“God resists the proud, but gives grace
to the humble. Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will
flee from you.” -JAMES 4:6,7
So many times we try to resist, but
we are defeated. Why? Simply because we attempt to resist the devil
before we have first submitted ourselves to God. There is a proper order
that must be observed without fail.
First, we must understand
the principle of God resisting the proud but giving grace to the humble.
This is the foundation of everything we do. Second, the word
“therefore” signifies that those who learn this principle will act upon
it accordingly. If they understand the truth just stated, they will
submit “therefore” to God. Third, as a result of their submitting to
God, they will find the devil flees whenever and wherever they offer him
The word “flee” means “to run away in terror.” How
wonderful! How delicious to see the devil running from us in terror,
instead of the other way around!
Source:“Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
Hidup ini penuh warna, Tuhan yang mengizinkan sesuatu terjadi atas hidup kita agar kita makin bertumbuh di dalam Dia. Hargailah setiap waktu dan kejadian yang terjadi atasmu
Rabu, 30 Maret 2016
Building Strength

Building Strength
When you desire to be more than what you are now, there are always steps that you have to take to get to your goal. But my child, these steps aren't always the ones that you expect. When challenges and pressures come your way, rejoice because you have the opportunity to build muscles in areas that have been untested and untried.Do not be afraid of failure, but take each challenge on with boldness. The wisdom and perseverance that you gain from going through this process, will condition and train you for the challenges on the road ahead.
So keep your eyes toward your goal, and run this race with joy. For every obstacle you overcome, you will gain strength. For every challenge, you will gain wisdom, and each step you take forward brings you toward your goal. So regardless of what lies ahead, trust in the process I am bringing you through and know that it will bear fruit in you that will last.
The Voice of the Enemy

The Voice of the Enemy
Do not be ignorant of the enemy's tactics, but be wise. When you feel condemned and are daily reminded of your failures, realize that the enemy is in your ear.You do not have to listen to him, but instead, you can rise up with a sword in your hand and send the enemy to flight.
He desires you to be ineffective. He comes to remind you of your failures and weigh you down with shame. When you see these fruits in your life, child, take notice and pick up your sword. Shake off the accusation and rise up in my name. Cover your life with my blood and you will stand boldly in the face of warfare.
Then you will cut through every bit of heaviness and you will see that I have been with you all along. You will experience joy and feel the liberty in your spirit. You will leap in bounds and feel empowered to tackle every task at hand! Amen.
Reigning in Faith
“You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests to our God;
and we shall reign on the earth.” -REVELATION 5:9,10
When we think of a king, we usually think of some human authority exerting their will upon their subjects with a haughty air. But true authority is not found in title or position. Jesus, the King of Kings, shows us that true authority is serving, not lording over. In fact, Psalm 72 tells us what a true king is – someone who serves the people, provides for the poor, and defends those who cannot defend themselves.
We are being prepared for a kingdom. But our preparation is not in learning how to wear a crown or how to walk around with a glorious robe and scepter. One brother sings, “He’s brought me low so I could know the way to reach the heights.” In God’s Kingdom, to go higher, we must go lower. That is the Hidden Wisdom.
Source:“The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests to our God;
and we shall reign on the earth.” -REVELATION 5:9,10
When we think of a king, we usually think of some human authority exerting their will upon their subjects with a haughty air. But true authority is not found in title or position. Jesus, the King of Kings, shows us that true authority is serving, not lording over. In fact, Psalm 72 tells us what a true king is – someone who serves the people, provides for the poor, and defends those who cannot defend themselves.
We are being prepared for a kingdom. But our preparation is not in learning how to wear a crown or how to walk around with a glorious robe and scepter. One brother sings, “He’s brought me low so I could know the way to reach the heights.” In God’s Kingdom, to go higher, we must go lower. That is the Hidden Wisdom.
Source:“The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
No Other Way
“Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to Life.” -MATTHEW 7:14
The Narrow Gate refers to salvation. We know that a gate is an opening, or a door that one passes through. It is an entrance into something. Jesus said, “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved” (John 10:9). Here, Jesus connects the Door, or the Gate, to entering in through Him to be saved. This is the Narrow Gate. Why is it narrow?
The Bible says of Jesus, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). To insist that there is no salvation apart from One Man is, in the eyes of the world, rather narrow-minded. But we insist upon it because it is true. Jesus says the Gate is narrow. We must go in through Him. God requires all men to enter in through Christ in order to be saved. There is no way to appropriate the Victory of the Cross without entering in by the One Who was crucified for us.
Source:“Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
The Narrow Gate refers to salvation. We know that a gate is an opening, or a door that one passes through. It is an entrance into something. Jesus said, “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved” (John 10:9). Here, Jesus connects the Door, or the Gate, to entering in through Him to be saved. This is the Narrow Gate. Why is it narrow?
The Bible says of Jesus, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). To insist that there is no salvation apart from One Man is, in the eyes of the world, rather narrow-minded. But we insist upon it because it is true. Jesus says the Gate is narrow. We must go in through Him. God requires all men to enter in through Christ in order to be saved. There is no way to appropriate the Victory of the Cross without entering in by the One Who was crucified for us.
Source:“Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
Alpha and Omega
“‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,’ says the Lord, ‘Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty.’” -REVELATION 1:8
Jesus is the Alpha from Whom all things in God are initiated, and Jesus is the Omega unto Whom all things of God find their purpose, their meaning, and their reason for being. Everything begins in Christ, and everything ends in Christ. He is the Beginning as well as the End.
Real spiritual growth occurs when we realize that God has only one goal for us, and that is the full, mature, complete, and experiential knowledge of Jesus Christ. To the extent that we discard “things” and become focused wholly on Christ, to that extent we will make progress.
Source:“Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,’ says the Lord, ‘Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty.’” -REVELATION 1:8
Jesus is the Alpha from Whom all things in God are initiated, and Jesus is the Omega unto Whom all things of God find their purpose, their meaning, and their reason for being. Everything begins in Christ, and everything ends in Christ. He is the Beginning as well as the End.
Real spiritual growth occurs when we realize that God has only one goal for us, and that is the full, mature, complete, and experiential knowledge of Jesus Christ. To the extent that we discard “things” and become focused wholly on Christ, to that extent we will make progress.
Source:“Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
Nothing Can Hinder You

Nothing Can Hinder You
My child, I have given you great visions and dreams of what you can do for my kingdom and the road ahead. To see these things come to pass is long and hard, but always remember that if I have given you a promise, I have also put inside of you everything you need to see everything I have shown you come to pass.For you have inside of you the power that raised my son from the dead and to part the Red Sea. You have the authority to overcome every ploy and snare of the enemy, and you have the ability to make mountains move with your faith.
So as you continue on the road ahead, walk forward knowing that there is nothing that can hinder you except the limitations you place on yourself. For my power and resources are limitless and are available to you every time you come into my presence. Amen.
Jumat, 25 Maret 2016
I Will Not Accuse You

I Will Not Accuse You
My child, I want you to remember today that I have come to give you life, to encourage you and to be your source of strength. I have not come to condemn and accuse you, but to pour upon you my love and affection.
Today, I want you to remember that I will never tear you down and not build you back up again. I will never give you a word of correction that leads to death, instead of life. I will not crush your spirit by telling you how terrible of a person that you are.
I am here to give you life! I am here to wash away your stain of sin and to bring you back into right standing with the Father. I am here to show you how much you are loved.
So do not listen to the voice that only tears you down and accuses you. For satan is the accuser of the brethren and he intends to keep you defeated by disguising himself as me and tearing you down. However, my love, you are my bride and I desire to clean you up, adorn you and put you on display for all to see, says the Lord.
The Gifts of Life

