Rejoice in the Middle of Battle
Do not be intimidated by the giants that are rising to your left and your right, my child. Do not be afraid of the work of the enemy. For I have sent you into the land of the enemy to go and take it back for me.Do not be surprised if you face opposition and have to break down one wall after the other. Do not be scared if you see the fires raging around you and if you see my people suffering.
For I have sent you to set my people free. I have sent you to speak peace to the storm and to bring peace to the land that you are standing on. You are called to turn the barren land into a fruitful one. So rejoice if the battle is raging around you. Rejoice if the enemy is coming against you from all sides for this means that you are in the right spot.
You are where you need to be to extend my Kingdom and to bring my glory down to this earth. Amen
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