Hidup ini penuh warna, Tuhan yang mengizinkan sesuatu terjadi atas hidup kita agar kita makin bertumbuh di dalam Dia. Hargailah setiap waktu dan kejadian yang terjadi atasmu
Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016
Who is the Elder?
God's Power Revealed
Not of This World
Receiving Him
He Leads Me
Kamis, 25 Agustus 2016
Two Made One
Enjoy the Journey

Enjoy the Journey
When you first embark on a journey, there is the excitement and expectation of what lies ahead. However, as you continue, it is easy to become discouraged or disillusioned with the journey when it does not match your expectations. My child, I call you today to throw away every expectation of what you think your life with me should be like, and embrace your journey with me each in every day for the blessings and challenges that it holds.You may not know the steps that you are taking next, but rest in the knowledge that I do. For the plans that I have for you are good, and are to give you hope and a future.
I have ordered each and every step that you will walk, every mountain that you will climb, and every river that you must cross. I know the challenges that you will face, and also the places of rest that you need to stop to be strengthened and refreshed in my presence. Do not try to figure out my plan, but trust me in where I am leading you. Take my hand and let us walk this journey and enjoy every moment and each and every step that we take together.
Put on your Armor

Put on your Armor
My child, as I have called you as a warrior in my kingdom, I have not left you without any armor or weapons, or have left you defenseless against the enemy. I have given you armor that will not rust, and a sword that is sharp and has the ability to defeat any foe that dares come upon you. However, it is on you to actually put on your armor and to pick up your sword, to pick up the weapons of warfare, that I have given to you.You see, I have never meant for you to walk on the battlefield unarmed. Take the time to recognize all that I have given you. Know that I have given you all that you need to stand victorious and to defeat every single plan on the enemy. So, go forth onto that battlefield with boldness and fight as the warrior that I have called you to be.
Will He Find Faith?
Senin, 22 Agustus 2016
An Anointed Head
Minggu, 21 Agustus 2016
You Will Never Be Alone

You Will Never Be Alone
I am right here by your side. I will never leave you nor forsake you, so when you feel alone, just close your eyes and know that I am here with you.My voice is gentle and I will speak from within you. As you go about your day, child, simply listen for my voice and you will get used to the sound of my voice. You will discover that I am always giving you direction, that I am always here with wisdom.
I know every problem that is in your heart. I know all your fears and what you stay up worrying about. I know your joys and everything that goes on inside of you. I also know the answers to your problems. I have the power to overcome your fears and I can take on every burden you have so that you do not carry them on your own.
So then, stop to hear my voice. Tap into the power that is inside of you, child. For indeed, I will withhold no answer, no solution, no love and acceptance from you. I am here so that you may never be alone.
Comprehending Christ
Give Me Your Cares

Give Me Your Cares
My child, today I want to remind you that you do not have to deal with all the struggles and stresses of this life alone. Give me your cares. Throw them into my hands. I desire to take those things that you cannot solve and add my miraculous power to you to help you overcome them.Are you going through a sickness, a conflict in a relationship, a divorce? Whatever your problem is, lift it up and give it over to me. I am here to help you with every last problem that is bothering you.
You do not have to endure a life full of torment, depression, or sadness. I have a peace that surpasses all your understanding and a joy to give you that is unspeakable, says the Lord.
No Going Back
Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016
Slow Down
I Will Take Care of You

I Will Take Care of You
Look at the birds of the air and the grass in fields. The birds never cry for food and the grass never begs for water. Yet, I have taken care of the birds and the grass, without them, even asking me to.How much more will I take care of you, whom I have created in my very own image and likeness? If you feel that I have forgotten about you, left you alone to get food and water for yourself. Know that this is not the truth.
I have never left you alone and I never will. Trust me and know that the rain is coming and that I will always take care of you, says the Lord.
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