Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

When the Enemy Comes in Like a Flood

When the Enemy Comes in Like a Flood

The waves of the ocean have the potential to crush you or the potential to lift you higher than ever before. It is how you approach the wave that will determine the outcome. So when the enemy comes in as a flood, do not fear or expect to be crushed, but rather see it as an opportunity to gain a new perspective on your , says the Lord.
For when you can learn to take what the enemy throws at you and turn it around for my good, then there is nothing more that he can do that will bring you down! Instead you will take on wave after wave and you will grow and see things you never saw before. Yet so many, when they see the first wave, they try to run away from it and in the end, the wave overcomes them and they are discouraged.
Do not be like this my child. Rather face the wave in my name and in my blood and embrace it! Believe that all things work together for good. For even the work that the enemy tries to use to discourage you, can be turned around for a greater victory in your life. When you take on this outlook, there is nothing that will trip you up any longer. There is nothing the enemy can throw at you that will discourage you.
Not only will he stop attacking you in this way, but you will also become stronger! You will be firmer in your faith and have a clear mind to love and to hope! So ride those waves right now and see that you can do all things in my name, says the Lord.

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