Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

The Treasure Within

The Treasure Within

If you look at the work a miner looking for diamonds does, it can seem so pointless at times. They spend hours on end just digging deep. However, each of those miners has one goal in mind - finding that one diamond.
My child, I know that at times when I take you through a process of transformation, and you feel like you are being challenged from all sides, you see nothing but the shuffling and the drilling, the sweat and the tears. My child, I am here today to remind you to look at the treasure inside. I am here today to show you that I have placed a diamond in you. I am merely doing all that needs to be done to bring that diamond out, so that you would stand in my glory, says the Lord.
Look at the goal afresh and realize that every time a pressure comes upon you, you are closer to shining brightly! Realize that every time you have to go a bit deeper and sweat a bit harder, the diamond is closer!
I have called you, and I have set you apart for such a time as this, says the Lord. You mean so much to me, and all I see is the diamonds and gold inside. So, just allow me to reach in and press forward. Surrender to my hand and rejoice in each difficulty, says the Lord!

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