’re connected to a specific land, and
you’ve invested in expensive equipment, a community, and oftentimes to
previous generations of your family who have farmed before you. In other
words, there is a deep-roots, big picture perspective required. The big
picture is this: The farmer is covenanted to his work for a lifetime,
and he works his land with the yearly harvest ever before him. Every
investment in equipment, every decision regarding the precise planting
time, every weed uprooted — all of it is done with the harvest in mind.
reminds me that I too am called to a lifelong commitment to the
harvest, and this lifelong commitment is played out in everyday small
acts of devotion. A lifelong commitment entails unrelenting hard work
with brief moments of harvest. I’ve believed the opposite about the
Christian life — that short-term hard work would produce an unending
harvest. I suppose I prefer a simpler, more glamorous way, but Scripture
never portrays the Christian life this way. At its very center is a
commitment to self-death — to a deep-root, big picture where instant
growth, instant fruit, instant reward can never be the goal but rather a
steady pace over the long haul.
A Farmer Lives and Works by Faith
is backbreaking work, dirty work, detailed work, and, most of all, it
is risky work. There aren’t any guarantees. A few years ago, Travis
reminds me, when the crop stood beautiful and bountiful in the fields,
ready for harvest, a hurricane blew through the Rio Grande Valley and
wiped it away entirely. All that labor, all that grime, all that
waiting, for nothing.
is the point? Why would we invest everything in a risky venture? We
might ask this, thinking of our own lives and our own efforts to produce
a spiritual harvest and have seemingly harvested nothing or been wiped
out entirely.
farmer looks at his failed crop as a tangible reminder that the harvest
inevitably belongs to the Lord. The farmer must be faithful to lay the
groundwork for the harvest, but the harvest cannot be forced; it can
only happen through the Lord’s providence.
tells me of his cautious optimism as the harvest approaches each year,
how at the last minute the weather can change, and how there is nothing
he can do to protect his crop. He draws the connection for me to the
Christian life:
It’s like parenting. I’m parenting my kids over a long period of time, and there are little moments that show me I’m on the right track, but I know I won’t see the full reward until the end. Even then, I may not see the reward that I want to see. As in farming, however, there are steps you have to faithfully take to get to the harvest. There are things that pop up in the growing season that aren’t helpful or what you want to see. We get rain that we don’t want on the crops. I’ve learned not to go look at the crops on the day it rains, because that’s when it looks the worst. It’s never as bad as we thought after we come through it, though, and even what doesn’t look good is working toward the end goal of the harvest. In the end, no matter what the crop looks like, we have to trust God that he’s going to take care of us.
focus on fruitfulness is a frustrating endeavor; to work in faith is
all we are asked to do. And it’s really all we can do. Our lives, like
the farmer’s, are ongoing and various exercises in learning to trust God
despite what we can see today.
A Farmer Enjoys a Unique Reward
ask Travis if he thinks about the harvest every day. He says most days
he does. On the days when you’re knee-deep in manure? “Yes.” When the
irrigation line bursts? “Yes.” When you’re working sun-up to sun-down in
the summer? “Yes, especially then. It’s the time of the year that we
work the hardest, but it’s the most satisfying. You’ve made it another
year, you’ve grown another crop. It’s financially rewarding, but it’s
also the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve put it into the ground and
you’ve harvested it.”
reward is always in sight. There is joy in the harvest, and the
greatest satisfaction belongs to the one who carefully cultivated it all
along the way. The hard-working farmer, as Paul says in 2 Timothy 2:6,
is the one “who ought to have the first share of the crops.” I’ve taken
that to mean that the farmer eats of his labor, but, in talking to
Travis, I see that it means so much more.
results from his long-term faithfulness. He is content in his work and
in seeing what it’s produced over the years. He has learned the secret
joy of trusting in God’s providence and experiencing his constant
goodness. But there is also joy for Travis in what he cannot see. He
explains how one tiny seed becomes a huge plant that produces a
thousandfold of seeds. The harvest multiplies itself and goes out into
the world in a way that he will never see with his own eyes. But because
he can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.
our work and in our weariness, let us look to the farmer. Let us keep
the deep-root, big picture in mind. If we don’t give up, one day we will
enjoy the final harvest and its bountiful rewards. Unlike our farming
friends, this harvest, one cultivated by faith, is absolutely guaranteed.
“Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” -MATTHEW 6:10
The chief objective of prayer is to bring us into cooperation with the Father so that we are harmonious with Him – with respect to our love relationship as well as our working relationship. Much time and effort in prayer is spent trying to get God involved with OUR agenda, with OUR plans, with OUR goals, with OUR cause, with OUR needs, real or imagined. But after all, who is the Master? Who is the servant? Whose will are we seeking anyway: ours, or His?
If our agenda is not harmonious with His then our agenda has to go. Most of our prayers are simply too small, too narrow-minded, and too constricted. We do not see anything beyond our present surroundings. We have not seen the big picture. We do not have a heavenly perspective. So to begin with we must empty ourselves of all preconceived ideas and seek the Lord’s Will and the Lord’s Kingdom when we pray, for this truly honors the Father.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” -MATTHEW 6:10
The chief objective of prayer is to bring us into cooperation with the Father so that we are harmonious with Him – with respect to our love relationship as well as our working relationship. Much time and effort in prayer is spent trying to get God involved with OUR agenda, with OUR plans, with OUR goals, with OUR cause, with OUR needs, real or imagined. But after all, who is the Master? Who is the servant? Whose will are we seeking anyway: ours, or His?
If our agenda is not harmonious with His then our agenda has to go. Most of our prayers are simply too small, too narrow-minded, and too constricted. We do not see anything beyond our present surroundings. We have not seen the big picture. We do not have a heavenly perspective. So to begin with we must empty ourselves of all preconceived ideas and seek the Lord’s Will and the Lord’s Kingdom when we pray, for this truly honors the Father.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
The Plant That Thrives

The Plant That Thrives
Allow Me to water you daily, and not just when you are completely empty. Look at a plant that a person cherishes and cares for. They water the plant daily so that it may grow to be healthy and green and lush. Its leaves are bright green and perky.Compare that to watering a plant only when it is completely thirsty and withered away. You can pour a good amount of water into it to revive it back to life, however, it is never in a good state. If you continue in this way, the plant is never healthy, but always just surviving.
