Minggu, 27 Desember 2015

Take a Moment to Rest

Take a Moment to Rest

Take a moment today to stop my child. Listen to the quiet. Rest in my peace. You are running so fast that you do not realize how exhausted you are. You are rushing forward so much on the road I have placed before you that you miss out on all the little surprises that I placed before you along this journey.Ê
There is a time to run, and there is a time to rest. Today is the time to quiet your spirit, to quiet your soul, and to rest your body. Come to rest in Me and let Me fill you will everything that you need so that you can be refreshed again.Ê
Let Me show you the small things that you missed while you were running this race. Let Me show you the seemingly insignificant things that I wanted to bless you with to make this journey something very special.Ê
Come and sit with Me and take this time to rest and be quiet. Then you will see so much clearer again. What you haven't seen before, you will suddenly see. Where the way looked foggy, it will clear up, and you will understand and see afresh what I have planned for you all along.Ê

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