Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

Do not Regret the Journey

Do not Regret the Journey

Not every step that you take in this life, shows you the journey that is ahead. Many roads you travel reveal the journey just a step at a time. So my child, do not be discouraged if you do not see everything that you will face or understand everything that you will experience. For this journey is one where I shall reveal the future, just one step at a time.
Yet with each step you take, you will gain ground and the more you progress, the more you will understand. The more you will become established and the more you will understand the bigger plan. For if I had to show you the complete plan ahead of time, you would not be able to take in every aspect of it. However, as I lead you just one step at a time, I am burning into your spirit the pattern that I have for you. I am teaching you and showing you each aspect of my pattern.
This way, you will never forget. You will never regret any step you take and you will then have gained something that you can pass on to others. So do not regret the journey my child. Do not regret the steps you have taken, for they will not only lead to a wonderful destination, but they are equipping you with tools that will indeed remain, says the Lord. Amen.

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