Selasa, 14 Juli 2015

Enjoy the Journey

Enjoy the Journey

So often when you are so focused on your destination, you forget to notice what is around you. Remember my child that your journey is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be times that you need to run as fast as you can, but there are other times where you will walk, or even rest.
It is in these times that I want you to remember that there is much to see and experience in the journey. There are beautiful treasures to be seen, fruit to be tasted, flowers to enjoy, and experiences that can change your entire perception of your walk. Most of all, remember that a large part of your journey is the opportunity to share all of these things with Me.
These are chances for you to grow and to get to know Me in ways you would not expect in each leg of this journey. So remember to take the time to notice all the beauty and blessing that I have put all around you and know that we walk this path together.

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