Senin, 15 Agustus 2016

Enjoy the Blessing

Enjoy the Blessing

I desire to give you blessing after blessing not because of anything that you have done for me or desire to do, but merely because you are my child and I love you dearly. However, know that your blessing may not come all the time in the way that you expect. For every adversity that builds your faith, every opportunity to overcome, and every time you are challenged to love beyond your capability, as you run to me for wisdom and strength, you are being transformed into the vessel that I have seen you to be from the foundation of the earth.
So, open your eyes, and see my hand shaping and molding you. See how I have organized each and every circumstance for you to walk in favor, blessing, power and strength. Look with great expectation to receiving every single blessing that I wish to share with you says the Lord.

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