Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Hang on to the Promise

Hang on to the Promise

Do not grow weary, but keep your eyes lifted up on me. For indeed, as you hang on to the promise that I have given you, it will also come with a journey to travel. There may be mountains and there will be valleys. Your faith will be tested and with each fire that you go through, your faith in me will grow stronger and stronger.
The enemy may come to wear you down and try to make you stop believing. In these times, it is for you to hang on to the promise more than ever before. Speak to the circumstances that do not align with my word and call them into line. See the vision of the promise that I have given you and do not let go. For when you look at nothing, but what I have said, you will find strength and power.
I have not changed my mind, child, but every promise that I have given you is "yes and amen." When your faith is challenged, take my Word and put the pictures in your heart, until my promise is more real to you than any lie of the enemy.
My child, do not grow weary, for indeed the enemy desires you to believe the worst, but the promise is right there ahead of you. I have not withheld it from you, but I am leading you to victory. Amen.

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