Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Look Up!

Look Up!

As you walk through the roads of life it is easy to look down at your feet to see where you are walking. When you do this, you see the stones in your path and the cracks in the road. Often it is hard to imagine that you can walk this road because the more you walk it, the harder it looks to you. My child it is time to stop looking down at your feet and to look upwards to me!
For it is in my face that you will find the solution to the bumps in your road and it is in my Word that you will find the strength to walk it. However when all you see is your feet and the obstacles that you have to overcome, you will begin to lose hope. You will begin to doubt yourself and wonder if you picked the right road to walk.
That is why you must take your eyes off your own walk and your own abilities and you must look upwards to me. You must begin to see what is possible and the purpose for this journey. You must look into my eyes and see the goal that you are pressing forward for. For when you look up, you will experience hope. You will experience a new strength. I will come and lift your arms and put your feet on a high place. Then when you look down again, you will see that I have straightened your path and caused you to fly says the Lord. Amen

Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

Do Not Lose Focus

Do Not Lose Focus

My child, do not let the enemy steal your hope and your dreams, but hang on to the promises that I have given you. Hang on to the future that I have planned. Do not be led astray, but keep your eyes focused on the goal ahead and do not deter. 
The enemy will try and get you to doubt, he will try and make you not believe in Me. He will try to come and discourage you and to get you to give up. When he does, do not give in, but instead stand on my Word. Look the enemy in the eye and confess the word. Take your stand and do not allow for the enemy to steal your hope. 
You have heard Me and you know my voice. You know what I can do for you and that I can move mountains to bring you to your promised land. When the enemy comes then, do not give in to the lies, but take out the sword and silence his voice. 
Then as you keep your eyes on Me, you will see my promises come into view. You will be amazed at how much progress you have made and what a journey you have travelled. You will not only see my promises in your life, but you will walk in them, you will eat them and you will experience them daily. Amen. 

Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

As Vast as the Sky

As Vast as the Sky

My child, if you look at the sky, you will see how vast it is and that there is no limit to it. Just as vast and open as the sky is, so are the possibilities within this life. In yourself you can only do so much and produce so much, but you forget that you are not alone in this world. You have Me living inside of you and walking alongside you daily. You have unlimited power and knowledge and wisdom right at your fingertips. 
Do not forget how wonderful I am and that I withhold nothing good from you. When you ask and when you seek, all that is Mine is yours, my child. There is nothing too great and no problem too big that I cannot solve. 
In Me, you can do all things. You can overcome every enemy that stands in your way. In Me, all things are possible. So do not look at what you cannot do for yourself, but look at how mighty and strong that I am. When you set your face on Me, you will see that indeed, the possibilities are endless.

Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

An Unfamiliar Path

An Unfamiliar Path

For indeed, I am leading you a new way that you have not gone before. You cannot walk this new road and lean on your own understanding, for you have no experience to glean from and there is nothing familiar on this road, for you to compare to.

I am teaching you a new thing and adding onto you new abilities and skills that you did not have before.

So do not get frustrated on this unfamiliar path, but instead embrace it and learn from Me. As you come to me for wisdom, I will give it to you. I will show you the way and you will learn great things that you did not know. Let go of what worked before then, child and learn from Me. I have great wisdom that you have not tapped into. I desire to give you knowledge and understanding on this new path. By the end of this journey, you will come out with greater understanding and wisdom than you have ever had before. Amen.

A New Walk

A New Walk

Just as a man has specific shoes for specific reasons, so you too have different spiritual shoes for different spiritual purposes. You would not wear sandals in the dead of winter, neither would you wear boots in the summer.

In the same way, the seasons have changed in your life and so too will the way you walk with me… how you hear from me, how you relate to me and what burns in your heart will indeed start to change, just as the seasons in your life change.

So when you begin to feel the fire within begin to churn and that the way you have walked with me until now, is no longer good enough, know that I am starting a new work in you. Embrace the change and follow the fire that burns in your heart, says the Lord. Amen.

Dwell in My Shelter

Dwell in My Shelter

My protection is like an umbrella my child. As long as you dwell in my shelter nothing will cause you any harm. As soon as you try though to do the things in your own strength and you try to run ahead of me, you will be overwhelmed by the amount of water that will gush down on you.