It is the same with you. I donÕt want you to just survive. I donÕt want to only revive you. I want you to thrive. I want your leaves never to wither. I want you to bear good fruit, in season and out of season. I want you to be a success.
So come to Me daily and allow Me to water you. Simply acknowledge Me in all that you do. Look up to Me in worship and invite Me into your life daily. Worship Me with your work, worship Me with your life and thank Me in all that you do. As you do, my power will flow through you and you will flourish in everything that you do! Amen.
“When it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, to reveal His Son in me.” -GALATIANS 1:15,16
People sometimes ask me what they have to do to obtain this great revelation of Christ. They think it is God’s way of rewarding us for a lot of hard work. Nothing could be further from the truth.
To have one’s eyes opened is simply an act of grace, and God alone can do it, and will do it, if we will only ask Him. At the risk of making it sound “too easy,” I dare not make it any more difficult than that!
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“When it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, to reveal His Son in me.” -GALATIANS 1:15,16
People sometimes ask me what they have to do to obtain this great revelation of Christ. They think it is God’s way of rewarding us for a lot of hard work. Nothing could be further from the truth.
To have one’s eyes opened is simply an act of grace, and God alone can do it, and will do it, if we will only ask Him. At the risk of making it sound “too easy,” I dare not make it any more difficult than that!
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Stand Boldly
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Stand Boldly
Thursday, 14 April, 2016 12:43 Mark as Unread
From: "AMI Prophetic Word"
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Apostolic Movement International - Hear God's Voice

Stand Boldly
My child, when you are a small child, the world may seem big and daunting. The mountains may look bigger, your hands feel smaller and you may feel that the giants in the land are too big and strong for you to handle. However, when I am standing at your back, realize that everyone does not see your incapability, they see my power and strength. With Me at your side, enemies will flee, mountains can move, and giants can and will be conquered.
My child, when you stand in my strength, all that I have becomes yours. For every time you stand in your own strength, you only have your resources and your limited capabilities to work with. But, if you stand in mine, your weakness allows all of my unlimited resources to flow through you. So today, do not look at what you canÕt do my child, but rejoice at my unlimited abundance that is available to not only you, but to everyone around you as you pour it out to the body of Christ. So stand boldly knowing that when you do in my strength, you are more than a conqueror and nothing can stand against you!
Kamis, 14 April 2016
“Not My will, but Yours, be done.” -LUKE 22:42
The Cross demonstrates that we do not gain by trying to get, but by losing in order to gain. We cannot really receive from God until we have learned to give up to God. It is the spirit which cries, “Not my will, but Yours be done” and “Father, into Your Hands I commit my spirit.”
These words are easily uttered, but we cannot appreciate them or really experience them until we have been through our Gethsemane experiences and our Golgotha experiences. Until that time we are merely reciting some words, but we do not truly know what it means to give ourselves up to God, to be completely consecrated and submitted to Him. The Cross prepares us to receive by first forcing us to give up. Therefore, the Cross is gaining through losing.
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“Not My will, but Yours, be done.” -LUKE 22:42
The Cross demonstrates that we do not gain by trying to get, but by losing in order to gain. We cannot really receive from God until we have learned to give up to God. It is the spirit which cries, “Not my will, but Yours be done” and “Father, into Your Hands I commit my spirit.”
These words are easily uttered, but we cannot appreciate them or really experience them until we have been through our Gethsemane experiences and our Golgotha experiences. Until that time we are merely reciting some words, but we do not truly know what it means to give ourselves up to God, to be completely consecrated and submitted to Him. The Cross prepares us to receive by first forcing us to give up. Therefore, the Cross is gaining through losing.
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Pertanyaan: Adik perempuan saya yang bungsu meninggal. Kematiannya sangat memengaruhi seluruh kehidupan keluarga kami, termasuk kehidupan saya sendiri. Mengapa Tuhan mengizinkan dia meninggal?
Dalam pengalaman kita sehari-hari, kita sering bertanya, "Mengapa?" Tidak ada pertanyaan lain yang lebih sering tercetus dari mulut kita daripada pertanyaan tersebut! Namun demikian, "mengapa" adalah sebuah pertanyaan yang tidak dapat sepenuhnya dijawab oleh seseorang. Mengapa Tuhan mengizinkan adik Anda meninggal? Bapak tidak dapat berkata apa-apa.
Bapak sendiri masih berusia 10 tahun ketika untuk pertama kalinya terjadi kematian dalam keluarga Bapak. Ayah meninggal dunia beberapa jam sebelum Bapak tiba di rumah dari asrama British di Argentina. Bapak tidak tahu apa yang sedang terjadi ketika Bapak melangkah keluar dari gerbong kereta api dan berlari menuju ke rumah. Akan tetapi, ketika Bapak sudah dekat rumah, Bapak mendengar suara rintih tangis.
Sanak keluarga berusaha mencegat Bapak ketika Bapak berlari menerobos pagar rumah dan masuk ke dalam rumah. Bapak mendesak masuk melewati mereka dan sudah berada di dalam. Ibu belum mengetahui bahwa anaknya sudah pulang. Air mata menggenangi pelupuk mata Bapak ketika Bapak melihat mayat Ayah terbaring di depan Bapak.
Saat itu, Bapak merasa benar-benar terpukul oleh kematian Ayah. Dunia ini seolah-olah hancur lebur dan membingungkan. Bapak marah terhadap segala sesuatu dan kepada setiap orang. Ini tidak adil, Bapak pikir. "Mengapa Ayah tidak meninggal pada usia lanjut seperti ayah-ayah lainnya?"
"Mengapa?" Kita semua bergumul dengan pertanyaan tersebut pada suatu waktu dalam kehidupan kita. Hanya Tuhanlah yang tahu mengapa adik Anda meninggal pada usia yang masih muda. Mungkin Tuhan hendak membebaskan dia dari penderitaan atau ketidakadilan pada masa depannya. Akan tetapi, siapakah Bapak ini yang berkata-kata demikian? Kalau Tuhan adalah Tuhan, bagaimanakah Bapak dapat menerangkan jalan-jalan-Nya?
