Rabu, 01 April 2015

A Blanket of Love

A Blanket of Love

Allow my love to rest upon you today like a warm blanket my child. For the world can feel cold and unwelcoming. When you step out into the world, you often feel as if it takes and makes demands until you feel weary and drained. That is why you need to come into my presence often to receive healing and warmth again.

For it is only in my arms that you will feel comfort. It is only in my arms that you will be surrounded with acceptance and joy. Only in my presence will you feel a place of belonging. For I have not invited you into my presence to take something from you my child, but rather to give out to you! I have not come to take the life from you and to make demands of you that you cannot meet. No, I am a loving father that has come to give you life. I have come to shower you with my blessings and tenderness. I have come to give you strength and rest. So come to my arms then and experience the blanket of my rest. Then you will be strengthened and then you will also see that I will guide your path and cause the way ahead of you to prosper. Trust me, my child and receive the warmth that I have to give to you today. Amen.

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