The Gifts of Life
So often in life, everybody becomes busy chasing goals. There is so much to do and so much to accomplish. Yet, if you do not stop to enjoy what is precious in life, then none of it is worth it.
For indeed, I have given you many gifts to enjoy... gifts of friendship and gifts of relationships, of laughter and joy and the sweetness of life.
I want you to enjoy every moment of the day, child. Do you see the color all around you? Do you smell the sweetness coming from the gifts I have put into your life? Do you recognize the beauty that I have created for you to enjoy? For indeed, you will miss it, if you are too busy striving for the next goal. You will run past it, without realizing it.
So take a moment each day, child, to taste and savor the good things in life. Take time to laugh and enjoy the blessings that I have bestowed upon you. For indeed, the goals will be there, the fire will still be there in the morning and together we will go from glory to glory. Yet, none of it means anything, if you do not take time to enjoy all the gifts that I have given you. Amen.
“Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” -PHILIPPIANS 2:2
God is working towards a goal: that Christ should have the preeminence in all things. We have observed that this work does not start on the level of “all things,” but begins with the individual disciple. From there, God desires a group of people who no longer think and live as mere individuals, only concerned with getting their particular needs met; but are more interested in serving God and meeting the needs of each other.
When this occurs (even in a small group of believers) then they can be said to have entered into true spiritual fellowship: one mind and one accord, perfectly adjusted to God and to one another. That does not mean sameness, for every member contributes something unique; but there is a definite unity and a singleness of purpose.
Source:“The Church in the Wilderness” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” -PHILIPPIANS 2:2
God is working towards a goal: that Christ should have the preeminence in all things. We have observed that this work does not start on the level of “all things,” but begins with the individual disciple. From there, God desires a group of people who no longer think and live as mere individuals, only concerned with getting their particular needs met; but are more interested in serving God and meeting the needs of each other.
When this occurs (even in a small group of believers) then they can be said to have entered into true spiritual fellowship: one mind and one accord, perfectly adjusted to God and to one another. That does not mean sameness, for every member contributes something unique; but there is a definite unity and a singleness of purpose.
Source:“The Church in the Wilderness” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Rabu, 23 Maret 2016
Called to be Extraordinary

Called to be Extraordinary
Lift up your spiritual eyes, my child and you will see with my perspective. I have said to you that you have been born into a world, where you are to walk by faith and not by sight. Indeed, your reality is not based on what you see with your natural eye, but with what you see through My eyes. Indeed, what looks impossible to man, is possible with me.I have called you to live a bigger life, to experience miracles and to see the impossible, child. Remember that you are not ordinary, but you have been called to be a light in the world. I have called you to walk with me, and in my power. So do not think it strange that you come up against a wall or a giant in your path. For indeed, it is in these times, that you will see the miracles that I have promised.
Hang on tight and strong to your faith, child. As you hang on, you will gain strength from me that you did not have before. I will empower you to climb mountains that you could not scale on your own. Then you will look back and see a trail of giants that you have slain behind you. Indeed, I have called you to live an extraordinary life. So do not settle for anything less than a blessing, child. I will show you how to to obtain success in every area in your life. Amen.
Selasa, 22 Maret 2016
“The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” -JOHN 14:26
The Holy Spirit is the vessel – the Person, the instrument, the agency, the method and the means – through Whom God accomplishes His purpose of increasing Christ in all things. Jesus said this Helper, this Counselor, this Comforter, this Teacher will abide with us forever and will help us as we walk the Difficult Path towards the full knowledge of Christ.
To the extent that we allow ourselves to come under the government of the Holy Spirit, to that extent will Christ be increased. Since the Holy Spirit is responsible for the increase of Christ, spiritual growth is impossible apart from the Spirit. There will be no measurable advancement, no real apprehension of spiritual things, and no recovery of the Heavenly Order apart from the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” -JOHN 14:26
The Holy Spirit is the vessel – the Person, the instrument, the agency, the method and the means – through Whom God accomplishes His purpose of increasing Christ in all things. Jesus said this Helper, this Counselor, this Comforter, this Teacher will abide with us forever and will help us as we walk the Difficult Path towards the full knowledge of Christ.
To the extent that we allow ourselves to come under the government of the Holy Spirit, to that extent will Christ be increased. Since the Holy Spirit is responsible for the increase of Christ, spiritual growth is impossible apart from the Spirit. There will be no measurable advancement, no real apprehension of spiritual things, and no recovery of the Heavenly Order apart from the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Just Stand

Just Stand
Perhaps you have been feeling as though there is no way for you to overcome the trials that you are facing right now.You have prayed, you have fasted, you have interceded, you have even reached out for help, but it just seems that nothing is working. My child, do not forget that I have already overcome the enemy. You do not have to try to win a battle that has already been won.
You simply need to stand in my blood. Stand in my finished work! After having done all that you can - STAND! Stand in my power and my overcoming strength and not in your own might. Then, you will see that the enemy intends to trick you into believing that he has power over you, when he truly does not, says the Lord.
Senin, 21 Maret 2016
Grow Patiently

Grow Patiently
For even as a flower takes time to grow from mere seed to fully blooming, so are you undergoing a process of growth right now my child. Don't rush the process I am taking you through and try to run ahead of yourself or of me. Allow me to complete the work I have started in you, says the Lord. Allow me to dig deep, and allow me to bring out of you what I want to bring out of you in each stage of your growth.For when was the last time you saw a seed sprout without the help of the sun, water or the nourishment of the soil around it? You can't make yourself into a flower. That is my job. I am doing so using all of your circumstances and pressures. So, just surrender to my hand and allow me to do what I do best.
It's my greatest desire to make you into the most beautiful flower anyone has ever seen. You are so precious to me and you can rest assured that I am taking good care of you as you experience each stage of your growing process, says the Lord.
Trust me afresh today and know that I will take you to where you need to be. Amen!
“Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” -COLOSSIANS 2:8
How can we be cheated? According to Paul we are cheated “through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles (elements) of the world, and not according to Christ.”
It matters not if the philosophy is good, right, morally excellent, and praiseworthy. It matters not how well intentioned, meaningful, or helpful the tradition is. It matters not how necessary we think the worldly element to be, or how important it is to society in general. If none of these things are “according to Christ,” that is, if they are not of Him, through Him, and unto Him, then they are worthless insofar as God’s Purpose is concerned and must be discarded.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” -COLOSSIANS 2:8
How can we be cheated? According to Paul we are cheated “through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles (elements) of the world, and not according to Christ.”
It matters not if the philosophy is good, right, morally excellent, and praiseworthy. It matters not how well intentioned, meaningful, or helpful the tradition is. It matters not how necessary we think the worldly element to be, or how important it is to society in general. If none of these things are “according to Christ,” that is, if they are not of Him, through Him, and unto Him, then they are worthless insofar as God’s Purpose is concerned and must be discarded.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Just as you Are

