Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

The Voice of the Enemy

The Voice of the Enemy

Do not be ignorant of the enemy's tactics, but be wise. When you feel condemned and are daily reminded of your failures, realize that the enemy is in your ear.
You do not have to listen to him, but instead, you can rise up with a sword in your hand and send the enemy to flight.
He desires you to be ineffective. He comes to remind you of your failures and weigh you down with shame. When you see these fruits in your life, child, take notice and pick up your sword. Shake off the accusation and rise up in my name. Cover your life with my blood and you will stand boldly in the face of warfare.
Then you will cut through every bit of heaviness and you will see that I have been with you all along. You will experience joy and feel the liberty in your spirit. You will leap in bounds and feel empowered to tackle every task at hand! Amen.

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