Tuhan telah menyatakan: "Seperti tingginya langit dari bumi, demikianlah tingginya jalan-Ku dari jalanmu dan rancangan-Ku dari rancanganmu" (Yesaya 55:9). Kita tidak dapat memahaminya.
Dari Alkitab Perjanjian Baru, kita mengetahui bahwa dua dari murid-murid-Nya dipenjarakan (Kisah Para Rasul 12:1-11). Secara ajaib, Tuhan membebaskan Rasul Petrus, tetapi mengizinkan Rasul Yakobus dibunuh. Mengapa? Alkitab tidak menjelaskannya. Allah mahakuasa. Dia dapat saja mencegah kematian Rasul Yakobus. Akan tetapi, untuk sebab-sebab tertentu yang tidak kita ketahui, Ia tahu, lebih baik tidak mencegahnya.
Tidak seorang pun mengetahui kapan kematian akan datang, tetapi kita semua mengakui bahwa kematian pasti akan datang. Ada yang berkata, "Orang muda dapat meninggal dunia, orang tua harus." Alkitab juga mengingatkan: "... sama seperti manusia ditetapkan untuk mati hanya satu kali saja, dan sesudah itu dihakimi" (Ibrani 9:27).
Kematian adik perempuan Anda datang pada usianya yang masih muda. Giliran Anda pun akan tiba sebelum Anda mengetahuinya. Kematian selalu datang terlalu cepat. Kita dirancang untuk menikmati kekekalan.
Ketika kematian datang, kadang-kadang kita mengepalkan tinju kepada Tuhan dalam keputusasaan. Alangkah buruknya perbuatan tersebut. Tuhan juga membenci kematian. Ia bahkan lebih membencinya daripada Anda atau Bapak sendiri.
Jika Anda menanggapi kematian adik Anda dengan serius, seperti yang Anda rasakan, perkenankan hal itu membawa Anda jauh lebih dekat kepada Tuhan dan rencana-Nya bagi Anda. Tuhan tidak menghendaki seorang pun binasa. Ia menghendaki semua orang berpaling kepada-Nya dan menerima kehidupan kekal yang ditawarkan-Nya. Dari Alkitab, kita mengetahui: "Sebab upah dosa ialah maut; tetapi karunia Allah ialah hidup yang kekal dalam Kristus Yesus, Tuhan kita" (Roma 6:23). Terimalah pemberian-Nya pada hari ini juga.
Diambil dari:
Judul buku: Pertanyaan yang Sulit Akan Dijawab oleh Luis Palau
Judul artikel: Pasal 23
Pengarang: Luis Palau
Penerbit: Lembaga Literatur Baptis, Bandung 1999
Pertanyaan: Adik perempuan saya yang bungsu meninggal. Kematiannya sangat memengaruhi seluruh kehidupan keluarga kami, termasuk kehidupan saya sendiri. Mengapa Tuhan mengizinkan dia meninggal?
Dalam pengalaman kita sehari-hari, kita sering bertanya, "Mengapa?" Tidak ada pertanyaan lain yang lebih sering tercetus dari mulut kita daripada pertanyaan tersebut! Namun demikian, "mengapa" adalah sebuah pertanyaan yang tidak dapat sepenuhnya dijawab oleh seseorang. Mengapa Tuhan mengizinkan adik Anda meninggal? Bapak tidak dapat berkata apa-apa.
Bapak sendiri masih berusia 10 tahun ketika untuk pertama kalinya terjadi kematian dalam keluarga Bapak. Ayah meninggal dunia beberapa jam sebelum Bapak tiba di rumah dari asrama British di Argentina. Bapak tidak tahu apa yang sedang terjadi ketika Bapak melangkah keluar dari gerbong kereta api dan berlari menuju ke rumah. Akan tetapi, ketika Bapak sudah dekat rumah, Bapak mendengar suara rintih tangis.
Sanak keluarga berusaha mencegat Bapak ketika Bapak berlari menerobos pagar rumah dan masuk ke dalam rumah. Bapak mendesak masuk melewati mereka dan sudah berada di dalam. Ibu belum mengetahui bahwa anaknya sudah pulang. Air mata menggenangi pelupuk mata Bapak ketika Bapak melihat mayat Ayah terbaring di depan Bapak.
Saat itu, Bapak merasa benar-benar terpukul oleh kematian Ayah. Dunia ini seolah-olah hancur lebur dan membingungkan. Bapak marah terhadap segala sesuatu dan kepada setiap orang. Ini tidak adil, Bapak pikir. "Mengapa Ayah tidak meninggal pada usia lanjut seperti ayah-ayah lainnya?"
"Mengapa?" Kita semua bergumul dengan pertanyaan tersebut pada suatu waktu dalam kehidupan kita. Hanya Tuhanlah yang tahu mengapa adik Anda meninggal pada usia yang masih muda. Mungkin Tuhan hendak membebaskan dia dari penderitaan atau ketidakadilan pada masa depannya. Akan tetapi, siapakah Bapak ini yang berkata-kata demikian? Kalau Tuhan adalah Tuhan, bagaimanakah Bapak dapat menerangkan jalan-jalan-Nya?
Tuhan telah menyatakan: "Seperti tingginya langit dari bumi, demikianlah tingginya jalan-Ku dari jalanmu dan rancangan-Ku dari rancanganmu" (Yesaya 55:9). Kita tidak dapat memahaminya.
Dari Alkitab Perjanjian Baru, kita mengetahui bahwa dua dari murid-murid-Nya dipenjarakan (Kisah Para Rasul 12:1-11). Secara ajaib, Tuhan membebaskan Rasul Petrus, tetapi mengizinkan Rasul Yakobus dibunuh. Mengapa? Alkitab tidak menjelaskannya. Allah mahakuasa. Dia dapat saja mencegah kematian Rasul Yakobus. Akan tetapi, untuk sebab-sebab tertentu yang tidak kita ketahui, Ia tahu, lebih baik tidak mencegahnya.
Tidak seorang pun mengetahui kapan kematian akan datang, tetapi kita semua mengakui bahwa kematian pasti akan datang. Ada yang berkata, "Orang muda dapat meninggal dunia, orang tua harus." Alkitab juga mengingatkan: "... sama seperti manusia ditetapkan untuk mati hanya satu kali saja, dan sesudah itu dihakimi" (Ibrani 9:27).