You will grow weary from the torrid sun. It will pull at your strengths, and make you want to give up to the point where you wonder if you are really walking on the path that I have laid before you.

You are on the right path my child. You simply left the comfort of my wings. You left my shadow and ran ahead of me. Come back to me my child and rest under my wings. For I have not given you my shelter to withhold things from you. No, I have given you my shelter so that you can walk this road in peace.

You will walk this road anyway, but you decide how many difficulties you want to face. You can have it the hard way or the easy way. Dwell in my shelter and you will rest in my shadow and experience my peace and protection.

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015

I am Infinite

I am Infinite

My child look up and see the skies clear above you. Do not look down at your feet where the shadows are, but rather to the skies where it is clear and you can see for miles. For I have not blocked your view – instead you have just been looking in the wrong direction.

So look up and see that my favor is upon you and that my hand has indeed opened the way as I have promised. Look up and see the infinite potential that lies before you! For when you look to your feet and the things that you are capable of doing, you will only see limitation. When you inspect your own strength and wisdom, you will feel a sense of lack and impossibility. However when you look up to me, you will see that I am infinite!

There is no limitations with me and everything is surely possible. If you can have faith in me, you will see that I can pick you up and plant you where I will. I can take you by the hand and show you wonderful things.

So do not look at what you have or at what you can do today. Do not look at where your own feet can take you, but rather look at the infinite possibility that I hold in my hands. For as you take hold of my promises and put your trust in me, I will lift your feet from the ground and cause you to soar in the skies. Then you will see and understand that there are many things that are impossible with man, but with me, everything is possible says the Lord. Amen.

Rabu, 21 Januari 2015



Pada saat saya masih kuliah, saya merasa bahwa saya merasa mampu melakukan segala sesuatu dengan kemampuan saya sendiri. Saya semakin senang dan besar kepala ketika teman-teman saya mengakui bahwa saya memang mampu melakukan tugas-tugas dengan benar. Saya menjadi sombong dan meremehkan setiap tugas yang saya dapat karena nilai-nilai saya bagus dan nyaris sempurna. Namun, saya tidak menyadari kalau semua itu berkat dari Tuhan, dan keberhasilan saya hanya karena pertolongan Tuhan.

Hingga pada suatu saat, tepatnya pada semester akhir kuliah saya, saya menghadapi masalah dalam mengerjakan tugas akhir sebagai syarat kelulusan kuliah. Saya sakit selama beberapa hari hingga tidak bisa masuk kuliah. Saya sangat sedih karena selama saya sakit tidak ada seorang teman pun yang datang menjenguk atau memberi informasi terkait dengan mata kuliah maupun keadaan kelas di kampus. Saya sadar bahwa saya sudah ketinggalan banyak materi pelajaran, dan hal ini akan berpengaruh pada kelulusan saya. Setelah saya sembuh, saya segera bertanya kepada teman saya, tetapi mereka tidak memberikan jawaban yang jelas dan seolah tidak memedulikan pertanyaan saya. Dengan kejadian ini, saya diingatkan Tuhan akan kesalahan saya. Selama ini saya tidak menyadari bahwa kemampuan saya itu adalah pemberian Tuhan Yesus; tanpa pertolongan-Nya saya tidak mampu mengerjakan apa pun dengan kekuatan saya sendiri.

Saya mulai sadar apa yang telah saya perbuat, saya terlalu membanggakan diri sendiri, saya begitu sombong dengan kepintaran saya dalam melakukan segala hal, dan cenderung tidak mau kalah dalam berdebat dengan siapa pun. Saya bersyukur Tuhan mengingatkan saya akan kesombongan saya ini. Namun demikian, saya merasa bahwa penyesalan saya ini sudah terlambat karena teman-teman saya tidak ada yang mau memedulikan saya dan menolong saya dengan memberikan penjelasan kepada saya tentang tugas kuliah yang harus saya kerjakan.

Dalam keadaan seperti ini, saya pun segera pulang dan berdoa kepada Tuhan Yesus dengan sungguh-sungguh, merendahkan hati, dan meminta pengampunan kepada-Nya karena saya terlalu membanggakan diri sendiri dan sombong. Dan saat itu pula, hati saya digerakkan Tuhan untuk meminta maaf kepada teman-teman saya karena kelakuan saya, kesombongan saya, dan segala kesalahan saya.