Just as you Are
When you were a child, because you were small, everything seemed out of reach. Shelves were too high, steps too steep and you needed help from an adult to do just about anything. Though you have now grown up in the natural, you may often feel like a child in places of your spiritual life.Do not despise this time of being a child, however. Do not strive to grow faster and look toward the future so much that you miss the blessing in the season where you are now.
For what you learn as a child is to know that you are loved and accepted just as you are. You don't have to perform for Me or to earn my affection. Your main job is to receive that love, and let it transform you. This season is to find the joy in your identity as my child, and to know that I love you, and to let me hold you close to my heart.
If there are others that want to give you help in an area that you cannot yet reach, let them. It is my gift to you. So rest in the knowledge that your path is well planned for you, so enjoy each day in this season as a child. Take each and every opportunity to savor the joy of your journey with Me, and before long, you will find that you have grown tall and strong without you noticing.
Receive My Heart

Receive My Heart
My child, it's when you feel so overwhelmed, that my arms are open for you to come and receive a touch of my love. In fact, when you are running on fumes and feel empty, is the time I will not just give you my love, but I will literally implant my heart into your chest. When you are at the end of yourself, and at the end of what you can do, you will tap into the endless faith, hope and love source found in my presence.So come to me afresh today. Give me all your inabilities, and all your cares, and allow me to reach in to work a transformation in your life, says the Lord. You are so very precious to me and I love you. There is nothing I desire more than to pick you up in your weakness and clothe you with my strength.
Take my hand and run with me, says the Lord. Take my hand and represent me to my people. They long to feel my heart, and it's you I want to give that heart to. So let me change you and fill you with my touch! Amen!
“Those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” -GALATIANS 5:24
Scripture says that those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified (past tense) the flesh with its passions and desires. No one can commit suicide by crucifixion. Someone else must nail us to the Cross. The flesh cannot crucify itself. Jesus has already done what we could not do. The sooner we stop trying to crucify ourselves, the sooner we can boast in the finished work of the Cross and actually witness the evidence of it in our lives.
Notice that Paul does not merely say that Jesus was crucified for us. That is certainly true in and of itself. But there is more. Not only was Jesus crucified FOR us, He was crucified AS us. God considers us to have been crucified as surely as if we were there receiving the nails in our hands and feet. We have been crucified together with Him because God placed us in Him the moment He was crucified.
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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Chip Brogden
“Those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” -GALATIANS 5:24
Scripture says that those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified (past tense) the flesh with its passions and desires. No one can commit suicide by crucifixion. Someone else must nail us to the Cross. The flesh cannot crucify itself. Jesus has already done what we could not do. The sooner we stop trying to crucify ourselves, the sooner we can boast in the finished work of the Cross and actually witness the evidence of it in our lives.
Notice that Paul does not merely say that Jesus was crucified for us. That is certainly true in and of itself. But there is more. Not only was Jesus crucified FOR us, He was crucified AS us. God considers us to have been crucified as surely as if we were there receiving the nails in our hands and feet. We have been crucified together with Him because God placed us in Him the moment He was crucified.
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Hang on to the Promise

Hang on to the Promise
Do not grow weary, but keep your eyes lifted up on me. For indeed, as you hang on to the promise that I have given you, it will also come with a journey to travel. There may be mountains and there will be valleys. Your faith will be tested and with each fire that you go through, your faith in me will grow stronger and stronger.The enemy may come to wear you down and try to make you stop believing. In these times, it is for you to hang on to the promise more than ever before. Speak to the circumstances that do not align with my word and call them into line. See the vision of the promise that I have given you and do not let go. For when you look at nothing, but what I have said, you will find strength and power.
I have not changed my mind, child, but every promise that I have given you is "yes and amen." When your faith is challenged, take my Word and put the pictures in your heart, until my promise is more real to you than any lie of the enemy.
My child, do not grow weary, for indeed the enemy desires you to believe the worst, but the promise is right there ahead of you. I have not withheld it from you, but I am leading you to victory. Amen.
“We do not yet see all things put under Him. But we see Jesus... for Whom are all things and by Whom are all things.” -HEBREWS 2:8-10
Do we see it yet? Not in its fullness, no. We have a little here, and a little there. Where this has already happened, where we actually see and experience Christ having the preeminence, it is called the Kingdom of God. It is not a visible thing, but an invisible thing, for Jesus said the Kingdom is not seen, but is within you.
Eventually the Kingdom of God will swallow up the entire Creation and Christ will have the preeminence in all things. Why? Because all things are for Him, and all things were by Him.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“We do not yet see all things put under Him. But we see Jesus... for Whom are all things and by Whom are all things.” -HEBREWS 2:8-10
Do we see it yet? Not in its fullness, no. We have a little here, and a little there. Where this has already happened, where we actually see and experience Christ having the preeminence, it is called the Kingdom of God. It is not a visible thing, but an invisible thing, for Jesus said the Kingdom is not seen, but is within you.
Eventually the Kingdom of God will swallow up the entire Creation and Christ will have the preeminence in all things. Why? Because all things are for Him, and all things were by Him.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Sadarlah....Bangkit....Hidup dalam Kekudusan
Sebuah Surat Dari
dalam Kekudusan
Efe 5:14 Itulah sebabnya dikatakan: "Bangunlah,
hai kamu yang tidur dan bangkitlah dari antara orang mati dan Kristus akan
bercahaya atas kamu."
Wilberforce berkata, “Tidak ada jalan pintas menuju kekudusan; kekudusan harus
diusahakan sepanjang umur hidup kita.”
Tunduk kepada
Ketuhanan Kristus dan berjalan dalam Roh, berarti kita memutuskan hubungan
dengan dosa, menghancurkan belenggu dosa, dan hidup dalam ketaatan kepada Allah.
Jika Allah telah
memanggil kita untuk hidup kudus, maka kita dapat hidup kudus!
Mat 5:48 Karena itu haruslah kamu sempurna, sama
seperti Bapamu yang di sorga adalah sempurna."
1Pt 1:16 sebab ada tertulis: Kuduslah kamu, sebab Aku
Doaku, “Ya Tuhan,
tolonglah aku untuk membenci dosa agar aku dapat mengajar orang lain untuk
melakukan hal yang sama.”
Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016
We Are a Team

We Are a Team
As you go along your day and travel the road ahead, there will be times when you get weary of the sun and thirsty for water. My child, you do not have to wait until you are completley empty. No, I am always just a breath away. You can fill up in Me anytime of the day. You can drink of my water and fill up with my power with one simple breath.Indeed, I am always by your sid e... even when you plough through the day and forget that you do not have to do this alone. Indeed, you are more than a conqueror in me. I can give you wisdom for the task at hand. I can give you power to be efficient and to handle every pressure that comes your way. But if you do it in your own strength, you will quickly be worn down.
Instead child, reach out to me and ask me for help. Be aware of my helping hand. Receive the wisdom that I am always desiring to give you. Remember that we are a team. You are not alone in taking the land, for indeed, I am the One that has given you every goal to reach, and if so, then I too, will give you the wisdom to reach them.
Step aside for a moment and invite me into your day, then you will see so much more fruit will come of it. You will discover that you can do all things when I strengthen you and work alongside you. Amen.
Kamis, 17 Maret 2016
“I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” -MATTHEW 5:20
We know we must leave sin because we can appreciate how horrible it is. We do not so quickly leave “our righteousness” because we think somehow it has been “purified.”
Mark well, however, that God does not fix the old man, but destroys it. He does not tell us to clean up our life, but to lay down our life. It is not enough to forsake the wrong: we must allow Him to crucify the right. That is, we must learn to hate our thoughts that we may have His mind. We must give up our spiritual” desires in order to have Christ as All.
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” -MATTHEW 5:20
We know we must leave sin because we can appreciate how horrible it is. We do not so quickly leave “our righteousness” because we think somehow it has been “purified.”
Mark well, however, that God does not fix the old man, but destroys it. He does not tell us to clean up our life, but to lay down our life. It is not enough to forsake the wrong: we must allow Him to crucify the right. That is, we must learn to hate our thoughts that we may have His mind. We must give up our spiritual” desires in order to have Christ as All.
Source: “Embrace the Cross” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Step Out With Courage

