Stop the Rain
Just like you cannot stop the rain in the natural, so also there are times when you enter the battle and it feels like a downpour on your circumstances. You fight and you struggle, but I have an easier way for you my child. Simply come and stand under my umbrella.For just like in the natural, you would quickly raise an umbrella to protect you from the elements, so also can you do the same in the spirit! You can run to me and hide for a while so that you can gain better understanding of your surroundings.
It is only then that you will be able to see where you must go next. So as the battle rages and you feel like you are in the middle of a storm, stop striving against the storm. Stop pushing against your circumstances, because you do not know how I will use them to bring about a change in your life.
Stop pressing so hard against the things that you do not want and run to me instead! Come and hide under my umbrella of protection and wisdom and then you will see very clearly what road you must take next says the Lord. Amen
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