Minggu, 13 Maret 2016

To Those Who Believe

To Those Who Believe

ÒWith God, all things are possible.Ó This is what my people say all the time. However, do you really believe the very thing that you are saying, my child? Do you realize that all things are truly possible?
For I have promised you health, love, peace and many other blessings, but it is for you to take hold of these blessings that I have promised you. Think back on the time when I first told you that these promises were yours. Feel that fire and that hope once again. The enemy may have come to discourage you and get you to lose sight of the goal and promise.
Yet, I have come to give you life and life abundantly. I have come to shine a light on the promise once again, my child, and to cause you to remember that indeed all things are possible to those who believe.
It is simply time for you to believe once again and to put the lies of the enemy out of your heart and mind. Put them out of your vocabulary and put the words of Christ in its place. Speak forth my words again and again and let them become a truth that cannot be shaken within you and soon you will see the promises that I have given you come to pass, says the Lord.

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