Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Still Small Voice

Still Small Voice

Listen to my voice deep inside of you and allow me to direct your steps. I am forever speaking and ready to give you the direction that you need. I am always here with an encouraging word or wisdom to move you forward.
When the noise is loud all around you, take a moment to still your spirit and listen for my voice deep within. When you dig, you will come to feel a peace inside and then a voice speak from within you. I will steer you and I will keep you on the straight and narrow my child. When you listen for me, you will find security, and you will find rest in everything that you do.
So remember that you are not walking out your days alone, but I am with you every step of the day. I am here to help you along the way. Lean on me, depend on me and listen for my still small voice. Then you will find that I am always there to direct your path.

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