Minggu, 13 Maret 2016

Labor to Enter Into My Rest

Labor to Enter Into My Rest

My child, you do not have to run around and prove to me how capable you are. You do not have to try hard to get everything right or to show that you are a good, moral person.
What I desire is that you labor and run to enter into my rest. It is so easy to move here and there accomplishing many tasks so that you can feel as though you have pleased me more.
However, my love, the very thing that pleases me is faith and having you resting in my arms, and sitting beside me in my presence.
Know that you do not have to fear that you are not good enough or doing enough. I want to give you sleep and rest. I want to give you love and peace. I want to give you every good gift that you do not have to work for, but simply because I love you, says the Lord.

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