Senin, 05 Januari 2015

An Oasis Ahead

An Oasis Ahead

No matter how dry the wilderness might seem, just a drop of my water can bring fruit out of the dry ground. So do not look to the dryness and the lack you feel my child, but look for my living water instead. For I will lead you to an oasis where I will water you and give you the strength you need to continue on with your journey.

For I cannot promise that you will not face times of wilderness, but I can promise that I will always be there to lead you to your times of oasis, to strengthen your soul once again. For I am rich and have every answer that you are looking for. I have the living waters to feed you. All you need to do is run to me.

So come away then to this oasis and come and drink of my waters. Drink deeply and be strengthened for your journey once again. Then as you are refreshed, you will have the revelation and strength for the rest of your journey. For I have many blessings before you my child. I have good things in store. So press on forward! Be refreshed and move on to cover the land that is before you says the Lord. Amen.

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