Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

Tuhan Selalu Ada Bagimu

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Tuhan Selalu Ada Bagimu
Kita tahu sekarang, bahwa Allah turut bekerja dalam segala sesuatu untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi mereka yang mengasihi Dia (Roma 8:28)
Perjalanan hidup kita mungkin tidak selalu mudah, kita mengalami kehidupan yang naik turun bak roda yang berputar. Ada kalanya di atas tapi ada kalanya di bawah. Saat kita mengalami masa berada “di bawah” janganlah hal itu membuat kita menjadi depresi dan bahkan jatuh ke dalam berbagai kebiasaan buruk akibat mencoba lari dari kenyataan. Sebab kebiasaan buruk bukan saja dapat berdampak negatif bagimu tetapi juga keluargamu. Bila ada masalah datang berpalinglah pada Tuhan. Kesulitan hidup dapat menjadi tempat Tuhan mengajarkan kita suatu pembelajaran dalam kehidupan.
Dalam Ulangan 8:1-18 kita melihat bagaimana Bangsa Israel mendapatkan pelajaran rohani dari Tuhan. Di saat mereka mengalami dilemma mengenai masa depan mereka, mereka merasakan ketidakpastian, tidak memiliki tempat tinggal dan mengalami berbagai bahaya dalam perjalanan menuju Tanah Perjanjian. Namun kesulitan hidup yang mereka alami mengajarkan mereka untuk tetap rendah hati dan belajar mengandalkan Tuhan setiap waktu.
Saat mereka lapar maupun haus, mereka belajar untuk percaya bahwa Tuhan akan menyediakan bagi mereka meskipun dihadapan mereka hanya terdapat padang gurun yang luas. Tentunya sejauh mata memandang saat itu mereka merasa tidak ada pengharapan sama sekali. Empat puluh tahun Tuhan memimpin mereka melintasi padang gurun dan IA senantiasa mencukupkan kebutuhan mereka. Tuhan lebih dari mampu untuk memberkati kita di tengah masa yang sulit sekalipun.
Bagaimana keadaanmu saat ini? Bila hari ini kau mengalami keputusasaan ingatlah selalu bahwa Tuhan selalu ada bagimu. Setiap masalah yang Tuhan izinkan terjadi atas hidup kita bukanlah suatu kebetulan belaka tetapi di balik itu semua IA mau mengajarkan sesuatu pada kita. “TUhan turut bekerja dalam segala hal untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi kita dan demi kemuliaanNya”.
Doa: Tuhan berikan iman padaku untuk percaya padaMU senantiasa meski banyak masalah menghadang tetapi Tuhan selalu ada bersamaku. Amien
Bacaan Firman Tuhan: Ulangan 8:1-18

Perhatikan langkahmu

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Perhatikan langkahmu
Karena itu, perhatikanlah dengan saksama, bagaimana kamu hidup, janganlah seperti orang bebal, tetapi seperti orang arif (Efesus 5:15)
“Hiking” merupakan hobi saya sejak kecil, pergi melintasi jalan-jalan pedesaan, pegunungan, menyusuri sungai dan hutan sangat menyenangkan sekali. Keindahan alam ciptaan Tuhan selalu membuat saya kagum pada perbuatan tanganNya yang ajaib. Kadang dalam perjalanan ini saya menghadapi berbagai tantangan alam. Ada kalanya kami harus berjalan menempuh jalan yang curam dan terjal di pegunungan atau bebatuan besar dan licin yang harus dilalui saat menyusuri sungai. Perjalanan yang tidak mudah tetapi menantang dan membuat adrenalin kami terpacu.
Saat kami melakukan “hiking” dimanapun kami tengah berjalan, entah di jalanan antar kota, pedesaan, hutan, gunung atau menyusuri sungai; kami harus berkonsentrasi dan waspada memperhatikan langkah kaki kami. Bila kami tidak waspada, kami bisa mengalami kecelakaan dalam perjalanan tersebut.
Rasul Paulus pun mengajarkan pada kita dalam Efesus 5:15 agar kita memperhatikan dengan seksama (baik-baik) cara hidup kita. Perjalanan kehidupan rohani kita di dalam Tuhan pun akan menghadapi berbagai tantangan. Jelas, Tuhan menghendaki agar kita senantiasa menyertakan Dia dalam setiap langkah kehidupan kita agar kita tidak mengalami celaka dan hidup dalam penyesalan. Jangan menjadi orang bebal yang memilih secara ceroboh tetapi jadilah orang arif yang memperhatikan setiap langkahnya agar tidak jatuh tersandung.
Rasul Paulus menegaskan bahwa tujuan kita adalah menjadi serupa dengan gambar Kristus, saat kita menjalani hidup secara benar dalam kasih padaNya maka kita akan terus bertumbuh. Melalui pertolongan Roh Kudus kita bisa dan dimampukan untuk menjalani hidup untuk senantiasa memuliakan Tuhan.
Doa: Tuhan ini hati saya, kuasai hati ini dan pimpin setiap langkah kaki ini. Amin.
Bacaan Firman Tuhan: Efesus 5:1-17