Kematian adik perempuan Anda datang pada usianya yang masih muda. Giliran Anda pun akan tiba sebelum Anda mengetahuinya. Kematian selalu datang terlalu cepat. Kita dirancang untuk menikmati kekekalan.
Ketika kematian datang, kadang-kadang kita mengepalkan tinju kepada Tuhan dalam keputusasaan. Alangkah buruknya perbuatan tersebut. Tuhan juga membenci kematian. Ia bahkan lebih membencinya daripada Anda atau Bapak sendiri.
Jika Anda menanggapi kematian adik Anda dengan serius, seperti yang Anda rasakan, perkenankan hal itu membawa Anda jauh lebih dekat kepada Tuhan dan rencana-Nya bagi Anda. Tuhan tidak menghendaki seorang pun binasa. Ia menghendaki semua orang berpaling kepada-Nya dan menerima kehidupan kekal yang ditawarkan-Nya. Dari Alkitab, kita mengetahui: "Sebab upah dosa ialah maut; tetapi karunia Allah ialah hidup yang kekal dalam Kristus Yesus, Tuhan kita" (Roma 6:23). Terimalah pemberian-Nya pada hari ini juga.
Diambil dari:
Judul buku: Pertanyaan yang Sulit Akan Dijawab oleh Luis Palau
Judul artikel: Pasal 23
Pengarang: Luis Palau
Penerbit: Lembaga Literatur Baptis, Bandung 1999
Penderitaan adalah bagian dari menjadi manusia. Hal itu tidak terelakkan. Tergantung pada derajat penderitaan yang dialami, seluruh hidup kita dapat dipengaruhi olehnya. Penderitaan dapat menggerogoti pikiran kita, memengaruhi hubungan kita -- bahkan hubungan kita dengan Allah -- dan tidak ada bagian dari kehidupan kita yang tidak tersentuh. Melihat seseorang menderita juga merupakan hal yang sulit. Sebagai konselor, saya ingin meringankan rasa sakit emosional dengan cepat; namun, bantuan yang cepat mungkin bukan cara penyembuhan yang terbaik.
Hanya Pandangan Dunia
Mereka yang memiliki hubungan dengan Kristus biasanya berpaling kepada-Nya selama masa kesusahan. Ketika penderitaan terus ada dan pertolongan tidak juga terlihat, penderitaan dapat menjadi hal yang membingungkan. Asumsi umum di antara orang-orang percaya adalah bahwa peristiwa menyakitkan dan traumatis tidak terjadi pada orang benar. Keyakinan ini, yang dikenal sebagai Pandangan Keadilan Dunia, mengacu pada pemahaman yang diyakini orang-orang bahwa dunia adalah tempat yang adil (Fetchenhauer et. Al., 2005). Idenya memungkinkan orang untuk melihat Allah sebagai Pribadi yang dapat diprediksi. Selanjutnya, anggota gereja sering menafsirkan peristiwa dengan cara yang mendukung keyakinan bahwa orang yang menderita memiliki sesuatu untuk dipelajari atau bahwa keberadaan iman yang lebih akan meringankan penderitaan. Ayat-ayat seperti Yohanes 10:10 sering dikutip untuk mendukung gagasan bahwa Tuhan melindungi orang-orang yang beriman dan menjauhkan perlindungan-Nya dari mereka yang tidak (beriman).
Kehidupan yang berlimpah, bagaimanapun, tidak menjanjikan hidup tanpa kesedihan atau kesulitan. Rasul Petrus menulis, "sekalipun sekarang ini kamu seketika harus berdukacita oleh berbagai-bagai pencobaan" (1 Petrus 1:6). Petrus dengan jelas menyatakan bahwa orang Kristen tidak terbebas dari rasa sakit dan penderitaan. Menariknya, kata penderitaan menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman ini merupakan bagian yang diharapkan dari kehidupan, sedangkan pencobaan tidak, karena perjuangan internal hanya berasal dari kejahatan yang ditemukan di dunia ini (Schreiner, 2003).
Penderitaan sebagai Evaluasi dari Kesedihan
Dalam merenungkan penyebab penderitaan, Knabb dan rekan-rekannya (2010) mengandaikan bahwa itu adalah hasil dari evaluasi pengalaman yang menyakitkan. Kesedihan dan penderitaan tidaklah identik. Melainkan, penderitaan adalah pengalaman dari proses evaluasi. Namun, memeriksa pengalaman yang menyakitkan, berpotensi untuk menghasilkan rasa kesedihan yang mungkin benar-benar akan menambah dan memperpanjang penderitaan. Pekerjaan evaluasi menuntut sebuah pemahaman yang memungkinkan pengalaman untuk diberi label dan diperiksa -- tugas utama untuk proses konseling.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, seorang teolog Jerman di awal hingga pertengahan 1900-an, mendukung gagasan penderitaan sebagai proses evaluatif (Knabb et. Al, 2010). Bagi Bonhoeffer, rasa sakit adalah bagian normal dari hidup di dunia yang jatuh dalam dosa dan penderitaan menawarkan kemungkinan yang mengarahkan seseorang menuju kepada pemahaman yang lebih dalam mengenai karakter Allah, dan dengan demikian hubungan yang lebih intim dengan-Nya. Oleh karena itu, penderitaan tidak harus dihindari atau buru-buru dihilangkan (Latini, 2009).
Penderitaan sebagai Kedukaan Rohani
Bagi Snyder (2008), penderitaan dapat dilihat sebagai kedukaan rohani. Selama masa penderitaan, kita sering dipaksa untuk bergumul dengan pemahaman kita tentang Allah. Pertanyaan seperti, "Di mana Allah dahulu?" dan "Di mana Allah sekarang?" biasanya diajukan. Orang yang menderita sering mengalami perasaan ditinggalkan secara rohani. Masalahnya lebih daripada sakit yang intens; hal itu merupakan salah satu dari perasaan kehilangan, termasuk kehilangan seseorang yang dicintai serta Allah yang adil, dan karenanya menjadi sebuah seruan kerinduan akan Tuhan. Penderitaan, kemudian, adalah perasaan kuat ditinggalkan oleh Tuhan "yang tampaknya tertidur di perahu dan perlu dibangunkan untuk bertindak" (Markus 4:35-41) (Snyder, 2008, hal. 71). Mudah-mudahan, yang terjadi sesudahnya adalah sebuah percakapan yang jujur dengan Allah yang melibatkan pertanyaan mendalam dan ekspresi emosi yang intens.
