Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

Prince of Peace

Prince of Peace

I am the Prince of Peace, my child, so when everything around is shaking, know that you do not need to be shaken as well. Inside of you resides a peace that surpasses all understanding.
Simply be still and see me there holding you in the palm of my hands. See me there with your head pressed against my bosom. I am able to keep you calm and give you peace through every situation.
Know that this peace is a gift that the world does not have. I am your portion in this world, so eat of Me and you will discover that there is nothing that can overcome you.
Indeed, your present is secure, your future is secure, and every circumstance in your life can be brought in order, in your favor. Peace and satisfaction is your inheritance. Take hold of it today, my child and you will feel my arms that have always been wrapped around you. I have gone nowhere, and indeed, I will never leave your side. Be still and know that I am in control. Amen.

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