Step Out With Courage
My child, rest assured that nothing can just snatch you out of my hands. So often you look at your ability to fail and you forget that I am God. I am able to set you on the right course. Even when you take the wrong turn, I am able to set your feet on solid ground, once again.So do not fear missing a step, but move forward with courage, knowing that I will catch you. It is better to move forward and miss a step, than to not move at all.
Not only am I able to steer you in the right direction, but I will use your "failures" to strengthen you. I will use it for your good and turn around every mistake for your advantage. So take courage and step out boldly, knowing that I am the one keeping you.
I have made a promise in my word to you, that even when you are unfaithful, I will remain faithful. So then, believe rather in my ability to keep you, than your ability to fail. I am steadfast and everlasting. For indeed, up ahead are the promises that I have given you. Up ahead your promised land awaits you, child. Step boldly, knowing that I am leading you. Amen.
Selasa, 15 Maret 2016
“The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the Law of Sin and Death.” -ROMANS 8:2
Does a fish become a fish by swimming under the water, or does it swim under the water because it is a fish? Does a bird become a bird once it learns to fly through the air? Or does it fly through the air because it is a bird? Which is it? Of course, the bird is a bird, and therefore it flies. It does not have to be instructed per se, but when it is pushed out of the nest it flaps its wings. It is its nature to do so. So doing does not create being, doing flows out of being.
Now the Law of Life in Christ does not try to make us into something we are not. The very presence of the Life in us demonstrates that Christ already indwells us. We are not trying to be like Christ, and we are not trying to live like a Christian. Since we ARE in Him, we WALK in Him. Our works come from what we are, not what we are trying to be.
Source:“Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the Law of Sin and Death.” -ROMANS 8:2
Does a fish become a fish by swimming under the water, or does it swim under the water because it is a fish? Does a bird become a bird once it learns to fly through the air? Or does it fly through the air because it is a bird? Which is it? Of course, the bird is a bird, and therefore it flies. It does not have to be instructed per se, but when it is pushed out of the nest it flaps its wings. It is its nature to do so. So doing does not create being, doing flows out of being.
Now the Law of Life in Christ does not try to make us into something we are not. The very presence of the Life in us demonstrates that Christ already indwells us. We are not trying to be like Christ, and we are not trying to live like a Christian. Since we ARE in Him, we WALK in Him. Our works come from what we are, not what we are trying to be.
Source:“Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Keep Walking

