Jumat, 02 Januari 2015

A Fresh Touch Each Day

A Fresh Touch Each Day

Even as the cool of the morning announces that a new day has come and that a new cycle has just started, so do I come to you every day anew my child. My grace, love, and passion for you are new every single day.

I make every day and I want to be there for you every single day. So come afresh now and rest assured that the troubles and stresses from yesterday are far removed. I think of them no more and I am ready to just fill you anew.

Learn to approach each day like that my child. Sure, there are challenges you will always face, but learn to appraoh each day as a new opportunity to learn from me and to grow in me. Because I don't dwell on yesterday and so don't dwell on yesterday either.

Set your face as a flint in my presence and allow me to wash over you with my love. As I wash over you and give you new direction and new grace, grab hold of it and run with all of your heart, says the Lord.

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