Minggu, 11 Desember 2016

Your Joy is Complete!

Apostle Colette Toach

Your Joy is Complete!

Although the land around you may not always look lush and beautiful, my child, know that the land does change and that I will always lead you to greener pastures.
However, even when the land is tough and dry, that should not steal your peace. Your joy is not found in your surroundings or your circumstances child, but let your joy always be found in me.
For the seasons will always change and the scenery with it, but the constant in your life is me. I am the one who satisfies your soul and fills your deepest needs. I bring love into your life and I surround you with family. When your joy is in me, there is nothing that can steal your peace… no lack, no war, no anything that can steal your freedom.
In your abundance you will not fall into temptation and in your lack, you will not be down trodden. I am your fortress and strong tower, so do not trust in riches and do not trust in lack, but trust in me and you will discover that no matter what season you are in, or the circumstances that surround you, your peace will always remain and your joy cannot be stolen. The joy you have is your strength child, and with it, you have defeated the world! Amen

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