Keep Walking
My child, I know that your journey has been long and that at times you feel like giving up. However, the power lies in you, so keep on going. When you give up and fall to the ground, the land that I have given you is not being taken. So today, I want to encourage you to just keep on walking forward. No matter what you may have failed at or what pressure that you were under, my child, keep walking forward and keep entering into the land that I have for you, says the Lord.The enemy wants to keep you down, because when you are down you are not taking land. He doesn't like you taking land. He doesn't want you to grow. Yet as you keep walking regardless of what is happening, that is when you take the land. So just take my hand now and hold on tight. I want to grow you. I want to give you more and bless you!
Keep on moving forward my child, for what lies ahead is victory. The land I have for you is a land flowing with milk and honey. So just trust in me and take each step one at a time, says the Lord. Amen.
“God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of
those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” -PHILIPPIANS 2:9-11
Christ will have the preeminence in all things, but it will not be the forced submission of a dictator who forces everyone to bow down to him whether they want to or not. It is true that some seem to bow down more easily than others; some are quick to confess Jesus as Lord, others confess Him as Lord when they are older, while some seem to hold out until the last possible moment. Some apparently die having made no obvious confession of faith at all.
But in the end, we have the glorious promise. Note how Scripture includes “every tongue” and “every knee.” The Bible affirms that “He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself” (Philippians 3:21).
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of
those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” -PHILIPPIANS 2:9-11
Christ will have the preeminence in all things, but it will not be the forced submission of a dictator who forces everyone to bow down to him whether they want to or not. It is true that some seem to bow down more easily than others; some are quick to confess Jesus as Lord, others confess Him as Lord when they are older, while some seem to hold out until the last possible moment. Some apparently die having made no obvious confession of faith at all.
But in the end, we have the glorious promise. Note how Scripture includes “every tongue” and “every knee.” The Bible affirms that “He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself” (Philippians 3:21).
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Is this legalism?
Hey Church,
Every day I go through what some might call a "ritual."
Some might even say I am being "legalistic."
But here's what I do:
I pray daily along the lines of what has become known as "the Lord's Prayer."
Basically, I'm spending time every day specifically setting aside my own needs and requests, and instead, praying for God's Will to be done, and God's Kingdom to come, "on earth, as it is in heaven."
About once every 2 or 3 years I am tempted to quit praying like this and just coast.
That is, I am almost persuaded by the super-spiritual among us who think that intentionally doing anything spiritual on a regular basis amounts to ritual, legalism, and religiosity.
Maybe that's YOUR reaction to my daily prayer thing.
Maybe you resist any attempt to pray daily, or read Scripture daily, or do anything along those lines for fear that it will become cold, legalistic, and lifeless.
Certainly, that's a possibility.
It's also possible that you're just being lazy, passive, and going to the extreme of "not being religious" to make yourself look free, liberated, and "Spirit-led."
I don't know.
But what I do know is this:
My little once-a-day prayer routine is nothing compared to Daniel.
Daniel did what I do - not once, but three times a day.
Daniel did it even when he was threatened with death.
And here we are, ready to give up whenever we get too busy, too inconvenienced, or too concerned for what we "don't" want to be like.
Of course, there are a lot of religious practices that are definitely legalistic and lifeless.
But sometimes the Bible uses a different word to describe things done on a regular basis with a pure heart.
That word?
Here's one way to look at the difference...
- Legalism consistently does the right thing for the wrong motive.
- Faithfulness consistently does the right thing for the right motive.
So it's the motive (not the consistent action) that determines the nature of the act.
Daniel was faithful, so when they passed a law forbidding prayer, he just kept on praying three times a day.
Maybe we should pass a law forbidding prayer; maybe that would get people praying
Maybe we should pass a law forbidding the Bible; maybe that would get people to read it and appreciate it.
The other thing I think about is something God put on our heart many years ago:
"Teach these things to faithful people who can teach others" (2. Tim. 2:2).
I've always focused on "teaching these things," emphasizing the importance of Christ-centered teachings.
That's good, but it's not enough.
The key component here has nothing to do with the teacher or the teachings, but with the people being taught.
Paul was concerned for the handing down of a Christ-centered faith to successive generations of people, and to keep that testimony alive, he stressed the importance of teaching these things to FAITHFUL people.
Not half-hearted, lukewarm, one-foot-in and one-foot-out kind of people, here today and gone the next.
Faithful people - people who are consistent, regular, dependable, reliable, committed.
Faithful to God, faithful to His Word, faithful to His Will and His Kingdom.
Faithfulness can't be taught, because it's a fruit of the Spirit.
But faithfulness can definitely be measured, and we can see if we're faithful or unfaithful.
For example, if I am faithful to my wife, it means I am consistently devoted to her and I reject every other romantic relationship.
That's faithfulness in marriage.
It's either there, or it isn't - there is no getting around it or making excuses for it.
Some in the world think that kind of commitment to one person for life is impractical, unrealistic, or even "legalistic."
We who know better, know that this idea of "one man, one woman, for life" is God's plan for marriage.
Well, guess what?
It's also God's plan for our "marriage" with Him.
"These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful" (Rev. 17:14).
Did you catch that?
Many are called, few are chosen, and even fewer are faithful.
Now, the point of this email is not to accuse you of anything, or get you to do something - it's only to ask you to prayerfully consider (or reconsider) that what you may be resisting as too legalistic or too religious may actually be a call to greater faithfulness and sacrifice.
Yes, a greater commitment requires paying a greater price.
Sometimes, faithfulness will require the ultimate sacrifice, and may even get you thrown into a den of lions or a fiery furnace.
But we have a choice.
We can be people of principle, or people of thrown around by every wave of feeling and opinion.
We can be faithful and fruitful, or we can go around pretending to be "free" - and fruitless.
When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith (faithfulness) in the earth?
I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Every day I go through what some might call a "ritual."
Some might even say I am being "legalistic."
But here's what I do:
I pray daily along the lines of what has become known as "the Lord's Prayer."
Basically, I'm spending time every day specifically setting aside my own needs and requests, and instead, praying for God's Will to be done, and God's Kingdom to come, "on earth, as it is in heaven."
About once every 2 or 3 years I am tempted to quit praying like this and just coast.
That is, I am almost persuaded by the super-spiritual among us who think that intentionally doing anything spiritual on a regular basis amounts to ritual, legalism, and religiosity.
Maybe that's YOUR reaction to my daily prayer thing.
Maybe you resist any attempt to pray daily, or read Scripture daily, or do anything along those lines for fear that it will become cold, legalistic, and lifeless.
Certainly, that's a possibility.
It's also possible that you're just being lazy, passive, and going to the extreme of "not being religious" to make yourself look free, liberated, and "Spirit-led."
I don't know.
But what I do know is this:
My little once-a-day prayer routine is nothing compared to Daniel.
Daniel did what I do - not once, but three times a day.
Daniel did it even when he was threatened with death.
And here we are, ready to give up whenever we get too busy, too inconvenienced, or too concerned for what we "don't" want to be like.
Of course, there are a lot of religious practices that are definitely legalistic and lifeless.
But sometimes the Bible uses a different word to describe things done on a regular basis with a pure heart.
That word?
Here's one way to look at the difference...
- Legalism consistently does the right thing for the wrong motive.
- Faithfulness consistently does the right thing for the right motive.
So it's the motive (not the consistent action) that determines the nature of the act.
Daniel was faithful, so when they passed a law forbidding prayer, he just kept on praying three times a day.
Maybe we should pass a law forbidding prayer; maybe that would get people praying
Maybe we should pass a law forbidding the Bible; maybe that would get people to read it and appreciate it.
The other thing I think about is something God put on our heart many years ago:
"Teach these things to faithful people who can teach others" (2. Tim. 2:2).
I've always focused on "teaching these things," emphasizing the importance of Christ-centered teachings.
That's good, but it's not enough.
The key component here has nothing to do with the teacher or the teachings, but with the people being taught.
Paul was concerned for the handing down of a Christ-centered faith to successive generations of people, and to keep that testimony alive, he stressed the importance of teaching these things to FAITHFUL people.
Not half-hearted, lukewarm, one-foot-in and one-foot-out kind of people, here today and gone the next.
Faithful people - people who are consistent, regular, dependable, reliable, committed.
Faithful to God, faithful to His Word, faithful to His Will and His Kingdom.
Faithfulness can't be taught, because it's a fruit of the Spirit.
But faithfulness can definitely be measured, and we can see if we're faithful or unfaithful.
For example, if I am faithful to my wife, it means I am consistently devoted to her and I reject every other romantic relationship.
That's faithfulness in marriage.
It's either there, or it isn't - there is no getting around it or making excuses for it.
Some in the world think that kind of commitment to one person for life is impractical, unrealistic, or even "legalistic."
We who know better, know that this idea of "one man, one woman, for life" is God's plan for marriage.
Well, guess what?
It's also God's plan for our "marriage" with Him.
"These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful" (Rev. 17:14).
Did you catch that?
Many are called, few are chosen, and even fewer are faithful.
Now, the point of this email is not to accuse you of anything, or get you to do something - it's only to ask you to prayerfully consider (or reconsider) that what you may be resisting as too legalistic or too religious may actually be a call to greater faithfulness and sacrifice.
Yes, a greater commitment requires paying a greater price.
Sometimes, faithfulness will require the ultimate sacrifice, and may even get you thrown into a den of lions or a fiery furnace.
But we have a choice.
We can be people of principle, or people of thrown around by every wave of feeling and opinion.
We can be faithful and fruitful, or we can go around pretending to be "free" - and fruitless.
When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith (faithfulness) in the earth?
I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Apply the Anointing

Apply the Anointing
My child, the power lies in you taking the anointing I have given you and walking with it. Imagine a flower that needs water. If it would always just constantly have water flowing all over it but never took the water and transported it to its roots, and to its leaves, it would drown. It wouldn't flourish and it wouldn't reproduce.It's the same with you. You need to run into my presence and drink from me. You need to fill up with my anointing. However, then there is a time for you to take that anointing and walk it out. You need to use it. You need to apply it to every part of your life. As you do, you will grow. As you do, you will flourish. As you do, you will spread what I have given you all over the place.
So come to me today and drink from me afresh. But then take that power and that anointing and apply it to every area of your life! I love you so much my child. You are precious to me! So let's walk this journey together, says the Lord.
Minggu, 13 Maret 2016
“I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes.” -JOB 42:5,6
Hearing about God from others is not the same as seeing Him with your own eyes. In Job’s story we find an answer to the age-old question of why God allows the righteous to suffer. The answer is: there are things you need to know about God, and things you need to know about yourself, that you cannot know without going through a fiery trial.
The greatest lessons will not be learned while sitting in a classroom or reading a book. They will be learned in the dark nights, the deep valleys, and the raging seas of trial and tribulation.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes.” -JOB 42:5,6
Hearing about God from others is not the same as seeing Him with your own eyes. In Job’s story we find an answer to the age-old question of why God allows the righteous to suffer. The answer is: there are things you need to know about God, and things you need to know about yourself, that you cannot know without going through a fiery trial.
The greatest lessons will not be learned while sitting in a classroom or reading a book. They will be learned in the dark nights, the deep valleys, and the raging seas of trial and tribulation.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“And [Jesus] entered a house and wanted no one to know it, but He could not be hidden.” -MARK 7:24
When we look at the earthly ministry of Jesus we see that He did not seek to increase Himself. He actually humbled Himself and tried to be inconspicuous. Even so, when He tried to hide Himself, He could not be hidden. I want you to think about that. When God was ready to reveal Him then He could not be hidden. He could not even hide Himself.
I tell you, this idea of Christ increasing is the most powerful reality in this universe! Nothing can stand before it, nothing can resist it, and nothing can stop it.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“And [Jesus] entered a house and wanted no one to know it, but He could not be hidden.” -MARK 7:24
When we look at the earthly ministry of Jesus we see that He did not seek to increase Himself. He actually humbled Himself and tried to be inconspicuous. Even so, when He tried to hide Himself, He could not be hidden. I want you to think about that. When God was ready to reveal Him then He could not be hidden. He could not even hide Himself.
I tell you, this idea of Christ increasing is the most powerful reality in this universe! Nothing can stand before it, nothing can resist it, and nothing can stop it.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Tell the Enemy to Let Go