Kedukaan rohani, karena itu, merupakan sebuah perjalanan dan proses penyembuhan rohani. Memutuskan untuk percaya pada kebaikan Tuhan, bahkan saat bergumul, akhirnya akan mengarah pada pujian kepada-Nya. Secara kognitif, kita dapat menyadari bahwa proses ini merupakan bagian dari pertumbuhan rohani, tetapi di saat kita sangat membutuhkan, kita mungkin mengalami kecemasan yang intens ketika kita tidak dapat menemukan keintiman dengan Tuhan.
Allah sebagai Teman yang Sama-Sama Menderita
Moltmann, mantan Nazi yang menjadi Kristen di sebuah kamp penjara Skotlandia, mendapati bahwa pertanyaan mengenai Allah yang penuh kasih yang mengizinkan penderitaan adalah kebingungan yang mengganggu gereja Kristen. Dalam mengatasi kesulitan ini, ia menegaskan bahwa Alkitab menunjukkan Allah yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh rasa sakit kita (Monroe & Schwab, 2009). Benar, banyak ayat di seluruh Alkitab memberikan pemahaman yang jelas bahwa Allah penuh kasih terhadap orang yang menderita. Peristiwa Yesus menangis atas kematian Lazarus adalah contoh utama bahwa Allah berduka bersama dengan kita (Yoh. 11:35).
Dalam mempelajari Filipi 3, Hoffman (2010) mencatat bahwa pengakuan akan penderitaan Allah sendiri adalah sangat penting. Pada intinya, penderitaan merupakan "Anak yang kehilangan Bapa-Nya demi kita, dan Bapa yang kehilangan Anak-Nya yang tunggal demi kita, adalah Allah yang sama yang sekarang berempati dengan menangis untuk anak-anak-Nya yang tengah menderita di bumi" (Hoffman, 2010, p. 131). Meskipun gagasan bahwa Tuhan menderita bersama-sama dengan kita mungkin merupakan hal yang baru bagi konseli, pengetahuan akan hal ini akan membantu mengembangkan hubungan yang lebih intim dengan Tuhan.
Menyesuaikan Asumsi Inti
Kadang-kadang, mereka yang mencari nasihat adalah mereka yang sedang berduka atas Allah mereka yang hilang. Meskipun perasaan ditinggalkan itu begitu nyata, Allah sebenarnya tidak hilang. Klien hanya memiliki konsep tentang Allah yang tidak tepat. Proses penderitaan menciptakan situasi yang memungkinkan individu untuk mengenal Allah lebih intim dan untuk memperbaiki asumsi yang salah tentang sifat-Nya.
Bagi Snyder (2008), "Menemui Allah dapat diselimuti dalam kesedihan, tetapi hal itu menjadi transformatif ketika kotak menyesakkan yang telah menutup Allah dan diri kita yang paling jujur akan pecah seperti buli-buli pualam Maria ... Iman tidak lagi berakar dalam doa yang dijawab, dan kebahagiaan tidak tergantung pada keadaan" (hal. 75). Oleh karena itu, seseorang tidak harus menginginkan atau berharap akan luput dari mengalami penderitaan (Hoffman, 2010). Meskipun orang yang menderita mungkin memohon "Bapa, jika mungkin, biarlah cawan ini berlalu," peran kita sebagai konselor Kristen adalah untuk membantu klien bertahan dalam prosesnya (Lukas 22:42).
Setelah kematian istrinya, C.S. Lewis menulis, "Kesedihan, bagaimanapun, ternyata bukan sebuah keadaan, tetapi sebuah proses" (Lewis, 1961, hal. 66). Bagi Floyd (2008), konselor yang memahami bahwa kesedihan adalah bagian penting dari kehidupan akan lebih mampu menasihati orang-orang yang menderita. Ketika kita memberikan "penghiburan dan dukungan di tengah-tengah masa sulit ... kita benar-benar ikut 'berkabung dengan orang yang berdukacita' dan menjalankan fungsi yang sangat penting dalam tubuh Kristus" (hal. 95). Oleh karena itu, dibandingkan melihat penderitaan sebagai sesuatu yang harus cepat-cepat diperbaiki, kita dapat berpartisipasi dalam proses penyembuhan yang kudus saat orang yang menderita menjadi lebih intim mengenal Allah. (t/Jing-Jing)
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Nama situs: Society for Christian Psychology
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Judul asli artikel: A Journey Through Suffering
Penulis artikel: Shannon Wolf
Tanggal akses: 19 Oktober 2015
Penderitaan adalah bagian dari menjadi manusia. Hal itu tidak terelakkan. Tergantung pada derajat penderitaan yang dialami, seluruh hidup kita dapat dipengaruhi olehnya. Penderitaan dapat menggerogoti pikiran kita, memengaruhi hubungan kita -- bahkan hubungan kita dengan Allah -- dan tidak ada bagian dari kehidupan kita yang tidak tersentuh. Melihat seseorang menderita juga merupakan hal yang sulit. Sebagai konselor, saya ingin meringankan rasa sakit emosional dengan cepat; namun, bantuan yang cepat mungkin bukan cara penyembuhan yang terbaik.
Hanya Pandangan Dunia
Mereka yang memiliki hubungan dengan Kristus biasanya berpaling kepada-Nya selama masa kesusahan. Ketika penderitaan terus ada dan pertolongan tidak juga terlihat, penderitaan dapat menjadi hal yang membingungkan. Asumsi umum di antara orang-orang percaya adalah bahwa peristiwa menyakitkan dan traumatis tidak terjadi pada orang benar. Keyakinan ini, yang dikenal sebagai Pandangan Keadilan Dunia, mengacu pada pemahaman yang diyakini orang-orang bahwa dunia adalah tempat yang adil (Fetchenhauer et. Al., 2005). Idenya memungkinkan orang untuk melihat Allah sebagai Pribadi yang dapat diprediksi. Selanjutnya, anggota gereja sering menafsirkan peristiwa dengan cara yang mendukung keyakinan bahwa orang yang menderita memiliki sesuatu untuk dipelajari atau bahwa keberadaan iman yang lebih akan meringankan penderitaan. Ayat-ayat seperti Yohanes 10:10 sering dikutip untuk mendukung gagasan bahwa Tuhan melindungi orang-orang yang beriman dan menjauhkan perlindungan-Nya dari mereka yang tidak (beriman).
