Sabtu, 11 Juni 2016

Standing in Authority

Standing in Authority

When a child come across a bully, it is easy to back down to avoid a fight, especially when that bully has beaten them up time and time again. However, my child, that bully that keeps coming around is the enemy, and he has been defeated over 2000 years ago by the blood of my Son. Do not be afraid, and do not back down, but know the authority I have given you in Christ Jesus. Know that I have given you all authority to trample over snakes and scorpions, to overthrow and overcome every single plan of the enemy.
The enemy's only power over you is the one that you give him. So do not be afraid and stand in your authority. Do you know that all the armies of heaven are behind you when you step out to face him? Do you know that there is nothing he can do to deter you from conquering the land that he has stolen when you know who you are in Christ? So stand as the warrior and conqueror you are and storm his camp, take his land and every single promise he has stolen from you. So rejoice that the battle has already been won and stand as the victor in any circumstance you face!

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