Minggu, 13 Desember 2015

You Are a Gift

You Are a Gift

I have called you to be a gift to my people, says the Lord. I want to pour you out and use you to reflect my glory. You are important to Me, and what I am asking and calling you to do, is key to the move I am bringing about in my Church, says the Lord.
So, run to Me afresh my child, and let Me conform you into my image. Let Me remove all the dust and the dirt you have accumulated as you have walked this road. Let me fill you afresh, and give you all that you need to run this race.
As you come to me, I will fill you with the love that you need. I will give you the faith that you lack, and I will empower you with the focus of hope. Then, you will be equipped anew to go and to show others the way into my presence.
I love you my child. Come and let Me polish you. Come and let Me fill you with everything you lack, and then, let Me take you and present you as the gift I have called you to be, says the Lord.

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