Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016

I am in Control

I am in Control

Look above and lift your eyes higher child. I am doing much bigger things than what you can see. I am putting together a perfect plan for you. So do not be discouraged or perplexed about what you see in the natural, but look up to me and ask what I am doing.
When you see with my eyes, you will see that I am in control of every aspect of your life. Even when you took a wrong turn, I was there to turn it around for good.
Remember that it is not all up to you to get everything right, but that I am the one who steers your path. I am the one helping you along the way.
Not every direction you take will make sense to you, but trust in me and know that I am putting all the pieces. I have you in the palm of my hands and I am forever leading your way.
Simply look up to me and follow Me as I lead you on this journey. When you do, you will see how each piece of the journey fit together to build a beautiful picture.
Every path you took was not in vain. Even the wrong turns will add onto the journey that I am taking you through. If even you step back and look behind you, you will see all the treasures that you have picked up along this journey.
Indeed, I know the path you are on and the path you will take, yet I have carved every path to lead you back onto the one that I have paved for you. Do not worry, my child... I have always gone ahead of you.

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