Senin, 18 April 2016

There is Water in the Desert

There is Water in the Desert

In the desert there is very little rainfall, which means there is not much vegetation or life. This is what you know as a dry and barren land. This land is infertile and desolate. It has a feeling of hopelessness and defeat.

Yet, my child, I am here to remind you that I have made a way in the wilderness. I have brought water to the desert. Perhaps you are facing such a situation where you feel that everything is dry, barren, and hopeless.

However, look to Me and remember what I have done for you. My love, I have brought food for you to eat and water for you drink. I have replaced infertility with fertility, and hopelessness with victory.

It is time for you to stand on the land that appears to be barren and call those things that are not as though they were. Call the waters to spring forth. Call the rain to fall once again. It is time to walk in the inheritance that I have prepared for you, says the Lord.

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