Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

Stripping the Leaves

Stripping the Leaves

Behold the wind is beginning to blow says the Lord. And as it blows, it is beginning to stir up and remove the dead leaves that are on the branches. With each gust of wind new leaves are blown off the tree and it seems to be stripping it bare.

But this is necessary my child. For each brown, dead leaf represents something that is contrary to my Spirit; something that does not give life to your spirit, soul and body. It can be anything from allowing even a small amount of bitterness and strife into your life, or to looking to the world and not to me in all things.

Sometimes they are not even glaringly obvious, but they are there nonetheless. And in order to change things and improve them in your spiritual walk, these little things must be stripped away.

And so my Spirit will come and blow. And each thing that is not of me will be stripped bit by bit from your life, until you stand bare and perhaps even feel dead.

But my child do not despair, for when winter has stripped the branches bare, spring begins to form new growth and new life! For once my Spirit has blown and shown you those things that need to be removed, then you will look and see much new life beginning to blossom! Everywhere you turn you will see it from every angle.

So allow me to strip you and show you the things that are robbing you of life says the Lord. Allow my Spirit to blow and to reveal those things that are stopping abundant life from showing in you. For soon you will stand clean and clear before me. And then I can begin a quick work of new growth, new joy and new life in me says the Lord!

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