Kamis, 30 April 2015

My Love Surpasses All Understanding

My Love Surpasses All Understanding

My child, I love you so much. My love for you is not tied to any circumstances or your own righteousness. My blessing in your life is not tied to how good you are. I love you no matter what. My love for you will never end and it's always filled with great passion. You are special to me.

Today I just want to call you to come to me and revel in my love. Don't run around so much and try to make everything right in our own strength. There is nothing you could do to change my love for you. Whether you are up or you are down, whether you struggle or succeed, my love is always the same. I loved you even before your mother's womb and I have a plan of blessing for you. So just stop running for a moment. Open your heart to me and allow me to show you the way, my child. You are so very precious. I am with you every step of the way and want to set you free with the power of my love this day, says the Lord.

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