Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

Apply the Anointing

Apply the Anointing

My child, the power lies in you taking the anointing I have given you and walking with it. Imagine a flower that needs water. If it would always just constantly have water flowing all over it but never took the water and transported it to its roots, and to its leaves, it would drown. It wouldn't flourish and it wouldn't reproduce.
It's the same with you. You need to run into my presence and drink from me. You need to fill up with my anointing. However, then there is a time for you to take that anointing and walk it out. You need to use it. You need to apply it to every part of your life. As you do, you will grow. As you do, you will flourish. As you do, you will spread what I have given you all over the place.
So come to me today and drink from me afresh. But then take that power and that anointing and apply it to every area of your life! I love you so much my child. You are precious to me! So let's walk this journey together, says the Lord.

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