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

Faith to Fly

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Faith to Fly

Take a leap of faith child and jump into my arms. Take a step toward the unknown and experience what it means to be free. You will feel as free as a bird in the sky. You will soar around the mountain tops and not be afraid.
When you have faith, you defy the rules of this world and you become free from it. You become like a bird that is not limited to the land. Its home is the vast sky and it does not know the boundaries that other creatures live by.

The world you have been birthed into is one of possibilities. It is a world where there is no fear and all things are possible.

So let go of your comfort zones and experience life abundantly. Tap into the world of possibilities that you have been born into. Your world is not restricted to the laws of nature. It is not restricted to the laws of this world, but it is a world where anything is possible.

Whatever you desire, it is yours for the taking. If you believe it, it can and it will happen for you. When you have faith, it makes the impossible, possible. 
You can reach for the stars and it will be yours. You can build bridges that reach far across mountains. You can see the miraculous take place in your life and not be bound by the rules of this world. Jump and believe in Me and you will experience the freedom that you so desire, says the Lord. 

Peeling Away the Layers

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Peeling Away the Layers

Every house needs to be painted a new layer of fresh paint, at least every couple of years, to make it look fresh and clean again. When you prepare to paint, you first of all have to remove the old paint that is peeling off otherwise the new paint will not stick.
Why then child, do you think that you can just put on the new on top of the old? First let go of the old and allow me to peel it off so that when you put on the new garment I have for you, you will just walk it out with grace and trembling. If you try to put on the new coat of paint on top of the old, the first time the rain comes it will start peeling and all the effort you put into it will be wasted.
It is when you let go off all the old things that are holding you back that you move forward quickly. So come now and allow Me to show you those deep hidden hurts and as you do, I will bring the healing you need. It is only when you let go of all the pain, the anger and the bitterness, that I can bring a refreshment into your spirit.
I desire for you to walk in My blessing My child, and I want to give to you so many new things, but it requires of you to let go of all these old things that have been holding you back. Thing is, you think that these old things are adding to your life, and you are afraid to let them go but the fact is, they are like dead weight on your feet.
It is holding you back and instead of flying like an eagle you are walking like a tortoise. I want to elevate you and show you things that you have never seen. I want to take you to places where you have never gone, but in order for me to do that, I require of you to let go now of what you think is good for you. Let go now and allow Me to bring the change that you have cried out for, and as the change comes you will find yourself like that house with a new coat of paint.
Refreshed and revived. It will be beautiful and attract others to you, so do not be afraid now My child, but take My hand and allow Me to strip off all the old paint from your life, and soon the new coat of paint will make you shine with My glory, says the Lord.

Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

Moving On

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Moving On

My promise to you is that I will cause good things to happen in your life and that mercy and goodness shall follow you all the days of your life.

