Senin, 19 Desember 2016

This is Your Race

Apostle Colette Toach

This is Your Race

I see the race you have run my child, but the race is now come to its end and it is time for you to rest and to become strong again for the next race that is before you. There are some races that you win and there are some that you lose, but this does not matter. What always mattered to me is that you ran the race!
You strive so much to run in perfection. You push so hard to win the prize, but you do not realize that I am proud of you just because you ran the race. Just because you put your heart into it and pressed forward - you are a winner in my eyes!
So know that I am proud of you my child. There will be many more races for you to run in the months that are ahead. There will be many more hurdles for you to jump over. For now though, rest a while in my presence and enjoy a season of filling up again. Enjoy a season of hearing my voice and becoming empowered by me again.
Then as you look over the races you have already run, you will see where you succeeded and where you failed. Do not be discouraged, but realize that with every failure has come an opportunity for you to succeed in the next race. For many of the races I put you on, were there to help you become stronger. It was never about winning the race. It was always about RUNNING the race!
As you ran, you became stronger. As you failed, you identified a weakness to overcome. So do not regret any step you have taken. Do not look back and consider any of the time wasted, for soon enough a new race will stretch before you. Before you know it, the gun will sound and you will be off once again. For now though, be strengthened in me and know that I am indeed proud of you my child. Amen

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