Kehidupan yang berlimpah, bagaimanapun, tidak menjanjikan hidup tanpa kesedihan atau kesulitan. Rasul Petrus menulis, "sekalipun sekarang ini kamu seketika harus berdukacita oleh berbagai-bagai pencobaan" (1 Petrus 1:6). Petrus dengan jelas menyatakan bahwa orang Kristen tidak terbebas dari rasa sakit dan penderitaan. Menariknya, kata penderitaan menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman ini merupakan bagian yang diharapkan dari kehidupan, sedangkan pencobaan tidak, karena perjuangan internal hanya berasal dari kejahatan yang ditemukan di dunia ini (Schreiner, 2003).
Penderitaan sebagai Evaluasi dari Kesedihan
Dalam merenungkan penyebab penderitaan, Knabb dan rekan-rekannya (2010) mengandaikan bahwa itu adalah hasil dari evaluasi pengalaman yang menyakitkan. Kesedihan dan penderitaan tidaklah identik. Melainkan, penderitaan adalah pengalaman dari proses evaluasi. Namun, memeriksa pengalaman yang menyakitkan, berpotensi untuk menghasilkan rasa kesedihan yang mungkin benar-benar akan menambah dan memperpanjang penderitaan. Pekerjaan evaluasi menuntut sebuah pemahaman yang memungkinkan pengalaman untuk diberi label dan diperiksa -- tugas utama untuk proses konseling.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, seorang teolog Jerman di awal hingga pertengahan 1900-an, mendukung gagasan penderitaan sebagai proses evaluatif (Knabb et. Al, 2010). Bagi Bonhoeffer, rasa sakit adalah bagian normal dari hidup di dunia yang jatuh dalam dosa dan penderitaan menawarkan kemungkinan yang mengarahkan seseorang menuju kepada pemahaman yang lebih dalam mengenai karakter Allah, dan dengan demikian hubungan yang lebih intim dengan-Nya. Oleh karena itu, penderitaan tidak harus dihindari atau buru-buru dihilangkan (Latini, 2009).
Penderitaan sebagai Kedukaan Rohani
Bagi Snyder (2008), penderitaan dapat dilihat sebagai kedukaan rohani. Selama masa penderitaan, kita sering dipaksa untuk bergumul dengan pemahaman kita tentang Allah. Pertanyaan seperti, "Di mana Allah dahulu?" dan "Di mana Allah sekarang?" biasanya diajukan. Orang yang menderita sering mengalami perasaan ditinggalkan secara rohani. Masalahnya lebih daripada sakit yang intens; hal itu merupakan salah satu dari perasaan kehilangan, termasuk kehilangan seseorang yang dicintai serta Allah yang adil, dan karenanya menjadi sebuah seruan kerinduan akan Tuhan. Penderitaan, kemudian, adalah perasaan kuat ditinggalkan oleh Tuhan "yang tampaknya tertidur di perahu dan perlu dibangunkan untuk bertindak" (Markus 4:35-41) (Snyder, 2008, hal. 71). Mudah-mudahan, yang terjadi sesudahnya adalah sebuah percakapan yang jujur dengan Allah yang melibatkan pertanyaan mendalam dan ekspresi emosi yang intens.
Kedukaan rohani, karena itu, merupakan sebuah perjalanan dan proses penyembuhan rohani. Memutuskan untuk percaya pada kebaikan Tuhan, bahkan saat bergumul, akhirnya akan mengarah pada pujian kepada-Nya. Secara kognitif, kita dapat menyadari bahwa proses ini merupakan bagian dari pertumbuhan rohani, tetapi di saat kita sangat membutuhkan, kita mungkin mengalami kecemasan yang intens ketika kita tidak dapat menemukan keintiman dengan Tuhan.
Allah sebagai Teman yang Sama-Sama Menderita
Moltmann, mantan Nazi yang menjadi Kristen di sebuah kamp penjara Skotlandia, mendapati bahwa pertanyaan mengenai Allah yang penuh kasih yang mengizinkan penderitaan adalah kebingungan yang mengganggu gereja Kristen. Dalam mengatasi kesulitan ini, ia menegaskan bahwa Alkitab menunjukkan Allah yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh rasa sakit kita (Monroe & Schwab, 2009). Benar, banyak ayat di seluruh Alkitab memberikan pemahaman yang jelas bahwa Allah penuh kasih terhadap orang yang menderita. Peristiwa Yesus menangis atas kematian Lazarus adalah contoh utama bahwa Allah berduka bersama dengan kita (Yoh. 11:35).
Dalam mempelajari Filipi 3, Hoffman (2010) mencatat bahwa pengakuan akan penderitaan Allah sendiri adalah sangat penting. Pada intinya, penderitaan merupakan "Anak yang kehilangan Bapa-Nya demi kita, dan Bapa yang kehilangan Anak-Nya yang tunggal demi kita, adalah Allah yang sama yang sekarang berempati dengan menangis untuk anak-anak-Nya yang tengah menderita di bumi" (Hoffman, 2010, p. 131). Meskipun gagasan bahwa Tuhan menderita bersama-sama dengan kita mungkin merupakan hal yang baru bagi konseli, pengetahuan akan hal ini akan membantu mengembangkan hubungan yang lebih intim dengan Tuhan.
Menyesuaikan Asumsi Inti
Kadang-kadang, mereka yang mencari nasihat adalah mereka yang sedang berduka atas Allah mereka yang hilang. Meskipun perasaan ditinggalkan itu begitu nyata, Allah sebenarnya tidak hilang. Klien hanya memiliki konsep tentang Allah yang tidak tepat. Proses penderitaan menciptakan situasi yang memungkinkan individu untuk mengenal Allah lebih intim dan untuk memperbaiki asumsi yang salah tentang sifat-Nya.