Keesokan harinya, saya meminta maaf kepada teman-teman saya, tetapi mereka hanya diam saja. Saya merasa tidak dianggap dan tidak enak hati. Dan, ketika saya mau pergi, ada seorang yang menanggapi permintaan maaf saya dan menjelaskan kepada teman-teman saya bahwa kita harus mengampuni orang yang bersalah kepada kita, sama seperti Tuhan mengampuni kesalahan kita. Lalu, ia tersenyum dan mengatakan bahwa dia memaafkan saya. Tidak lama kemudian, teman-teman saya memaafkan saya. Saya sangat bersyukur kepada Tuhan Yesus karena melalui sakit yang saya dapat, Dia menyadarkan saya bahwa Dia mengasihi saya dan menghendaki saya untuk rendah hati di hadapan orang, dan terlebih lagi di hadapan-Nya.

Sumber Kesaksian: Yans


1. Mari kita berdoa untuk Yans supaya terus beroleh kerendahan hati dalam menjalin persahabatan.

2. Mari kita berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk pergumulan Yans dan kerinduannya untuk hidup rendah hati dan tidak dikuasai dengan kesombongan.

3. Mari kita juga berdoa untuk sahabat-sahabat kita. Kita doakan dan sebut nama mereka dalam Kristus dan biarkan Tuhan semakin mempererat tali persahabatan yang kita jalin.

"Siapa menutupi pelanggaran, mengejar kasih, tetapi siapa membangkit-bangkitkan perkara, menceraikan sahabat yang karib." (Amsal 17:9)


At one point, Gideon had rallied 32,000 men to fight with him against the Midianites. But God told him, in effect, ‘You have too many men for me to deliver the Midianites into their hands. Israel would only take the credit away from me, saying, “My own hand has delivered me.”’ So God pared them back to a mere 300 men, less than 1% of the original army! The reason Gideon succeeded was not because of who he was, but because of who was on his side.

If you feel that you do not have the right credentials to do what God has asked of you, you are probably right. But if God has called your name, he will be with you. He may even send an angel to give you a vision for who you really are: a mighty warrior determined to do God’s will, to take great risks, and to make the necessary sacrifices in his service.

Lord, you know how weak I really am. I ask you to make my weakness raw material for your grace. Your power is made perfect in weakness such as mine. Thank you that you choose the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Do great things in me, and then take your glory, Lord.”
- Ann Spangler, Into the Word

Jumat, 16 Januari 2015

Embrace Each Season

Embrace Each Season

Even as the clouds pass through the sky and at times hide the sun and bring forth rain, so am I taking you through different seasons in your life, says the Lord. If all you see right now is clouds and rain, don't be discouraged my child.

For as the rain falls, my purpose is also accomplished. The soil gets watered and prepared for the season ahead. I am even now preparing your heart for what lies ahead. So if you are facing challenges, don't be concerned for I am with you, says the Lord. If you see winds, just allow them to blow away the debris and all the dirt that has started to build up.

As you place your trust in me and embrace the season you are in right now, the new season will come in soon. A new beginning awaits you but first embrace what you are faced with right now for it is all for your greater good, says the Lord.

Walk in My Power

Walk in My Power

My child, sometimes you wonder how my strength is going to come upon you to enable you to do the things I have called you to do. It is quite simple actually. As you come to surrender yourself to me in faith, you are like a long distance runner who has been running for so long that their legs run automatically without them having to think, "Let me run!"
When my power and my strength is upon you and you are submitted to me, you will find yourself empowered to do things that you just normally wouldn't know how to do or wouldn't have the strength to do.
So place your trust in me my child. Allow my power to give you that extra bit of endurance. Allow me to direct you and to set you upon the path I have chosen for you so that you can run with abandonment. It is I who has called you and so I will also fulfill it. Simply put on your running shoes and get ready for the race. Step upon the path in front of you and start running, knowing that I am right by your side to give you what you don't have, says the Lord.

What on Earth Am I Here For?

What on Earth Am I Here For?

