Kamis, 03 Maret 2016

I Care for You

I Care for You

When I created this world, I took my time to put each and everything in place where it should be. I made sure that there was enough water and enough oxygen. I made sure that there were plants and animals that would keep the earth in the condition that I desired it to be in. 
I did not do this just to prove how amazing I am or to show off my greatness. I did this for you, my child. I care so much about you and I am always thinking about what is the best for you.
I formed this earth just for you to rule and reign in it. I made it something that would be of great benefit to you. I made a place of peace and rest for you, an oasis that you would enjoy for all of your days.
So, look to me and see that I am your loving father. I am still the same father today that is looking out for you and making sure that you have the best, says the Lord.

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