Put Down Your Backpack!
My child, even though the road that you see ahead of you might not be the straightest and easiest road to walk upon, know that this is my road, that this is my way that I have prepared for you and chosen for you. As you trust in me and grab my hand I will lead you. You do not have to be afraid of any obstacles or challenges. All you have to do is to trust in me and I will lead you through it. I will lead you on and cheer you on to reach the top of this road. With me by your side you can conquer any giant and overcome any challenge.
If you embark on it by yourself and rely on the provisions you have brought with you in your little backpack, then this road will seem quite long. You cannot walk it by yourself. You cannot walk it in your own strength. You cannot overcome the obstacles just using the tools you have collected over time. Yes, they are useful and I have given them to you. But if you use them in your own power and as you choose, you will not succeed and the road ahead will seem like such a drain and it will seem never ending to you. In fact, you will feel as though you are walking in circles and are facing the same things over and over again.
So give up that little backpack. Give it to me. Let me give you the right tool at the right time. Let me lead you and guide you. Let me be the one who decides for you when you need to push past a hill and when you should take a rest. I so desire to really bless you and lead you and be there for you. Just drop all your own ideas and throw away the things you think you know that would help you on this road. Surrender to my plan my child and open your heart widely to me so you can receive from me every step of the way. I love you dearly and I want you to succeed. So let go of your ways and embrace mine, and together we will conquer every obstacle, says the Lord.
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