So then do not revisit the past with regret any longer. Is not one day like a thousand years to me? Can I not do in one day, what man does in a thousand? So then, rest assured that I can take the decisions you have made in life and turn them around for good.

Yes, it is true that there were times when you took the harder road and the longer journey. There were times when I led you to a paved road and you chose another… yet in my grace, did I not find you and put you on the right path again?

You are my child and even when you have missed it badly, I am able to work things for your good. I am in control, even when you think you have surely messed everything up.
My child, I am much bigger than your failures. I know all of you and the decisions that you would make. I prepared a way for you, before you even decided.
When you chose the longer path, I went ahead of you to make a way, to lead you back to Me. I am in control of your life, my child.

Look at the heroes of old - how I used them regardless of their ability to be faithful. David, Moses, and Abraham did not always get it right, yet I used them to bring glory to my name. In the same way, it is not up to you to make my plans on earth happen, my child. It is up to Me.

So stop having faith in your ability to fail, but know that even when you are unfaithful, I remain faithful. Get up and brush yourself off child. There is not time to look back with regret. Let go of your failures, for there is a great work to be done and I desire to use you to do it, says the Lord.

I See You

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I See You

Do not be ashamed my child because you do not measure up to the standard of this world. Do not feel insignificant because no one seems to recognize you, for I see you.
You are standing there as this little daisy in the middle of roses. Everyone is just looking at those beautiful magnificent flowers, but I see you and you are precious to me, my child. I did not plan for you to look exactly like them. So do not measure yourself up to the standards of this world because I made you special my child.
I made you unique and yes in the eyes of this world you may be small and insignificant but not in my eyes. I have chosen you and I will pluck you out of the middle of all these roses and you will make a difference.
So stop comparing yourself with others and be satisfied with what I have given you. Be proud to be my child and know that I will rise you up and present you to the whole world when the time is ready. I love you my child and you are so very special to me. 

From Seed to Tree

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From Seed to Tree

Look at the seed that grows into a huge tree. Who would think that such a frail and tiny thing would grow to be such a giant in the land?

So you too, are that seed in my hand. In your eyes, you may only see a frail and tiny thing, but I am all-knowing and I see the giant in you. Just as that seed will indeed grow and tower over the land, so you too, cannot help it but be what I have made you to be.

You do not know the end from the beginning as I do. So do not look at yourself and think that my hands are not capable of shaping and molding you, lest you forget that I am God. 
If I say you are strong, then you are strong. If I say that you are capable, then you are capable. Take my Word and believe what I say about you, child. Rather believe in Me than trust in what you see.
Trust in me, child and take my word. You are who I say that you are and I say that you are strong. I say that you are a giant. Amen.

I am God

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I am God

Look at the weather and see how it changes. One day it is sunny and the next it is pouring rain. So are the conditions in your life ever-changing child. So do not put your trust in your circumstances and the clear skies of your life, but put your security in me because I will never change. I am always the same.

If your trust is in Me, there is nothing that can come and take your freedom. There is no fear, no power and no attack that can steal your peace. In me, there is no defeat. In Me, there is no other God. There is no battle that you cannot face.

My child, lay your gods on the alter and put your idols away. In doing so, you will never be shaken. The weather and the seasons may change, but you will be as strong as a rock, grounded in Me. Trust in Me before any other and you will find peace. Amen.

Sink Your Roots Into My Living Water

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Sink Your Roots Into My Living Water

As a tree sinks it's roots deep into the ground, to get the best fresh water, so also do you need to do the same. You have been content with the little sips of water when it rains from time to time. If you only wait for the rain to nurture you though, you will experience times of drought in your life.

My child, my living water is available for you at anytime. You do not have to wait for a little raindrop to feed this deep thirst in you. Dig deep instead and sink your roots into this underground stream that is in you. Leave them there and drink from my refreshment every second of your day.

Do not be satisfied any longer with little raindrops, but hunger for my full refreshment. There is so much more that is available to you, my child. There is so much more that I desire to give you. The only thing you need to do is come to me and drink from my abundance.