By Rick Warren

Purpose Driven LifeEveryone in your congregation wants to know if life really matters. Members, visitors, even your staff want to know, “What on earth an I here for?”
They’re asking three basic questions:
First, there’s the question of existence: Why am I alive? For thousands of years people have asked this question. Many people of the Bible did. Jeremiah asked this question, “Why was I born? Was it only to have trouble and sorrow? To end my life in disgrace?”
Second, there’s the question of significance. Is there some meaning and purpose to my life? Is all that I’m doing just a waste of time and energy? Is my life significant?
In Psalm 89, David asked, “I remember how short my life is [in other words, it’s not that long]. Why did You create us? For nothing?”
Job asked the question, “Why should I work so hard for nothing?” If there’s no meaning and purpose, why am I even doing this?
Solomon even questions the significance of pleasure. He says, “Laughing and having fun is crazy. What good does it do?” Is there any significance to what I do? Why keep going? Without meaning life is petty, trivial, and pointless.
Third, there’s the question of intention: “Is there a purpose for my life?” Isaiah said this: “My work all seems so useless! I have spent my strength for nothing and for no purpose at all.”
The British philosopher, Bertrand Russell, who described himself as an atheist, said, “Unless you assume a God the question of the purpose of life is meaningless.” In other words, if there is no God, there is no grand scheme or significance to anything. If there is no God, your birth was an accident. You simply represent a random chance. If there is no God, there is no right or wrong and no Heaven or Hell.
This is why it is so important that we teach our people that God made each one of them for a purpose. They need to know nothing matters more than knowing God’s purpose for their lives and nothing can compensate for not knowing it — not success, wealth, fame, or pleasure.
We need to teach that, without purpose, life is motion without meaning, activity without direction, and events without reason; yet, it’s never too late to discover our God-ordained purpose. They need to understand God makes everything with a purpose. Every plant has a purpose, every animal has a purpose, and if you are alive, that means God has a purpose for your life.
The Bible teaches that God had five purposes in making us. These five purposes are explained by Jesus in the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. They’re demonstrated by the early Church in Acts, chapter 2. They’re explained by Paul in Ephesians, chapter 4, and they’re prayed about by Jesus in John, chapter 17.
Number 1: Planned for God’s Pleasure
The first purpose of your life is this: You were planned for God’s pleasure. I think the two words that best describe the Christian life are “love affair.” God wants you to know him and love him. Everything else is secondary to that. He wants you to know him, and he wants you to love him.
There is a word for expressing love to God: WORSHIP. Worship is expressing your love to God. And worship is living a life pleasing to God.
You know, there is a big myth today in most of Christianity. Today the word “worship” in most people’s mind is a synonym for music. We say things like, “Well, I liked the message, but I really liked the worship.” As if the message wasn’t worship.
Worship is more than music. Worship is everything you do that brings pleasure to God. Your whole life is to be a life of worship.
Number 2: Formed for God’s Family
Just as worship brings God pleasure because he wants us to love him, fellowship with other believers brings God pleasure because we’re formed for God’s family.
One of the most misunderstood ideas about the Christian life is that it’s just a matter of believing. But God says, “No, you’re not just ‘believers’; you’re ‘belongers.’” You belong in the family of God.
Did you know that the words “one another” are used 58 times in the New Testament? Love one another, care for one another, pray for one another, exhort one another, encourage one another, greet one another, and on and on and on. God wants you to care for other people. That’s called fellowship. Enjoying God’s family is called fellowship, and that’s the second purpose for your life.
Number 3: Created to Be Like Christ
You were planned for God’s pleasure; that’s called worship. And you were formed for a family; that’s called fellowship. Here’s the third reason God made you: You were created to be like Christ. That’s called discipleship. God made you to transform you into a likeness of his son, Jesus Christ.
God is far more interested in what you are than in what you do. He’s far more interested in your being than in your doing. A lot of people ask, “What is God’s will for my life in my job or my career?” You know what? You could probably have a dozen different careers, and God would say “That’s fine.” God is more interested in your character, and I’ll tell you why: You’re not taking your career into eternity, but you are taking your character.
There is no problem you can’t grow from if you’ll learn the right response. You become like Jesus. This is God’s third purpose for your life. Becoming like Christ is called discipleship.
Number 4: Shaped for Service
The fourth purpose God created you for is this: You were shaped for service. God made you to serve him. You’re planned for God’s pleasure; that’s worship. You’re formed for a family; that’s fellowship. You’re created to be like Christ; that’s discipleship. And you’re shaped for service; that’s called ministry.
Every Christian is created to serve — called to ministry, created for ministry, saved for ministry, and gifted for ministry. The Bible makes it very clear that every Christian is a minister. Not every Christian is a pastor, but every Christian is a minister because to be Christ-like is to be a minister. You can’t be like Jesus Christ without serving others.
What is ministry? Ministry is any time your use the abilities God has given you to help someone else in Jesus’ name. The Bible teaches that God uniquely wired you in a certain way for a purpose. God gave you your abilities — not for your benefit but to bless other people.
Number 5: Made for a Mission
The fifth reason you were put on this Earth is that you were made for a mission.
Paul was extremely passionate about this particular purpose. He says in Acts 20:24, “The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus Christ gave me.” And what is that work? To tell people the good news about God’s grace. There’s a word for fulfilling my mission in the world — it’s called “evangelism.” That is the fifth purpose God has for your life.
My dad was a man on a mission. He was a pastor for 50 years but died a few years ago of cancer. The last week of his life he was delusional, and my wife and I were sitting beside him. He was very frail, and he’d lost all this weight from cancer. One night he became agitated and tried to get out of bed.
Kay said, “Jimmy, you can’t get out of bed. Lie back down; you’re very weak. You’re dying.” But he tried to get back out of bed, and my wife said again, “No. Please lie back down in the bed.” She forced him back down in the bed, and she said, “What is it you need?”
He said, “Gotta save one more for Jesus. Gotta save one more for Jesus. Gotta save one more for Jesus.” He said this over and over maybe 100 times. “Gotta save one more for Jesus.”
As I sat there by his bedside, I put my head down and prayed, tears coming down my cheeks. My dad reached up and put his hand on my head — like a blessing — and he said, “Save one more for Jesus. Save one more for Jesus.” I intend for that to be the theme of the rest of my life. And I invite you to make it the theme of your life.
You were made for a mission.
Now, I have shared from God’s Word what it means to live a life of purpose, a purpose-driven life.
What are you going to do about it?
The Bible says, “David served God’s purpose in his own generation.” I can’t think of a better epitaph. That’s what I want for my life — that when I die people will say, “He served God’s purpose in his generation.”
And that’s what I want people to say about you, that you served God’s purpose in your generation.