Bagi Snyder (2008), "Menemui Allah dapat diselimuti dalam kesedihan, tetapi hal itu menjadi transformatif ketika kotak menyesakkan yang telah menutup Allah dan diri kita yang paling jujur akan pecah seperti buli-buli pualam Maria ... Iman tidak lagi berakar dalam doa yang dijawab, dan kebahagiaan tidak tergantung pada keadaan" (hal. 75). Oleh karena itu, seseorang tidak harus menginginkan atau berharap akan luput dari mengalami penderitaan (Hoffman, 2010). Meskipun orang yang menderita mungkin memohon "Bapa, jika mungkin, biarlah cawan ini berlalu," peran kita sebagai konselor Kristen adalah untuk membantu klien bertahan dalam prosesnya (Lukas 22:42).
Setelah kematian istrinya, C.S. Lewis menulis, "Kesedihan, bagaimanapun, ternyata bukan sebuah keadaan, tetapi sebuah proses" (Lewis, 1961, hal. 66). Bagi Floyd (2008), konselor yang memahami bahwa kesedihan adalah bagian penting dari kehidupan akan lebih mampu menasihati orang-orang yang menderita. Ketika kita memberikan "penghiburan dan dukungan di tengah-tengah masa sulit ... kita benar-benar ikut 'berkabung dengan orang yang berdukacita' dan menjalankan fungsi yang sangat penting dalam tubuh Kristus" (hal. 95). Oleh karena itu, dibandingkan melihat penderitaan sebagai sesuatu yang harus cepat-cepat diperbaiki, kita dapat berpartisipasi dalam proses penyembuhan yang kudus saat orang yang menderita menjadi lebih intim mengenal Allah. (t/Jing-Jing)
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Judul asli artikel: A Journey Through Suffering
Penulis artikel: Shannon Wolf
Tanggal akses: 19 Oktober 2015
“That in all things He may have the preeminence.” -COLOSSIANS 1:18
The unavoidable, inevitable conclusion is that Christ will have the preeminence – not just in some things, but in all things. To achieve this, He works one-on-one with His disciples. He then gathers all His disciples together into a spiritual family where they grow and learn together. This spiritual family then invites the rest of the world to join them in giving Christ the preeminence in all things, so that “God may be all in all” (1 Corinthians 15:28).
At the risk of over-simplifying the process, that is the essence of this great movement of God. The point must be reiterated that Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for all sins: “not for ours only but also for the whole world” (1 John 2:2) and He has sent His representatives into “all the world” to “preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“That in all things He may have the preeminence.” -COLOSSIANS 1:18
The unavoidable, inevitable conclusion is that Christ will have the preeminence – not just in some things, but in all things. To achieve this, He works one-on-one with His disciples. He then gathers all His disciples together into a spiritual family where they grow and learn together. This spiritual family then invites the rest of the world to join them in giving Christ the preeminence in all things, so that “God may be all in all” (1 Corinthians 15:28).
At the risk of over-simplifying the process, that is the essence of this great movement of God. The point must be reiterated that Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for all sins: “not for ours only but also for the whole world” (1 John 2:2) and He has sent His representatives into “all the world” to “preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Break Past the Limitations

Break Past the Limitations
My child, open your heart and broaden your mind to what I can do. When you believe what I say and know that I can do the impossible, you give Me license to work miracles in your life. So do not doubt with your natural mind. No longer gaze upon what you can produce, but instead take your eyes off yourself and put them on Me. Break past the limitations of your mind, and beat against the natural codes that keep you from having faith in Me.Take my Word and the promises I have given you, and plant them deep into the soill of your heart. Meditate on them day and night. As you do, each seed that you plant will spring up into life. You will have the power to believe the impossible. You will not be afraid to dream the biggest dream and to step out boldly in what I have called you to do.
So do not waiver in your faith, but take my Word and my promises and stand on them until they have become solid ground underneath your feet. Allow your faith in Me to be tested, to fail and to be strengthened. As you fill your mind with thoughts of my power and what I can do, and then step out and apply my instruction, you will succeed in those things that you put your hands to. You will see that there is nothing that is impossible for you. For indeed, I cause you to succeed and I cause you to leap over walls that you could not over come on your own. With Me, there is nothing that you cannot achieve, so do not be afraid to dream the biggest dream, because in Me, you can do all things!
Minggu, 10 April 2016
I Will Build You Up

I Will Build You Up
When a pot is being shaped, there are many times that the potter has to smash the pot and start over again before the pot is ready to be used. There are even times when he must cut out pieces or make grooves into the pot so that it can look specifically as he desires it to look.It is the same when I am in the process of shaping you, my child. Perhaps you have felt that the smashing, the changes of your circumstances, and the pressures from all sides, is here to defeat you.
Yet, this is not true. For my hand is upon you, shaping you and preparing you for the journey that is ahead of you. I am making you into a particular vessel that can reach the people that I desire you to reach out to.
So look ahead with joy, my love! I never intended to smash you and leave you broken. For if I have broken you down, it is for the sole purpose of building and lifting you back up again, says the Lord.
“He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” -ROMANS 8:32
Everyone who looks does not see. Everyone who hears does not listen. What are we looking for? What is it that we need to see? What would God reveal to us? There is but one desire of God for us, and that is that we may see Christ. God does not reveal one hundred, one thousand, or one million things to us. He is pleased to give us His Son, and He delights for us to look only to Him. Not even to the things He gives, but to Him Who is the Gift. We may pray for revelation into a great many matters, but only one thing is important to God, that is, that we may have revelation into the Son.
If we know the Son, if we possess the Son, if we see the Son, we know and possess and see all that God has and is, for He has deposited all of Himself into His Son, and all of His Son He deposited into us.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” -ROMANS 8:32
Everyone who looks does not see. Everyone who hears does not listen. What are we looking for? What is it that we need to see? What would God reveal to us? There is but one desire of God for us, and that is that we may see Christ. God does not reveal one hundred, one thousand, or one million things to us. He is pleased to give us His Son, and He delights for us to look only to Him. Not even to the things He gives, but to Him Who is the Gift. We may pray for revelation into a great many matters, but only one thing is important to God, that is, that we may have revelation into the Son.