Tell the Enemy to Let Go
Perhaps you have heard me give you a promise and you have taken me at my word, but for one reason or another you find that this word has still not come to pass. Maybe you feel that this may never happen.Do not give up, my beloved. Come to me again and hear my words and promises for you today. See if I have indeed given you that promise and if I have, then do not throw in the towel and allow the enemy to keep hold of your promise.
Satan wants so much to steal and hold on to everything that I have for you, but you do not have to allow him to keep it. You can stand up and not accept anything less than my promise for you and your family. It is time to take up your battle weapons and tell the enemy, "Let go of the promise that God has for me and for the church universal!", says the Lord.
Take the Land

Take the Land
Just as I told David that I had given him the land and that he was victorious over the enemy, so do I tell you the same thing today, my child. However, just because I told David that the land was his did not mean that he did not need to go out and fight, in order to take the land.If I tell you that the land is yours, you must, on your side, stand up, pick up your sword, and go and possess that land. The enemy will not just hand you the land. Yet, I have already promised you that you would come out as the winner. So, there is no fear you should have in losing the battle.
So, go out into the land, my love. Remember afresh today that I have given you the land. It is simply for you to step out on it and take it, says the Lord.
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” -REVELATION 12:11
It is helpful to identify the three enemies that present themselves to us, and then the above verse will make even more sense. The overcomer must learn how to defeat each one. So what are they?
First, there is the enemy of Sin. Second, the enemy of Self. Third, the enemy of Satan. All contrary things, whether they be of spiritual, natural, or human origin, find their root in one of these three sources.
The glorious thing, of course, is that God’s provision meets all three enemies and defeats them in order to demonstrate the preeminence of Christ. This, in essence, is what it means to overcome. It is to demonstrate the preeminence of Christ over all things.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” -REVELATION 12:11
It is helpful to identify the three enemies that present themselves to us, and then the above verse will make even more sense. The overcomer must learn how to defeat each one. So what are they?
First, there is the enemy of Sin. Second, the enemy of Self. Third, the enemy of Satan. All contrary things, whether they be of spiritual, natural, or human origin, find their root in one of these three sources.
The glorious thing, of course, is that God’s provision meets all three enemies and defeats them in order to demonstrate the preeminence of Christ. This, in essence, is what it means to overcome. It is to demonstrate the preeminence of Christ over all things.
Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Rest in My Presence

Rest in My Presence
My child, when you have been out all day, like a farmer that has labored all day in the hot sun, there is a time to come in and rest from your work. Come into my presence and refresh yourself from the burdens of the day.Come and lay your head on my chest and rest like a child in the arms of their mother. For as you come into my presence, your tired muscles will lose their ache, and your tired mind will be filled with pictures of hope for the next season. For as much as you work and toil, there will come a time that you will do all that you can do, and the next step is in My hands.
Like a field that has been planted, after your work has been finished, it will be on Me to send the sun and the rain so your harvest will grow. So remember that as you work, there is a time to rest, and true rest and refreshing can be found in Me!
So come to Me my child, and rest in my arms. Trust that as you take the time to spend with Me, that is the time that my hand can move on your field, and make it prosper. Amen.
“But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God — and righteousness and sanctification and redemption — that, as it is
written, ‘He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.’” -1 CORINTHIANS 1:30,31
We must be clear: these things are not the “reward” for years of faithful service, or the fruit of walking with Jesus after a long period of time. If I have Him now, then I have all that pertains to Him now. My Wisdom, my Righteousness, my Sanctification, and my Redemption has a personality, for He is all those things in me.
It is not a question of my behavior, or my conduct, or my feelings one way or the other – those things will come into line soon enough – but it is all based upon this accomplished fact. Christ is God’s Gift. I repeat, we have much to praise God about!
Source:“Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
“But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God — and righteousness and sanctification and redemption — that, as it is
written, ‘He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.’” -1 CORINTHIANS 1:30,31
We must be clear: these things are not the “reward” for years of faithful service, or the fruit of walking with Jesus after a long period of time. If I have Him now, then I have all that pertains to Him now. My Wisdom, my Righteousness, my Sanctification, and my Redemption has a personality, for He is all those things in me.
It is not a question of my behavior, or my conduct, or my feelings one way or the other – those things will come into line soon enough – but it is all based upon this accomplished fact. Christ is God’s Gift. I repeat, we have much to praise God about!
Source:“Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
The Next Step

The Next Step
My child I have called you to be a warrior in my kingdom, but sometimes you may only see yourself as a little child - someone who has neither the strength nor skill to fight on the battlefield. My child, do not be discouraged, for I already know the road you will walk. I know what will make your muscles stronger, and what wisdom you need to become the conqueror that I have called you to be.Trust in the pressures and obstacles in your way, because the lessons that you learn as you overcome, will train your fingers for war, teach you the weaknesses of the enemy, and give you the boldness to run onto the battlefield with your sword held high.
So do not see yourself as you are right now. Trust in the path that I have for you, and know that I see you as the finished product, the mighty warrior that will defeat all the schemes of the enemy, and take back the land he has stolen! See every mountain and every valley as a chance to rise up, and gain strength, skill and confidence. See yourself as I see you, and rejoice on the road that you walk with Me, says the Lord.
Seek His Presence

Seek His Presence
So often do you feel like you have to be perfect for me, and do as much as possible, but my child, my love for you is without limitation. I have accepted you even before you were born and it is not your works that I seek, but your heart and your love for me.No matter what you are faced with and no matter what task you put your hands to this day, do it with all of your heart. Don't worry about being perfect or doing the right thing. Worry about doing it with all of your heart and all of your passion.
Your heart is pleasing to me. I have created you because of love and for love. There is nothing I desire more than to see you reach out to me with a heart of love. So relax and rest in this fact, says the Lord. Amen.
“As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the Word, that you may grow thereby.” -1 PETER 2:2
When we realize we don’t know, then Christ becomes our Wisdom so we CAN know.
When we are children we are apt to say, I know WHAT I believe. As we grow out of infancy and begin to wrestle with the deeper questions and issues of the Christian faith we will learn to say, I know WHY I believe. The ultimate experience, however, is to be brought to a place where we can say with confidence, I know WHOM I believe.
Knowing WHAT is a beginning.
Knowing WHY is progress.
Knowing WHO is maturity.
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the Word, that you may grow thereby.” -1 PETER 2:2
When we realize we don’t know, then Christ becomes our Wisdom so we CAN know.
When we are children we are apt to say, I know WHAT I believe. As we grow out of infancy and begin to wrestle with the deeper questions and issues of the Christian faith we will learn to say, I know WHY I believe. The ultimate experience, however, is to be brought to a place where we can say with confidence, I know WHOM I believe.
Knowing WHAT is a beginning.
Knowing WHY is progress.
Knowing WHO is maturity.
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“Then these men assembled, and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God.” -DANIEL 6:11
Something should be driving us to pray. There should be some unction, some inner compulsion, to seek God, to seek Him early, and to seek Him often. If that is not our daily experience then something is wrong.
Perhaps we have grown complacent, or comfortable, or cold. Whatever the reason, vision is the cure. If we have truly seen God’s Purpose we cannot just go along as before. It will consume us. A person with a small vision will pray small prayers. Daniel was a man of huge vision, and so he prayed large prayers.
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“Then these men assembled, and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God.” -DANIEL 6:11
Something should be driving us to pray. There should be some unction, some inner compulsion, to seek God, to seek Him early, and to seek Him often. If that is not our daily experience then something is wrong.
Perhaps we have grown complacent, or comfortable, or cold. Whatever the reason, vision is the cure. If we have truly seen God’s Purpose we cannot just go along as before. It will consume us. A person with a small vision will pray small prayers. Daniel was a man of huge vision, and so he prayed large prayers.
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Labor to Enter Into My Rest

