Minggu, 29 Januari 2017

One Body, Many Members

One Body, Many Members
“Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.”

There are different members in different places with different purposes: each distinctive but each working together, united beneath the same great Purpose and Intention of God, working under the direction of the Head like a great spiritual symphony.

“God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased.” (1 Corinthians 12:18). This results in a spiritual oneness and unity (for better or worse) so that “if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it” (1 Corinthians 12:26). Everything you do (or do not do) as a member of the Body of Christ affects all the other members. No one is an island. The Difficult Path may be lonely at times, but we are never truly alone.

Source: "The Irresistible Kingdom" by Chip Brogden

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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden 

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