Rabu, 20 April 2016

Simple Joy

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Simple Joys
Tuesday, 19 April, 2016 12:40 Mark as Unread

From: "AMI Prophetic Word" To: davebroos@yahoo.co.uk
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Apostolic Movement International - Hear God's Voice

Simple Joy

My child, when you have been working and laboring with all the tasks and responsibilities that are in your hands, it is easy to get so caught up in the work that you forget to enjoy the richness and abundance of the blessings that I have put all around you. Though you may not recognize it, but there are pockets of refreshment, joy and blessing that I have put right in front of you. Do not let the enemy fool you into being overwhelmed. Open your eyes to my presence, and my hand in your life and circumstances.

Open your eyes to the flowers that I have put in your path, and enjoy their scent. Breathe in the fresh air of my presence and see the blessing in the simplest of actions. For each and every day, I wish you to know that I am with you, that I love you, and there is no greater gift that you can give Me each and every day than your heart. When you come to see Me in everything that you do, none of your tasks is up to you, but you can do everything with my strength, my wisdom, my passion and my joy.

So stop for a moment, and feel me right next to you. See Me at every turn, and experience my love for you and be filled to overflowing!

Simple Joy

My child, when you have been working and laboring with all the tasks and responsibilities that are in your hands, it is easy to get so caught up in the work that you forget to enjoy the richness and abundance of the blessings that I have put all around you. Though you may not recognize it, but there are pockets of refreshment, joy and blessing that I have put right in front of you. Do not let the enemy fool you into being overwhelmed. Open your eyes to my presence, and my hand in your life and circumstances.

Open your eyes to the flowers that I have put in your path, and enjoy their scent. Breathe in the fresh air of my presence and see the blessing in the simplest of actions. For each and every day, I wish you to know that I am with you, that I love you, and there is no greater gift that you can give Me each and every day than your heart. When you come to see Me in everything that you do, none of your tasks is up to you, but you can do everything with my strength, my wisdom, my passion and my joy.

So stop for a moment, and feel me right next to you. See Me at every turn, and experience my love for you and be filled to overflowing!

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