Minggu, 13 Desember 2015

Come Into My Presence

Come Into My Presence

Just as a mother rocks her child on her chest and the child is content, so my presence can put you at peace. Come to Me and let Me fill you up. My peace I will give to you afresh. In the world, there are many demands that you must fulfil, but in my arms, you can find the refuge that you need.
I will give you the assurance of love, and the confidence to face every task, head on. So lay down your burdens a while, and power up in Me. When you fill up with my power and my joy, you will have everything you need to run full steam ahead. I am here with my arms wide open, ready to pour out my love over you, child.
In my presence is the fullness of joy. There are contentment and good gifts that await you, so come away with me and let me pour my love over you. Amen.

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