If we know the Son, if we possess the Son, if we see the Son, we know and possess and see all that God has and is, for He has deposited all of Himself into His Son, and all of His Son He deposited into us.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Be as David

Be as David
No matter what giant you are facing at the moment, remember that little David, defeated Goliath with but a stone and a sling, says the Lord. He didn't have great armor, and he didn't even have battle experience at that point. At this time he wasn't the great king yet. He was a silly little shepherd boy, yet he was a man after my heart, and wasn't going to let a giant take him, and his people down.So don't be afraid to step out and face the goliath in your life. In my name you can overcome anything, says the Lord. As you step out in faith and rely on what I have poured into you, and not on what you can do, you will take down that goliath with but one stone!
It's not your ability that qualifies you, but your heart for me. Are you willing to put your heart on the line and trust in me like you never trusted in me before, says the Lord. Lay your heart and life on the line, and let me work through you! Amen.
I Have More for You

I Have More for You
My child, I always have more for you. As you follow me and walk this road with me, you can be sure that I only ever have more for you. I don't ever say, "Okay, that's enough anointing! Okay, you have had enough love now. Your portion of faith is sufficient, and your hope can't go any further!"No, I always delight in blessing you more and going deeper with you. All that I require of you is that you continue to come to me and hunger for my touch, says the Lord. All you need, is to continue running into my arms and seeking my face.
As you seek me, I want you to just have an open heart. Don't go back to past experiences that felt good or where you had a great experience with me, and draw from that. If you constantly put your pipe down in the same place to get water, after a while that well will run dry. There is more as you progress. There is a new well to discover and new water to drink, says the Lord.
Yes, each experience you have had with me has led you to where you are today, but it's time to press forward and take my hand so that you and I can climb the next mountain together. I have more for you to receive and more for you to experience.
So let go of the past. Take your shuffle and your pipe and sink it into new ground to discover a new well, with fresh water says the Lord. I love you so much and I want to shower you with my blessing. Come now and let me overwhelm you with my anointing and show you my heart afresh! Amen.
“It is the truth concerning Jesus that inspires all prophecy.” -REVELATION 19:10 (Knox)
The prophetic word is given to point us to Jesus. Everything the Holy Spirit would speak, reveal, teach, and show us is towards this same end, which is CHRIST.
We do not need to mull over every dream, vision, word, or prophecy, trying to exegete its hidden meaning, struggling to extract some spiritual significance where none exists. If what we see and hear does not point us to Jesus then it is not prophetic and should be discarded. This simple test will keep us from distraction.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“It is the truth concerning Jesus that inspires all prophecy.” -REVELATION 19:10 (Knox)
The prophetic word is given to point us to Jesus. Everything the Holy Spirit would speak, reveal, teach, and show us is towards this same end, which is CHRIST.
We do not need to mull over every dream, vision, word, or prophecy, trying to exegete its hidden meaning, struggling to extract some spiritual significance where none exists. If what we see and hear does not point us to Jesus then it is not prophetic and should be discarded. This simple test will keep us from distraction.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.” -MATTHEW 17:2
To be clothed with the Lord Jesus is to be transfigured. For too long we who claim a heavenly calling, a heavenly citizenship, and a heavenly birth have lived as earthly men. What light we have is hidden beneath a bushel; there is no glory that surrounds us. We are not talking about an outward display, or something fleshly, but a Light and a Life which demonstrates the presence of Christ. “In Him was Life – and the Life was the Light of men” (John 1:4).
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.” -MATTHEW 17:2
To be clothed with the Lord Jesus is to be transfigured. For too long we who claim a heavenly calling, a heavenly citizenship, and a heavenly birth have lived as earthly men. What light we have is hidden beneath a bushel; there is no glory that surrounds us. We are not talking about an outward display, or something fleshly, but a Light and a Life which demonstrates the presence of Christ. “In Him was Life – and the Life was the Light of men” (John 1:4).
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the Law of Sin and Death.” -ROMANS 8:2
Two laws are mentioned in this passage of Scripture: the Law of Life, and the Law of Sin and Death. We who are in Christ Jesus have been delivered from the Law of Sin and Death and are under a new law, which is the Law of Life. The difference between a theoretical walk with Christ and a practical walk with Christ hinges upon being able to differentiate between the Law of Life and the Law of Death. In the Garden the choice was between the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Law of Death) or the Tree of Life (Law of Life).
We must make the same choice today. Christians are much exercised in trying to discern between good and evil, right and wrong, Spirit and flesh. It seems the more we try to figure this out the more frustrated we become. Instead, God would have us come to the Tree of Life. This Life will instruct us in all things, including what is right and what is wrong, yet it is deeper than mere knowledge.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the Law of Sin and Death.” -ROMANS 8:2
Two laws are mentioned in this passage of Scripture: the Law of Life, and the Law of Sin and Death. We who are in Christ Jesus have been delivered from the Law of Sin and Death and are under a new law, which is the Law of Life. The difference between a theoretical walk with Christ and a practical walk with Christ hinges upon being able to differentiate between the Law of Life and the Law of Death. In the Garden the choice was between the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Law of Death) or the Tree of Life (Law of Life).
We must make the same choice today. Christians are much exercised in trying to discern between good and evil, right and wrong, Spirit and flesh. It seems the more we try to figure this out the more frustrated we become. Instead, God would have us come to the Tree of Life. This Life will instruct us in all things, including what is right and what is wrong, yet it is deeper than mere knowledge.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Right in Front of You

Right in Front of You
My child, if you look so far into the distance, when you walk, you will not see the rock ahead that may cause you to stumble, nor see the beautiful flowers that are right in front of you along the path. It is good to yearn and to look to the future, but do not do it to the expense of missing the blessing in the place that you are now. The journey that you are travelling is not just about the destination, but about the time we get to spend with one another along the way.Every moment that you are with me in this journey, I treasure and savor, There is much that I desire to show you, and for you to experience with me as we walk together. Sometimes there will be challenges and mountains that we will climb, and you will experience my strength as you lean on me to get to the top. Other times, there will be chances to rest underneath a tree together and enjoy the afternoon in each other's presence.
So do not be so eager to be somewhere so far ahead. Trust that as you place your hand in mine, let us enjoy this time together and the adventure that each day holds. Amen.
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