Selasa, 14 Juli 2015

A Small Seed

A Small Seed

When you look at an acorn, it is difficult to imagine the giant redwood that can come from so small a seed. So it is with you, My child. Inside of you, I have put a seed, a passion that burns brightly to make an impact on the world. As in the natural, a seed needs good soil and time to grow, so do you.

Do not be discouraged when you do not yet see the fullness of your call, no matter what phase of the journey you are on. Trust in what I have put inside of you, and let the fire I have put inside of you burn brightly. For each step you take moves you forward, and there is always more to see, experience and to grow into.

Keep your eyes on Me, and before long you will realize that without your notice, you will have grown and produced much fruit! So rejoice in knowing that I have put something wonderful and precious inside of you to grow into something that will last.

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