Labor to Enter Into My Rest
My child, you do not have to run around and prove to me how capable you are. You do not have to try hard to get everything right or to show that you are a good, moral person.What I desire is that you labor and run to enter into my rest. It is so easy to move here and there accomplishing many tasks so that you can feel as though you have pleased me more.
However, my love, the very thing that pleases me is faith and having you resting in my arms, and sitting beside me in my presence.
Know that you do not have to fear that you are not good enough or doing enough. I want to give you sleep and rest. I want to give you love and peace. I want to give you every good gift that you do not have to work for, but simply because I love you, says the Lord.
The Blood is Enough

The Blood is Enough
My child, after Jesus shed His bled and died on the cross, I was fully satisfied. I no longer needed the shedding of blood from oxen, lambs, or doves. I no longer needed all the works of circumcision or anything else to make you holy.When Jesus yielded to death, he shouted, "It is finished!" and the veil in the temple was torn and so was the veil between you and I was torn down.
There is nothing that is separating Me from you anymore. There is no sin, failure, or mistake that has not already been overcome by the blood of Jesus. You can now come boldly before Me and have relationship with Me, your Father.
So, put away your works and all your striving to impress Me. For I have been impressed and satisfied by the blood of Jesus. If you want to impress Me, just have faith in Him and clothe yourself in His blood, says the Lord.
Closer Than Your Breath

Closer Than Your Breath
You do not have to climb every mountain or go through the deepest valleys to find Me. I am not hidden away like a treasure that you have to find with much travail. I am standing right next to you, My child. I have not hidden away, nor did I turn my back on you. I have not forgotten nor forsaken you.Instead of trying to find Me everywhere, stop right where you are, close your eyes and see Me standing right next to you. I am as close to you as your breath.
Run into My arms and let me hold you. Sit on My lap and let me cuddle you. Feel my peace and feel My love. Come to rest in My embrace. Ask Me what you want to know and I will answer you. Tell Me what you have always wanted to, and I will listen.
I am closer than you think, nearer than you would have ever imagined. Come close to Me, and know that I am always close to you.
My Breeze is Directing You

My Breeze is Directing You
At times you may feel like the seed of a dandelion being blown into the wind. I take you in my hand and blow upon you with my love. I blow upon you with my power and I send you to where I want you.I know that at times this might seem like a crazy ride for you, my child, but rest assured that as you just go with the gentle breeze that my spirit blows upon you, you are indeed directed in my very path for you.
Don't be afraid to not know where you will land next, but rather be securely grounded in your faith in me. Just be like that dandelion seed and allow the wind to carry you where you should go.
Then you will fall to the ground and take root and become something beautiful for many to see. So trust in me, my child. I know what I am doing. Find your security in me and not in what you can see, says the Lord. Amen.
To Those Who Believe

To Those Who Believe
ÒWith God, all things are possible.Ó This is what my people say all the time. However, do you really believe the very thing that you are saying, my child? Do you realize that all things are truly possible?For I have promised you health, love, peace and many other blessings, but it is for you to take hold of these blessings that I have promised you. Think back on the time when I first told you that these promises were yours. Feel that fire and that hope once again. The enemy may have come to discourage you and get you to lose sight of the goal and promise.
Yet, I have come to give you life and life abundantly. I have come to shine a light on the promise once again, my child, and to cause you to remember that indeed all things are possible to those who believe.
It is simply time for you to believe once again and to put the lies of the enemy out of your heart and mind. Put them out of your vocabulary and put the words of Christ in its place. Speak forth my words again and again and let them become a truth that cannot be shaken within you and soon you will see the promises that I have given you come to pass, says the Lord.
The Battle Lines

The Battle Lines
My child I have armed you with a sword and protected you with a shield, so do not be afraid if you see the enemy drawing up his battle lines. For the moment that the warfare begins, you have already won! The process is one of discovery. For you to discover exactly what I bought for you on Calvary. So my child, do not be afraid at the sound of the battle cry in the distance. Do not be afraid if it seems that your circumstances are coming against you. For they are just an opportunity for you to raise your sword and to realize that you are an overcomer in my name. Realize that you are not alone on this battlefield. You are not alone as you face the opposition and attacks. I am right there alongside fighting with you. I am there to remind you that your ground is already won! I am here to stand against every attack and to remind the enemy that he is defeated. So as you stand up in boldness against the works of the enemy today, realize that I have already given you this land. All you need to do is stand and defend it now. If you allow the enemy to run you over, he will be happy to do it. However when you stand with your sword and shield raised high, he has no place on this land!So stand as the victory today. Stand as the overcomer and realize that I have your back. I am right beside you and no matter where you go and no matter what battles you have to fight, I will be the wind beneath your wings and the power behind your sword says the Lord. Amen
Find your Tribe

Find your Tribe
My child, there are times that you will feel very alone. Some of these times will be from Me as I am drawing you close and I want you all to Myself. However, these times are only for a season. I have created you to have a family, and a tribe. There are people that have the same kind of fire, and passion as you. So do not ever despair or ever think that you have to walk this journey alone. I have chosen people for you to love and a place for you to truly belong.So keep your eyes and heart open for those that belong to you. Do not be distracted by outward appearances, because you may be surprised to find that they are the people that you least expect. Remember, some of My greatest gifts come in the most unassuming packages. Find your tribe, and join with them to fight this war against the enemy, shoulder-to-shoulder with warriors that all burn with the same fire. They are waiting for you!
Let Go and Receive More

Let Go and Receive More
You have built a lot of habits and templates over the years, my child. Everything you have experienced with me has brought you to the place you are in today. However, now it's time to move forward. It's time to leave what "has just always worked" up until this point. It is time for me to take you higher and show you more things.Before I can take you there though, I am asking you my child, to let go of your comfort zones and of your habits. I am asking you to trust me and to leave what you have become so familiar with, so I can take you higher. Leave the comfort of this fountain that you have drawn water and strength from for so long, and let me lead you to an ocean filled with my presence and anointing.
So give me your heart afresh. Take my hand anew and allow me to take you higher. Trust in me afresh and watch me do a great and marvelous thing in your life, says the Lord. Amen.
Get Into My Presence

