Kamis, 30 April 2015

Lift Your Head Up

Apostle Colette Toach

Lift Your Head Up

My child, there is so much in this world that can discourage or dissuade you from following the path that I have laid out for you to walk on. When your head hangs in weariness, all you tend to see is how slowly you are walking, or how all these rocks and obstacles are blocking your path. Lift your head up my child and look beyond what is in front of you to the dreams and visions that I placed into your heart.
Look to the possibility that you can do anything with Me at your side. Remember that the fire that I have placed inside of you is strong, powerful and burns hot enough to carry you past what you can do in your own strength, to be able to do all things with Mine.
Lift your head and enjoy your journey for there is much to see and experience. Take comfort that you are not alone in your journey and that I am with you every step of the way. Take hold of my strength, my joy and my power to see you through!

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