Kamis, 15 Januari 2015



Anda ingin mendorong perubahan yang sejati pada konseli Anda?

Konseli atau teman Anda mengatakan bahwa ia ingin berubah. Ia menceritakan, menceritakan, dan terus menceritakan tentang pergumulannya. Tindakan lanjut yang akan dilakukannya, katakanlah, membaca beberapa pasal Alkitab dan mencatat beberapa pengertian, masih sangat kurang.

Jadi, bagaimana seorang konselor Kristen seharusnya mendorong seorang konseli untuk melakukan perubahan?

Tahu versus Percaya

Titik awal untuk memulai adalah pastikan apakah ia percaya kepada Yesus sebagai Juru Selamat dan bertindak berdasarkan keyakinannya tersebut. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa ketika orang-orang mengetahui sesuatu, mereka tidak perlu hidup sesuai dengan pengetahuan mereka di sepanjang masa? Namun, ketika seseorang memegang teguh keyakinan yang saleh, keyakinan tersebut membimbing dan mengarahkan setiap bagian hidup mereka.

Kita semua mengenal seseorang yang menyatakan diri sebagai orang Kristen, tetapi bagaimana seorang pribadi hidup bisa saja membuat kita menggaruk-garuk kepala sambil bertanya-tanya apakah mereka benar-benar orang Kristen. Setiap orang dapat mengetahui tentang Injil, tetapi menyangkalinya dengan hidup yang tidak sesuai dengan Injil. Beberapa contoh adalah:

- Roma 1:21-22: "Sebab sekalipun mereka mengenal Allah, mereka tidak memuliakan Dia sebagai Allah atau mengucap syukur kepada-Nya. Sebaliknya pikiran mereka menjadi sia-sia dan hati mereka yang bodoh menjadi gelap. Mereka berbuat seolah-olah mereka penuh hikmat, tetapi mereka telah menjadi bodoh."