Get Into My Presence
Get away from all the noise, my child, and steal a moment away with me. In my presence, I will wash away all the mud and dirt that you have picked up in the world.I will lead you beside the quiet waters and bring your spirit peace. My child, come and fill up with my love and you will be refreshed. I am always here and it only takes a moment to get into my presence. Close your eyes and incline your ears to Me. You will find that I have been here all along. Come, my child, and put your head on my bosom. I will quiet your fears and give you all that you need to strengthen you afresh. Then when you are rested, you can step out and accomplish many things that you could not do before.
I will fill you up with more than just rest, but with power, with wisdom and with everything that you need, to conquer the mountains that stand before you. What was hard to do before, will be an easy yoke and light for you to carry! Amen.
Think on the Good

Think on the Good
There are many things that you can look back on and regret or feel sad about. However, today, my child, I want you to look at the amazing things that I have done in your life. I want you to reminisce on the journey that we have walked together and the roads that I have paved before you and the doors that I have opened up for you.I want you to think on the things that are good and not discouraging because it is when you continue to gaze on the good that you are reminded in your present that I am able to move on your behalf yet again.
So, never grow weary or be discouraged because of what things look like. Rather think about every miracle and every promise that you have received from me. See my hand moving on your behalf once again to bring things into line in your life afresh today, says the Lord.
Stand in My Peace

Stand in My Peace
No matter what is happening around you, and how many storms are raging, my child realize that my peace is what you need. It's in my peace that you will find the strength that you need.When the war is waging it's so tempting to just storm out and take authority over the devil left, right and center and just wage war. My child, can't you see that it's my peace that surpasses all understanding? Come to me and allow me to give you that peace.
Then, when you are in my presence and have received that deep rest in your heart, you will have the tools and the strength you need to fight this battle. You will know what to do and when to do it, says the Lord.
So come away from the storm. Stop running for a moment and enter my rest. Allow my love to penetrate your heart and allow my power to come upon you so that you can face this battle with my wisdom and in my peace, says the Lord.
Walk in My Inheritance

Walk in My Inheritance
My child, I have only the best for you. I gave up my life so that you can inherit the favor, blessing, and health of my kingdom. I sacrificed my life so that you might be able to conquer sin and death.So rest in the finished work that I have done on the cross. See that my blood is able to purge every curse and sin from your life and put those things under my blood, so that you can walk in the inheritance that I have made available to you.
For I desire for you, my love, to succeed and to rule and reign in your life. I desire for you to be the head and not the tail, a city set upon a hill and a lighthouse to lead those that are bound in darkness, says the Lord.
My Love Will Wash You Clean

I love you so very much and it's that love that I want to pour all over you. So just come to me and allow me soak you with my never ending love and grace. As I soak you, you will be washed clean and any bit of darkness will be purged away.
I love you my child. I called you and chose you because you are weak and foolish. I called you because I first loved you and desire that love to be spread everywhere in this world.
So stop the striving. Stop the trying. Just come to me and bathe in my love, for it's in my love that you will see the direction you desire to receive. It's in my love that you will find the guidance you lack. It’s in my love that you will find the fulfillment you seek. So just come now and let me take you away, says the Lord.
I Will Supply Your Needs

I Will Supply Your Needs
Just as I feed worms of the earth and water the plants in the ground, so am I here to feed and water your life, my beloved. I have taken time to make everything in the land look beautiful and to set it all in its proper place and I have also specifically made and placed you where you are.
Do not worry about the problems that you face or the lack that may appear to rise up before you. Keep your eyes on me and know that I will do exactly what I have said. I will supply every one of your needs and I will take care of you like no one else can.
I have seen the end from the beginning and I have made a plan for every lack, every shortcoming and every struggle that you may face. Just look at me, listen to my words and know that what I have for you is indeed yours, says the Lord.
Kamis, 10 Maret 2016
No Need to Fear

No Need to Fear
My child, you never have to worry about being alone. When you are faced with tough decisions and when life throws a curve ball at you, know that you do not have to go through this life by yourself. I am near and I will walk every road you travel with you.There will be times when, with your natural eyes, it may look like negative circumstances are larger than life, but when you step back and look with my eyes, you will see that my arm is not too short to deliver you. I am your God. I am your deliverer and I am your friend.
If I am by your side always, child, is there anything that can defeat you? Indeed, you have the Creator of the world and the Creator of life standing behind you. So look up with good expectations, knowing that I have blessed you. I have taken care of your future. I know what lies ahead. Even when the enemy lurks in the shadows, you will never have to fear or be defeated, because I am on your side.
I am working even when you are sleeping. I am able to do so much more than you could ever think, my child. So take courage, take rest in my arms, and remember who your God is. Indeed, you are on the winning side and the enemy of your soul has been made a footstool at your feet. Amen.
“I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” -JOHN 6:35
Here we have another principle of how the Law of Life operates. The presence of this Life within the believer will create hunger and thirst for Christ. What is more, this hunger and thirst for Christ cannot be filled or quenched with anything else – including blessings, power, spiritual gifts, or Christian service.
It is hard to convince new converts of this, but those of us who have been around a long time should know by now that Christ is what makes a Christian.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
“I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” -JOHN 6:35
Here we have another principle of how the Law of Life operates. The presence of this Life within the believer will create hunger and thirst for Christ. What is more, this hunger and thirst for Christ cannot be filled or quenched with anything else – including blessings, power, spiritual gifts, or Christian service.
It is hard to convince new converts of this, but those of us who have been around a long time should know by now that Christ is what makes a Christian.
Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden
Like this? Share your comments:
I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Stand in the Storm

Stand in the Storm
In every hurricane, there is an eye where all is quiet and calm. This is the place that I am calling you to my child. Do not get involved in dramas and battles that I have not called you to, because the enemy is only too eager for you to turn your focus away from what I have called you to, to his plans.Instead, keep your eyes and ears attuned to Me, and focus on my voice. For in my presence you will find wisdom, encouragement, and peace. For from my vantage point, every problem has a solution, and there are no circumstances that cannot be overcome with Me at your side.
So do not be distracted by the storm, or the flying debris that a hurricane may throw at you. In the eye of the storm, there is peace, rest and joy. Know that as you come to rest, that sometimes that is the greatest weapon against the enemy. So do not be afraid and come into the eye of the hurricane. Know there is a place of quiet and rest with Me waiting for you. Amen.
Sebuah Surat dari Bapa (Kekudusan)
Sebuah Surat dari Bapa
Kekudusan pribadi merupakan kunci bagi
segala rencana Tuhan yang mulia dalam kehidupan kita. “Kuduslah kamu, sebab
Aku kudus.” (1 Petrus 1:16) ini merupakan perintah Tuhan bagi kita
semua..... Bukan saran atau pilihan!!!!!
Kita dipanggil untuk menjadi serupa dengan
gambaran Tuhan Yesus. Ini merupakan panggilan Tuhan bagi kita untuk hidup dalam
kekudusan. Kekudusan menjadi pusat dari seluruh rencanaNya dalam kehidupan
Tuhan telah memberikan kepada kita suatu
kehendak bebas, maka kita harus bekerjasama denganNya. Kita harus memilih untuk
senantiasa dipenuhi Roh Kudus. Kita harus memilih mengizinkan Roh Kudus
berkarya secara leluasa di dalam hidup kita.
Setelah dikuduskan melalui korban
penebusan Tuhan Yesus, selama kita hidup di muka bumi ini kita harus
bekerjasama dengan Roh Kudus untuk tetap hidup dalam kekudusan hingga gambar
Kristus semakin nyata dalam hidup kita.
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