Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

My Peace is Key

My Peace is Key

No matter what you do today, and what you are faced with, be sure to stand in the power of my peace, says the Lord. My peace indeed transcends all understanding, and guards your heart and your mind.
The enemy can try to do many things. He can try to push you beyond what I intend for you, and he can try to make a problem appear so big. However, remember to stand in my peace. If you don't have that peace, then wait until you do.
My love is patient, my love is kind. My love doesn't impose. My child, I don't impose my will upon you. I give my will to you, and want you to submit to it out of love. I am not a butcher that drives you to the slaughter. No, I am a shepherd. I go ahead of you and I lead you to gentle streams and still waters. I allow you to lay down on green pastures, and I give you all that you need.
So rest in my presence today, says the Lord. Feel that peace course through your veins, giving you the strength you need to take the next step ahead. I love you deeply and delight in you, says the Lord.

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