Rest From The Marathon
You have been running a long race my child and you have come to the point where you have forgotten why it is that you started the race. You started out with great hope and expectation, but then the pressures of life came and what was a joy, turned into something that has begun to drain and discourage you.
My child is it not I that have set the track? And am I not the one that set you on this road? Then you must see that just as I put the road before you, that I am the one that will take you to the finish line.
For you started in my grace and then took things into your own hands. You began to push through and the enemy has used this to discourage you. Turn back to me now and let me take you the rest of the way. I do not need you to strive for me. I only need you to rest in me and to give me the place of honor in your life.
For this is not meant to be a hard race. This is not meant to be a difficult journey. This is meant to be a season of joy and rest for you. I desire for you to accomplish and to enjoy the fruits of your labor. However the enemy has come and stolen this joy away from you. He has stolen the fruits and instead of peace and rest, you are left with striving instead.
This pushing is not of me child, but it is intended to take away the things that are precious to you. So come to me and rest a while. Remember again that those that labor without me, labor in vain. That unless I build or unless I set the road, you run the race in vain. So wait with me for a little season. Come and sit with me and receive. Let the cares go and the struggles go.
Let the striving go and let go of trying to do everything in your own flesh. As you rest in me and settle in the palm of my hand, you will see why it is you were put on this road again. Your joy will be returned and then you will be ready to run again with new strength.
For this season though, rest a while. Let me remind you of why you are precious to me. Let me remind you of the good things that I have for you. Then you will have the strength you need for the rest of your journey says the Lord.