- 2 Timotius 3:1-5: "Ketahuilah bahwa pada hari-hari terakhir akan datang masa yang sukar. Manusia akan mencintai dirinya sendiri dan menjadi hamba uang. Mereka akan membual dan menyombongkan diri, mereka akan menjadi pemfitnah, mereka akan berontak terhadap orang tua dan tidak tahu berterima kasih, tidak mempedulikan agama, tidak tahu mengasihi, tidak mau berdamai, suka menjelekkan orang, tidak dapat mengekang diri, garang, tidak suka yang baik, suka mengkhianat, tidak berpikir panjang, berlagak tahu, lebih menuruti hawa nafsu dari pada menuruti Allah. Secara lahiriah mereka menjalankan ibadah mereka, tetapi pada hakekatnya mereka memungkiri kekuatannya. Jauhilah mereka itu!"

- Lukas 6:46: "Mengapa kamu berseru kepada-Ku: Tuhan, Tuhan, padahal kamu tidak melakukan apa yang Aku katakan?"

Sering kali, orang-orang yang disebut Kristen tidak yakin dengan kebutuhannya akan Juru Selamat.

Apakah konseli Anda melakukan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan Anda?

Apabila konseli tidak bekerja sama dengan Anda, berarti ia sedang berusaha melawan Anda.

Konseling menjadi sulit dan menjemukan. Konselor dapat menjadi bingung dan bertanya-tanya mengapa seseorang tidak menjadi lebih baik atau mengapa konseling tidak efektif. Terkadang ada kalanya Anda mengetahui sendiri bahwa Anda memberi konseling kepada seseorang yang berkembang selambat siput. Orang semacam ini terus-menerus memperlihatkan kebutuhan untuk berkonseling, tetapi menolong pribadi seperti ini seperti berusaha mencabut gigi. Oleh karena itu, ujilah apakah orang tersebut adalah orang Kristen dan berkomitmen untuk hidup bagi Kristus sesuai dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini.
- Apakah konseli memahami tujuan dan prosedur untuk berubah dengan jelas?
- Sudahkah Anda mengidentifikasi halangan-halangan yang menghalangi proses pengudusan?
- Apakah konseli lebih menginginkan untuk diubahkan menjadi segambar dengan Kristus?

Sukacita Konseli yang Percaya kepada Injil

Seorang konseli yang ingin berubah pasti memercayai Injil. Ia tahu bahwa ia perlu diselamatkan dan percaya bahwa Kristus dapat menyelamatkan dia. Ia tahu bahwa ia tidak dapat menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri dengan berusaha menjadi orang yang lebih bermoral sehingga Allah akan menerima dia. Ia tahu bahwa perbaikan diri tidak akan berdampak.

Hanya Yesus yang menghidupi kehidupan kudus yang sempurna. Hanya Dialah Pribadi yang dapat memberikan keselamatan. Dalam keadaan Allah sepenuhnya dan manusia sepenuhnya, Yesus menghadapi murka Allah ketika Ia dijadikan berdosa dan digantung di salib untuk menebus dosa-dosa kita, lalu Ia mati. Dengan mulia, setelah tiga hari di dalam kubur, Ia dibangkitkan dari antara orang mati dan 40 hari kemudian, naik ke surga.

Ya, seorang pengikut Yesus Kristus yang setia adalah orang yang tidak hanya mengerti Injil, tetapi memercayainya juga. Ia menjadi seperti Kristus karena percaya kepada Allah. Roh Kudus memampukannya hidup seturut dengan perintah-perintah dalam Alkitab dan mengalami sukacita yang sejati.

Konseli Anda -- Berkomitmen untuk Berubah!

Ingatlah betapa konseli Anda dahulu senang sekali menceritakan tentang pergumulannya, tetapi tidak membuat perkembangan nyata.

Sekarang, dengan berpusat pada Injil, ia begitu bersemangat memercayai janji-janji Allah bahwa Yesus dapat dan akan menolongnya untuk menghidupi hidup yang saleh, mengembangkan pola pikir dan perbuatan yang saleh, dan setiap hari menyadari betapa Yesus mengasihinya, dengan cara memberikan ucapan syukur dan pujian.

"Sebab itu jadilah penurut-penurut Allah, seperti anak-anak yang kekasih." (Efesus 5:1) (t/S. Setyawati)

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Judul asli artikel: Encouraging Real Change
Penulis artikel: Staf BCC
Tanggal akses: 21 Oktober 2014



Bacaan: Efesus 4:17-24
Nas: "... mengenakan manusia baru, yang telah diciptakan menurut kehendak Allah di dalam kebenaran dan kekudusan yang sesungguhnya." (Efesus 4:24)

Saat pindah rumah lima tahun yang lalu, kami mendapati bahwa ternyata sang pemilik yang lama telah meninggalkan enam kursi ruang makan bagi kami. Kursi tersebut dilapisi tenunan seni Afrika yang indah, yaitu belang zebra yang artistik. Kami menghargai hadiah yang tidak terduga tersebut. Dan, kami kerap menggunakan meja makan itu untuk menjamu tamu.

Ketika baru-baru ini kami pindah lagi, kami merasa bahwa kursi-kursi itu perlu didandani ulang agar sesuai dengan dekorasi kami yang baru. Kemudian, saya memanggil seorang tukang mebel dan bertanya, "Tidakkah sebaiknya kita cukup memasang material baru di atas kain yang sudah ada?" Ia menjawab, "Tidak, Anda akan merusak bentuk kursi tersebut jika Anda hanya memasang material baru di atas material yang lama."

Seperti itu juga pekerjaan Allah di dalam hidup kita. Dia tidak berminat semata-mata mengubah penampilan rohani kita. Sebaliknya, Dia bermaksud mengganti karakter kita dengan apa yang disebut manusia baru, yang diciptakan menurut rupa Kristus (Efesus 4:24). Daging memiliki kecenderungan untuk menampilkan kegiatan religius, tetapi itu bukan karya Roh Kudus. Dia akan sepenuhnya mengubah kita dari dalam.

Namun, proses tersebut merupakan sebuah kemitraan kerja (Filipi 2:12,13). Apabila kita setiap hari mengesampingkan perilaku kita yang lama dan setelah itu menggantinya dengan perilaku yang ilahi, Allah yang penuh kasih karunia akan bekerja di dalam kita melalui kuasa Roh Kudus.

Allah ingin memperbarui kita.

"Saat Anda Menerima Kristus, Karya Allah di Dalam Diri Anda Baru Saja Dimulai"

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Nama situs: Alkitab SABDA
Alamat URL: http://alkitab.sabda.org/illustration.php?id=1819
Penulis renungan: HDF
Tanggal akses: 5 November 2014


Apostle Colette Toach


Although the clouds look so dark my child, they cannot take away the sun. They might hide it so that you feel it would never shine again, but the sun has not moved. It continues to shine and exist even if you cannot see it. The same are of my promises today. Just because you cannot see the promises that I have made, it does not mean that they have left. They are like the sun! The clouds of circumstances might have hidden the promises from sight, but they cannot take them away!
For my word that has been spoken forth will most certainly accomplish that for which it was sent my child! It will not return void. So do not look at the clouds and think that I have let you down, but rather speak to them and tell them to leave. When you do this, the clouds will begin to clear and you will see the sun once again! You will see that I have not moved. My promises have not moved. In fact, even when the clouds were at their darkest, I was right there, behind the scenes, working on your behalf.
So press on forward today and know that I am right there working ahead of you and causing those promises to come to pass, says the Lord.

Be a Shining Light

Be a Shining Light

My child, the load I am calling you to carry and the things I want you to do for me, are not as heavy as you think. You look at it and you think because you are called, you must pick up this big, huge rock, and build muscles to carry it. No - my burden is easy and my yoke is light. If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you will ask for whatever you wish and it will be done for you.
My child, don't strive or try to accomplish all of this stuff for me. Sure, I am calling you to stand as a shining light in this world and to make a difference, but if you walk around burdened down with the weight you chose to pick up, you will not shine and won't make a difference.
So come to me afresh, my child, and let me show you the load and the responsibilities I do want you to carry. I love you and I appreciate your heart. I am always there for you, to lead and guide you and when at times things seem to get heavy, I am there to give you strength. I am your heavenly father, and I love you so very much.
Come to me afresh and let me remove all the blockages in your heart. Allow me to touch you deep in your heart and remove anything that might be standing in the way of you reflecting my power to this world, says the Lord.